Why do you want sour? What is missing in the body? How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home?

The article will understand why you want sour.

A constant desire to eat something sour can indicate a number of defects in the normal functioning of the human body. When, in addition to the sour taste, you still want certain foods, the body speaks of obvious health problems.

So why do you want sour?

taste preferences

What does the body signal when you want sour?

Research should begin with what is on the surface.

  • Diet. Perhaps the person was too keen on the principles of healthy eating. You need to use berry sour sauces, add food, eat vegetables pickled in a natural way, in reasonable quantities. In this case, the figure will not be spoiled, and the taste buds will be in order. Why do you want sour, they ask often.
  • The onset of SARS or ARI. The body in this case has to use all the reserves and take vitamin C from everything that it comes across. He needs ascorbic acid to produce interferon, a natural antiviral agent. When attacking the influenza virus and adenoviruses, ascorbic acid is needed in large quantities, and a person wants sour. It is not without reason that specialists prescribe vitamin C for colds as a component of complex therapy.
  • Avitaminosis. If you want sour, what is missing in the body? To establish which of the biologically active substances is insufficient is rather difficult. This is most often a complex problem. However, if you want to eat something acidic, this indicates a deficiency of vitamin C and magnesium. The lack of ascorbic acid has the following manifestations: decreased performance and fatigue; tendency to colds; pale skin; sleep disturbances; bleeding and vascular fragility; headache; joint and muscle pain. Magnesium deficiency affects all body systems. Symptoms of violation: fatigue and fatigue even after rest; hair loss and poor quality skin, nail plates; nightmares, headaches, irritability; cramps, neuropathies, tics; heartaches. All these symptoms often occur precisely with a deficiency of vitamin C and magnesium.
    vitamin C deficiency
  • Pregnancy. In the body, while waiting for the baby, hormones begin to be produced, which are characteristic only for this period of life. Toxicosis appears, as a result of which taste preferences can change. One woman wants salted, the other wants sweet, the third wants sauerkraut.
  • Excessive digestible foods. The body at the same time seeks to increase the acidity of the juice of the stomach in order to cope with food digestion. Why else do you want sour?
  • Gastritis with reduced acidity is a gastric inflammation process. The body can give out a reaction in the form of a desire to eat sour.
  • Pathology of the liver and bile ducts.

In all these cases, you want sour. The reasons should be determined by the doctor.

I want not only sour. Desire for certain products

If there is not enough calcium, a person needs to pay attention to dairy products. In some cases, you want not just something sour, but a specific product with such a taste. The body tries to report in such cases:

  • Sour fruits and berries (cranberries, currants, lemon) - the body really needs ascorbic acid and potassium. Decreased immune system.
  • Sour-milk products - tan, ayran, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir, etc. - calcium deficiency, the likelihood of developing osteoporosis increases. Among other things, with such taste preferences, a lack of lysine, tryptophan and leucine amino acids is likely. Such compounds are indispensable, the body can get them only with products of animal origin. That is why you have to abandon vegetarianism. Sour-milk products - addiction to yogurt and kefir can indicate a violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in the content of beneficial bacteria, as well as the multiplication of conditionally pathogenic flora. Any remedy containing probiotics should be taken.
    want sour what is missing in the body

What to do

If a person has a strong desire to eat something - salty, sweet, sour - this is a suspicious symptom. Therefore, it is recommended to be examined by a doctor. You can do the following yourself: start monitoring your own diet. It is necessary to increase the amount of food containing protein, if the person is a vegetarian: to reduce the lack of trace elements, it is recommended to take the vitamin complex - any available remedy. Introduce nuts, seeds, and fruits in reasonable amounts. A sufficient amount of magnesium is found in green beans and legumes. Calcium deficiency can be compensated either with vitamins with this microelement, or kefir, cottage cheese and other dairy products.

lemon benefits and harm to the body

If useful microflora is not enough, you need to take probiotics, however, only according to the results of a study on dysbiosis. Maybe first you need a course of drugs that inhibit the opportunistic flora, after which the gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by beneficial bacteria.

You should visit a gynecologist or do a test to determine pregnancy. Especially with delayed menstruation. Maybe pregnancy has come.

