The skin of children is very sensitive to any changes, which is why it often acts as a kind of indicator of all existing health problems. Most often, the back is the place of localization of various rashes, however, red spots on the abdomen can also be observed in the child. If such symptoms appear, then it is imperative to consult with a specialist. Perhaps red spots on the abdomen in a child are a sign of a serious illness and require immediate treatment.
Common causes
Such a rash can be triggered by various factors. Some of them are harmless, while others can pose a significant threat to the health of the baby. The appearance of such a rash should alert parents. Without a diagnosis, it is not recommended to begin self-medication. The most common causes of red spots on the abdomen in a child are as follows:
- Chickenpox.
- Allergic reaction.
- The manifestation of rubella.
- Manifestation of sweating.
It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in more detail with each cause individually.
Allergic reaction
An allergic reaction in a child can manifest itself in the form of urticaria and diathesis. If allergic red spots on the skin of a child itch, a photo of which is presented below, then the following factors may be the reasons for the appearance of such a reaction:
- Antibodies got into the baby's body during breastfeeding.
- Dysbacteriosis
- Short breastfeeding.
- Weakened immune system.
The most common allergen in this case is cow's milk. The fact is that the reaction to this product is formed in the baby in the first year of his life during the transition to artificial feeding. Seafood and fish take the second place among allergen products. However, with age, the intolerance of fish protein in a baby does not disappear. Many allergens in themselves contain the following foods:
- Fish.
- Milk.
- Nuts.
- The eggs.
- Chocolate.
- Citrus.
- Honey.
- Coffee.
- Strawberry.
An allergic reaction is also able to provoke various preservatives, food additives, dyes and emulsifiers.
There is also the so-called drug allergy, which develops due to the long-term use of any medications or because of their overdose. If the red spots that have arisen for this reason are scratched in the child, the treatment of skin allergies, the photo of which is presented in this article, should be the exclusion of this drug from use. In most cases, an allergic reaction is caused by penicillin-type antibiotics. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that drug allergy does not pass over time. If, due to taking medications, an allergy occurs on the abdomen in a child, a photo of red spots with the description of which is presented in this article, then such a reaction persists in the baby for life. Currently, there are special diagnostic methods that can determine the intolerance of certain drugs.
In addition, irritants can also have a chemical nature of origin. Various compounds of heavy metals can sometimes be found in clothes and household chemicals. A small red rash on the child’s body manifests itself in areas of contact with an external stimulus. In addition, red dots can also be localized throughout the body, accompanied by itching.
Allergy Control
But how to cure allergies and red spots on the abdomen of a child, a photo with a description of which is presented in this article? First of all, first you need to identify the main allergen. At the first stage of therapy, all allergenic products are also excluded from the diet. The specialist prescribes antihistamine medications, as well as ointments for external use. With the advanced form of allergic dermatitis, this ailment can form in a disease such as eczema.
If red spots appear on the abdomen of a child, what could it be? Answering this question, you should pay attention to such an infectious disease as chicken pox. During this ailment, a characteristic rash forms on the baby’s body, presented in the form of reddish vesicles. Initially, such a rash forms on the scalp, after which it spreads completely throughout the body. In this case, only the soles and palms remain intact. In the first stage of the disease, an acute form is observed. The child's body temperature rises to 39 degrees. Chickenpox can be observed in mild, moderate, as well as severe form.
A mild form of the disease is characterized by a small rash and low-grade fever. In the average form, chickenpox is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, headache, as well as nausea and vomiting. Rashes on the skin are abundant and last for almost 1 week. The severe form of chickenpox is characterized by a high body temperature, which reaches 39 degrees or more. In parallel with this, severe headaches are felt, vomiting appears, as well as loss of appetite. Such a rash persists on the child’s body for 9 days.
Treatment involves compliance with bed rest. The vesicles are treated with an alcohol solution or brilliant green.
Prickly heat
Red spots appeared on the abdomen in a child. What else could it be? You should also familiarize yourself with a disease such as prickly heat. This ailment is an irritation of the skin that occurs due to a violation of thermoregulation. The skin of young children, as a rule, is distinguished by its vulnerability. and subtlety. In this case, the ducts in the sweat glands will form before the age of six, therefore, sweating in babies is difficult.
Elimination of the disease
If there are red spots on the abdomen of a child, the photos of which are presented in this article, due to prickly heat, do not worry too much. For treatment, experts recommend taking baths based on medicinal herbs. The most effective are decoctions of the string and chamomile. Rashes during treatment should also be sprinkled with baby powder or talcum powder. To avoid the occurrence of sweating, it is recommended not to overheat the baby. Indoor temperature should be no more than 22 degrees. At the same time, a child should bathe at least once a day, and also change diapers as often as possible.
