A few ways to make ice cream sundae at home

Ice cream is popular with both children and adults. Even on winter days, sometimes you want to try a delicious treat, and you can serve a whole cake from this wonderful product to the festive table. But the composition, which is not encouraging by the presence of stabilizers and flavor enhancers, makes you wonder whether to try to make ice cream at home. Ice cream , fruit ice or cream creme brulee - options are limited only by the imagination of the chef who got down to business. If you plan to cook a cold dessert often, you can even think about buying a special device for its preparation. But if the idea for how to make ice cream sundae at home came to your mind for the first time, try to do without special devices. So what do we need?

How to make ice cream sundae at home?

How to make ice cream sundae ?

To taste, a self-made dessert will not yield products from the store, but its composition will be much more useful than the industrial one. Before making ice cream sundae at home, stock up on the following products: a liter of milk, 100 g of butter, 2 cups of sugar, a teaspoon of starch, 5 yolks. Heat the milk, not allowing to boil. Add oil and boil. In a separate bowl, carefully beat the yolk and sugar with starch, rub and pour a little milk. Shuffle. Pour the mixture into the remaining milk. Wait for boiling and turn off the heat. Place the container to cool in cool water. Stir until the future ice cream ceases to be hot. Pour into molds and freeze, stirring the product every forty minutes. Now you know how to make ice cream sundae at home. If you prefer the taste of condensed milk to regular, add it to the mixture of yolks and sugar. Such ice cream is especially popular with sweet tooth children.

Ice cream at home, ice cream

Another way to make ice cream sundae at home

No less delicious is the chocolate version of the dessert. You will need 3 yolks, 15 g of powdered sugar, 2 tiles of dark chocolate, 300 g of milk, 150 g of cream. Mix the yolks with powder, pour in the warmed, but not boiling milk. Stir constantly. Strain the resulting mixture and bring over low heat until thickened. Let cool and add cream and chocolate, melted in a way convenient for you. Stir again and pour into the molds. For a uniform dessert texture, stir it periodically throughout the entire freezing process.

How to make ice cream sundae

The easiest way to make ice cream sundae at home

For this creamy goodies you will need 4 yolks of chicken eggs, 150 g of granulated sugar, 200 g of cream, 500 g of milk. Rub the yolks with sugar thoroughly - the mixture should turn out to be white. Pour in milk and mix. Whip the cream separately and add to the mixture. To prevent the ice cream from having a rich egg flavor, add vanilla or vanilla sugar to it. The resulting mixture should be poured into ice cream molds and refrigerated to freeze. Do not forget to mix the dessert from time to time for the best result.

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