If a person treats a cold at home, you need to drink medications prescribed by your doctor, vitamin C, use cranberries and lemons.

Examine the bile ducts and liver. To do this, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and do an ultrasound.

How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home? Let's see below.

Acidity determination

It is desirable to determine and diagnose a specific degree of acidity in a medical institution. Thanks to modern research methods, fairly accurate results can be obtained. However, it is possible to determine whether acidity is increased or decreased, and at home.

want sour reasons

Is it possible to pre-establish what is the tendency of acidity (decrease or increase) without leaving home? For this purpose, there is no need to purchase expensive reagents, take tests and swallow the probe. At first, you can just take a closer look at your body and pay attention to those symptoms that did not exist before. Indeed, when the acidity fluctuates in the direction of decrease or increase, this cannot but affect the state of the body, certain changes are observed.

How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home?

A decrease in acid content causes disturbances in the natural intestinal microflora. Excellent conditions are created for the propagation of pathogenic bacteria. The increased acidity negatively affects the condition of the gastric walls. An ulcer or gastritis may develop. You can identify stomach problems by characteristic signs. With high acidity, there is pain in the esophagus, heartburn, belching with acid, the tongue becomes covered with a white coating, and the general condition worsens. Reduced acidity is characterized by bad breath, bloating, diarrhea, loss of strength, impaired appetite and immunity. There are several simple methods for diagnosing a problem.

Litmus paper

The easiest way is with litmus paper. You can attach it an hour before dinner to the tongue. When the indicator is colored pink, we can talk about a high content of hydrochloric acid. Blue color indicates low gastric acidity. For maximum accuracy, you need to check several times and analyze the results.


Dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of clean, warm water. Drink the resulting liquid on an empty stomach. When belching is noted after some time, we can talk about increased acidity.

why with high acidity you want sour

People often ask why with high acidity you want sour. But it is not so. Rather, the opposite.


If the lemon flavor always seems unacceptably acidic, then the stomach is experiencing an excess of hydrochloric acid. When this fruit is eaten with a special appetite, acidity is most likely reduced.

In the morning you need to take a glass of natural juice on an empty stomach, which is squeezed from apples of sour varieties. With the appearance of pain and burning in the esophagus, we can talk about high gastric acidity.

The high content of hydrochloric acid is indicated by heartburn that occurs after a portion of porridge from millet.

Consider the benefits and harms of lemon for the body.

The benefits of lemon

So, what are the beneficial properties of a lemon? They are in almost everything: from citrus peel, that is, peel, to juice, which contains a lot of active, biologically useful substances:

  • Lemon increases the effectiveness of the treatment of colds.
  • It has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and anti-pyogenic effect on the primary stages of angina.
  • Lemon contains a lot of potassium and iron.
  • Eliminates digestive disorders.
  • Lemon is a powerful antioxidant.
  • It has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin.
  • It has an analgesic effect.
  • It relieves seizures.
  • The fruit has a strong antiseptic effect.
  • Calcium, which is part of citrus, helps strengthen teeth, nails and bones.
  • The activity of the nervous system improves.
  • Lemon is known for its cleansing and anti-toxic properties.
  • Potassium, which is found in lemon, helps maintain the normal functioning of the brain.
  • Citric acid reduces the acidity of the juice of the stomach and dissolves kidney stones, removing them with toxins and toxic substances.
  • Vitamin A enables the use of lemon to support vision.

Useful characteristics of the fruit are also manifested in the prevention and reduction of symptoms: arthrosis; rheumatism; worms; cholera; hypotension; gout diabetes mellitus; tuberculosis malaria rickets.

We continue to consider the benefits and harms of lemon for the body.

Lemon Harm

Like other citrus fruits, lemon has several contraindications for use:

I want to sour why
  • It damages tooth enamel.
  • Citric acid irritates the intestinal and stomach mucous membranes.
  • Irritating wounds, worsens severe inflammation.
  • It is forbidden to use in patients with pancreatitis.
  • Overeating this fruit helps increase blood pressure.
  • May cause allergic reactions.
  • Lemon is also contraindicated until the age of three, for lactating and pregnant women.

The benefits of lemon are thus significant, and when consumed in reasonable amounts, they will have a positive effect on the body. Harm is manifested most often with overeating.

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