The drug "Arfazetin": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Hypoglycemic agents are drugs that lower blood glucose and are used to treat diabetes. Only an experienced doctor should prescribe such medications. Otherwise, the patient's condition can significantly worsen.

arfazetin instructions for use

One of the most effective and popular anti-diabetes drugs is Arfazetin E. Instructions for use, reviews, the price of the medicine will be described below.

Packaging, composition, description and form

The drug "Arfazetin", the instructions for use of which are contained in a cardboard package, goes on sale in the form of a dry herbal collection. It is also available in special filter bags for single use.

The medication in question includes the following components:

  • blueberry shoots;
  • bean fruit sash;
  • St. John's wort grass;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • Aralia root of Manchurian;
  • chamomile flowers ;
  • horsetail grass.

What is the difference between Arfazetin E and Arfazetin? Instructions for use states that the composition of the first is the same as described above. However, instead of the root of the Manchu aralia , the roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus are present in it.

Pharmacodynamics of herbal collection

Why is Arfazetin remarkable? Instructions for use, reviews report that this medication reduces the level of glucose in the blood, and also stimulates the glycogen-forming work of the liver.

arfazetin method of administration and dose

As you know, in the presence of diabetes, carbohydrate tolerance in a sick person is reduced. This is due to the fact that secreted insulin decreases and blood glucose levels increase. The agent in question is capable of increasing carbohydrate tolerance.

The effectiveness of this drug is determined by triterpene glycosides, flavonoids, anthocyanin glycoside, carotenoids, silicic acid, saponins and organic acids found in plant materials, namely blueberries, rose hips, bean leaves, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and horsetail.

All of these substances have a hypoglycemic effect. In some cases, taking the finished infusion helps to reduce the daily dose of oral hypoglycemic agents.

As a rule, this effect is manifested in type 2 diabetes mellitus . As for the disease of the first type, in this case the drug does not have a significant hypoglycemic effect.

It should be noted that the bioflavonoid complex "Arfazetina" also has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing properties.


When should I use Arfazetin E? The instruction for use claims that the medication in question is highly effective only for type 2 diabetes. It can be prescribed both independently and in combination with insulin and urea sulfonyl.

arfazetin e instructions for use reviews price


What diseases prohibit the use of Arfazetin herbal infusion? Instructions for use indicate the following contraindications:

  • nephritis;
  • insomnia;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • pregnancy;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased irritability;
  • breastfeeding;
  • age up to 12 years.

The drug "Arfazetin": method of administration and dose

The infusion of herbal collection should be taken orally. To do this, one large spoon of the drug is poured into 400 ml of boiling water, and then put in a water bath. After ΒΌ hours, the medication is removed from the stove and insisted under a tight-fitting lid for 45 minutes.

Over time, the raw materials are filtered and squeezed. In this case, the infusion is adjusted to a volume of 400 ml by adding boiled water.

arfazetin e instructions for use

Before using the drug, it must be shaken.

What dosage is prescribed Arfazetin? Instructions for use states that the finished infusion should be drunk half an hour before meals in the amount of 1/2 cup twice a day for one month. The course of such therapy is repeated after two weeks.

How is Arfazetin used in sachets? Instructions for use informs that this form of the drug should be prepared somewhat differently. Two filter bags pour about 200 ml of boiling water, and then insist for ΒΌ hour.

For better extraction, the drug is periodically pressed with a spoon, and then squeezed strongly. Take the finished infusion should be 1/2 cup three times a day before meals (half an hour).

According to the instructions, the brewed herb-based preparation can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

It is highly recommended not to take the infusion after three in the afternoon. This is due to the fact that it can have a tonic effect and disturb sleep.

Side effects

Reception of infusion of herbal gathering very rarely causes side effects. Sometimes this drug contributes to the appearance of heartburn, sleep disturbance, allergic reactions and increased blood pressure.

Cases of overdose and interaction with other medicines

Cases of overdose with this drug are not known. However, this does not mean that the herbal collection can be used in unlimited quantities. Take this infusion should only be recommended by a doctor.

arfazetin sachets for use

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, this remedy may require a reduction in the dosage of sugar-lowering drugs.

Shelf life, conditions of dispensing and storage of the medicine

Arfazetin is dispensed without a doctor’s prescription. It is desirable to keep it in a dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. The shelf life of this collection is two years.

Drug price

The price of a hypoglycemic agent based on herbal ingredients is not very high. On average, its cost is 60-80 rubles.


Patients who regularly take the drug "Arfazetin" leave mostly positive reviews about it. Moreover, the effectiveness of this tool has been proven in laboratory studies.

Many consumers report that this medication significantly improves their overall well-being within a few days after the start of therapy. In this case, the patient has normalized blood sugar.

It should also be noted that negative messages can be found about this tool. Some patients claim that herbal collection contributes to adverse reactions. The most common of them include: increased blood pressure (in people prone to hypertension), as well as heartburn (in the presence of gastritis or reflux gastroesophageal disease).

arfazetin instructions for use reviews

It is impossible not to say that this drug is quite accessible to everyone, since it has a relatively low cost and is available in almost all pharmacies.

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