There is an opinion that sports cinema is not really a separate genre. Sport in these projects acts as an environment where the authors place their heroes, against the background of which their characters and relationships with other characters develop. Among the many sports pictures, films about arm wrestling are, unfortunately, a rarity.
First swallow
The list of films about arm wrestling opens with PK & Kid ("PK and the Kid"). This dramatic project was shot by Lou Lombardo in 1983, but the tape was released 4 years later. At the center of the story is a young PK girl who runs away from home unable to endure the sexual harassment of her stepfather. The girl’s mother ignored the situation, and one day the heroine is hiding in the cargo compartment of Kid Kane’s pickup truck heading for the arm wrestling championship. When a man discovers a fellow traveler, he is about to send her home. After learning about the reasons for her act, decides to shelter the fugitive. In this, he adds to his problems, because in step in pursuit of the girl the stepfather goes, driven by a thirst for revenge. The tape turned out to be very weak (IMDb: 5.40), but the idea was picked up by the outstanding filmmaker Sylvester Stallone. With his light hand, films about arm wrestling soon became more.
Over the top
At present, among the feature films about arm wrestling the leader is the film “With all his might”, which, according to the authoritative opinion of critics, catches not so much a sports component as the development of relations between the hero Stallone and his son.
The actor plays the role of the trucker Lincoln Hawke, nicknamed Hawk, heading to Las Vegas to take part in the world arm wrestling championship. His ex-wife dies from an incurable heart disease, so Hawk intends to take his son from his father-in-law, whom he abandoned 10 years ago. Naturally, the boy perceives his father with hostility, but after he gets closer to Lincoln, he helps to win the championship.
This film about arm wrestling with Stallone has an interesting creation story. Warner Bros. Company Pictures really organized an international arm wrestling tournament. The Volvo truck was the main prize. The car worth 100 thousand dollars received the real winner of the competition John Brzenk.
Films with the most exciting arm wrestling fights
If there are quite a few films about arm wrestling, then there are more than enough paintings in which there are episodes showing the fights of heroes. Among the most memorable project is "Armwrestling in the village" Solitude ". At the center of the story is a young Heidi Andersson living in the village of Solitude, whose population is 16 people. The four-time world champion in arm wrestling, being in solitude for a long time, finds himself.
The creators of the Twilight Saga did not ignore this sport. The episode in which the character of Kellan Luts is measured with the heroine Kristen Stewart turned out to be funny and intriguing.
In the film "Rocky 3" the main character, whose role is played by Stallone, competes with Terry Bolea, aka Hogan. After the actors meet again in the above action movie "With all my might."
But the most unpredictable is deservedly considered the episode from the bitter, witty political satire "Death of Stalin" directed by Armando Iannucci. There, Stalin fights in his arms with Mao Zedong.