If red spots on the abdomen of a child itch, then this may be a sign of rubella. This viral disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period of the pathology lasts for 16 to 18 days. After this, an increase in the posterior cervical and occipital lymph nodes is noted. The rash is presented in the form of red-pink spots that are localized on the skin at the end of the incubation period. Rashes can occur in all areas of the skin, and last for 3 days. The body temperature of the baby is not more than 37.5 degrees.
Anti-inflammatory drugs for children, for example, Nurofen, No-Shpa, Paracetamol, are used to treat rubella. To make up for the deficiency of vitamins, you need to drink Ascorutin. In parallel, immunomodulators are used, for example, "Viferon" or "Interferon".
Other causes of a baby rash
Above, the most common causes of the appearance of red spots on the abdomen of a child with a photo and description were described. However, there are other diseases that can provoke a similar reaction of the child's body. These diseases include the following:
- Scarlet fever.
- Molluscum contagiosum.
- Roseola is children's.
- Pink lichen.
Molluscum contagiosum
This infectious disease affects children from 1 year to 10 years old. As a rule, infection with molluscum contagiosum occurs in public baths, pools, as well as on beaches. The main symptom is nodules on the body of a bright pink hue, having a semicircular shape and a small depression in the center. Quite often, this disease is confused with measles or chickenpox.
How to get rid
Molluscum contagiosum in most cases occurs due to reduced immunity. Therefore, treatment consists in increasing the protective forces of the child's body. To prevent infection of healthy areas of the skin, it is recommended to use Acyclovir ointment, Viferon cream or oxolin ointment.
Scarlet fever
This infectious disease is caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Since newborn babies have innate immunity to this pathogen, children whose age is from 2 to 10 years are affected. Symptoms of scarlet fever resemble signs of a sore throat. However, in parallel with this, a small point rash forms on the body. The disease spreads by airborne droplets. During the incubation period, which lasts from 2 to 10 days, the baby's body temperature rises sharply, and headaches intensify. General intoxication and malaise are often accompanied by vomiting. A rash of bright red color covers the main part of the whole body, and red stripes appear in the folds of the skin. On the skin, the rash persists for 4 days, after which it changes in color, peels off, and then gradually disappears.
Antibiotics are used for treatment. To eliminate itching, experts prescribe antihistamines, as well as creams that contain corticosteroids.
Roseola children's
Infant roseola is an infection that affects children younger than 2 years old. Symptoms of this disease are similar to the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, rubella, and also allergies, which makes diagnosis difficult. The main causative agent of childhood roseola is considered herpes of type 7 and 6. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Most often, the disease appears in the autumn and spring.
The main symptoms of roseola infant are high body temperature, which reaches 40 degrees and lasts for several days. In this case, the baby’s neck cervical lymph nodes may increase in size, general weakness may be observed, and appetite may decrease. On the 4th day after infection, as a rule, the temperature drops, and pink spots form on the skin.
As for the treatment of roseola infant, special methods do not exist. Everything disappears on its own, leaving no trace. A sick child is recommended to give an antipyretic and drink plenty of water.
Pink lichen
The causes of this disease have not yet been studied. Quite often, this disease develops after an infectious disease or due to hypothermia of the body. Initially, the so-called maternal plaque of pink or red color forms on the skin. After 2 days, the resulting stain begins to peel off a bit, after which the rash spreads to other parts of the body. In this case, newly formed plaques are smaller in size than the main one. Pink lichen is localized on the stomach, shoulders, and sometimes it can also appear on the scalp.
Disease treatment
To confirm the diagnosis, a specialist takes a scraping for analysis. The treatment of this pathology is to eliminate itching, as well as strengthening the immune system. The disease lasts for 2-3 weeks, and after the rash disappears, age spots remain on the body, but they disappear with time, leaving no traces.
Most of the reviews of parents about the appearance of red spots on the abdomen of a child, photos with explanations of which are presented in this article, indicate that they do not pose a particular threat to the children's body. Most often, such rashes are a manifestation of an allergic reaction to the use of certain foods. As a rule, after the prescribed treatment, the rash of the skin disappears, leaving no trace.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that with the appearance of red spots on the abdomen in a baby, it is necessary to contact a medical institution for diagnosis. So it will be possible to avoid possible unpleasant consequences, as well as improper treatment at home.