Chocolate with salt: manufacturers and recipes

What is chocolate with salt? How to make it? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. White, bitter, green, dark milk, in powder, white, hot ... It would seem that in some form it is already impossible to imagine chocolate. Nevertheless, in pursuit of the original tastes of this ancient dainty, the chocolatiers do not stop there. And now on the shelves of shops you can find chocolate with salt. If you search well, of course. Consider this unusual dessert below.

Sweet and salty combination

Due to its extraordinary taste, salty chocolate is not as common as sweet usual drinks. Many confectioners consider the sweet-salty combination to be quite natural. If we take into account their conclusions, the salt in chocolate only emphasizes its sweetness.

Chocolate with sea salt

The release of such provisions is established in many countries. In its composition, it differs from simple chocolate only in the presence of an extraordinary component - sea salt.

American manufacturer

American chocolate with salt

It is known that the marine American company Salazon Chocolate Co makes chocolate with salt in small batches, since such an outlandish product is created for its real consumer. Not everyone takes it for granted. It exists in several versions, the piquancy of the taste of the products of this manufacturer is in whole grains of salt:

  • dark with ground black pepper;
  • dark;
  • dark with sugarcane.

Ingredients of organic and natural origin are the main distinguishing features of chocolate with salt of this brand. On its labels, the company displayed the process of extracting sea salt.

Belgian production

Belgian chocolate with salt

Many salty lovers like Belgian chocolate called Almonds & Sea Salt in Dark Chocolate. This is a variation of dark chocolate that contains 55% cocoa. In addition to sea salt, it contains fried almonds.

Do you prefer traditional cocoa beans? Conservative in their taste preferences? You will probably enjoy this eccentric dark chocolate with salt and nuts.

What other combinations are there?

Chocolate and salt - a combination that is difficult to get used to, taste. But the statement is true that, having tasted the once considered product, many cannot forget its wonderful taste.

Chocolatier confectioners claim that chocolate fondue with fruit is made using sea salt. Salt is not only part of the chocolate mass - the fruits themselves and the chocolate are placed on the salt block.

Belgian chocolate with salt

American restaurants serve salted potato chips with chocolate paste. And in San Francisco, everyone can attend the Chocolate and Salt Workshop. As practice shows, you can experiment with tastes ad infinitum. The main thing is not to be afraid of new discoveries.

Homemade chocolate

How to make dark chocolate with salt at home? The hardest part here is finding cocoa butter. You can adjust the number of sweeteners yourself. We take:

  • 100 g of cocoa powder;
  • two tbsp. l almonds;
  • 50 g of cocoa butter;
  • two tbsp. l powdered sugar or honey (to taste);
  • pistachios - two tbsp. l .;
  • two pinches of sea salt.

You also need to prepare a sheet covered with polyethylene or parchment, or a square small form. So, follow these steps:

  1. Combine the oil with powder or honey, stir. Send to a water bath. It is better not to use sugar, since the melting point of the oil is too low to dissolve it. He will just grit on his teeth in the finished product.
  2. It is better not to heat cocoa butter above 48 Β° C, so as soon as it starts to melt, remove it from the stove.
  3. Melt the remaining oil while stirring continuously.
  4. Sift into the melted cocoa butter, pour a portion of salt and nuts, stir well.
  5. Pour the finished mass into the mold, sprinkle with the remaining salt and nuts on top, send to the refrigerator until completely frozen.

This chocolate is identical to the chocolate "Babaevsky" 75%. Only in its composition is salt and nuts. By the way, salt is not only an optional component. She also acts as a natural enhancer of the taste of chocolate.

Hot drink

Hot chocolate with salt


  • a third of a glass of cream 33%;
  • 85 g of chocolate 30%;
  • 2/3 glasses of milk;
  • 85 g of chocolate 60%;
  • ΒΌ cup sugar;
  • large sea salt (to taste);
  • 2 tbsp. l caramel syrup.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces. Pour caramel syrup into the bottom of the mug.
  2. Pour cream and milk into the stewpan. Add chocolate, sugar, put on medium heat.
  3. Boil, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat until chocolate is completely dissolved.
  4. Gently pour the finished chocolate into a cup with syrup, garnish with whipped cream.

Sprinkle the drink with sea salt and serve. Enjoy your meal!

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