Folic acid: side effects, how to take it correctly

Pregnancy for every woman is a crucial period of life. And the role of B vitamins in the development of the fetus is very significant. They are needed for the normal formation of the nervous and other systems, cell division, the process of hematopoiesis, and simply normal development of the embryo. Therefore, it is very important to begin taking a drug such as Folic Acid even before pregnancy. Side effects, reviews and all the features of the use of the named funds, we will cover further in the article.

Basic information

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B9. It was first discovered in the 30s of the last century. And the pioneers were Mehta and Wils. This discovery was called the "Wils factor", since taking the named vitamin helped in the treatment of anemia in pregnant women. A little later, scientists managed to get vitamin from spinach leaves, then it was called "folic acid."

This substance does not give side effects, but, of course, it should not be taken uncontrollably. When a biologically inactive folic acid enters the body, its cells are converted into the active form - tetrahydrofolate acid, which is considered the basis for the formation of DNA and RNA.

folic acid side effects

It is necessary for the normal maturation of normoblasts and megaloblasts, is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, in the exchange of choline, purines and pyrimidines. And during pregnancy, the intake of this substance protects the body of the woman and the fetus from the effects of teratogenic factors.

Once in the stomach, acid is rapidly absorbed there. Transformed into metabolites in the liver. It is excreted with urine. Side effects of folic acid most often develop in the form of allergic reactions.

The described substance is available in the form of tablets and capsules, convenient for administration, and is also part of many medicines and dietary supplements.

Indications and contraindications

Folic acid tablets are prescribed for anemia due to a deficiency in the body of the named substance, as well as components of combination therapy:

  • with chronic gastroenteritis;
  • intestinal tuberculosis ;
  • for the prevention of neural tube development disorders in the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • with spru.

Folic acid is contraindicated if the patient develops hypersensitivity to it, as well as:

  • with cancerous tumors;
  • hemosiderosis;
  • violation of iron metabolism;
  • in cases of cobalamin deficiency;
  • with malabsorption of vitamin B12.


Folic acid supplementation is usually well tolerated, and an overdose is rare. The dose depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. So, adults are prescribed about 200 mcg per day, 300-400 mcg for pregnant women, and up to 500 mcg for lactating women. The duration of therapy is usually one month.

For children, the drug is given in a lower dose - from 40 to 200 mcg, depending on the condition. In some cases, on folic acid tablets, side effects in children can occur in the form of a rash and itching on the skin.

For prevention purposes, the medication is taken at the rate of 20 or 50 micrograms per day.

Drug interaction

Despite the practical absence of side effects, some rules should be followed when using folic acid tablets. So, it is not recommended to take the following medicines with them:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • "Sulfasalazine";
  • Phenytoin;
  • "Phenobarbital";
  • Primidon.

As already mentioned, in most cases the medicine is well tolerated, but sometimes allergic reactions may appear in the form of rashes and hyperemia on the skin. If these symptoms occur, consult a doctor. He will cancel the drug and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Sometimes the side effects of folic acid during pregnancy can disturb a woman in the form of morning sickness, insomnia and increased irritability. And with prolonged use of an increased dose of the drug, abdominal pain, impaired stool and even cramps can occur.

special instructions

When taking preparations containing folic acid, it should be remembered that with pernicious anemia, you need to take the medicine only with vitamin B12, since the acid stimulates hematopoiesis and does not prevent the development of complications from the nervous system. Excessive use of acid can cause a decrease in blood cyanocobalamin.

side effects of folic acid

By the way, the described acid can also be prescribed to representatives of the stronger sex. If male sperm contains an insufficient or excessive number of chromosomes, the diagnosis of aneuplosis can be made. Most often, this becomes the cause of male infertility. Folic Acid will help reduce the risk of developing this disease.

Side effects in men, by the way, are manifested in rare cases, as a rule, itching of the skin.

The drug "Folacin"

We describe separately the preparations containing folic acid. So, "Folacin" belongs to the group of vitamins and is available in the form of yellow tablets containing 5 mg of vitamin B9. This is much higher than the daily dose of pregnant women, but the excess substance is excreted in the urine.

This drug is used in case of severe deficiency of the named vitamin, but in order to prevent it, it is not recommended to take it.

folic acid during pregnancy what are the side effects

These tablets stimulate erythropoiesis, amino acid synthesis and choline metabolism. During pregnancy, taking the drug protects the fetus from the harmful effects of the external environment, contributes to the normal development and maturation of the placenta. A medicine is also useful during breastfeeding. Side effects when taking folic acid as part of the drug "Folacin" in most cases are absent.

Indications and contraindications

"Folacin" may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • treatment of acute folic acid deficiency associated with malnutrition;
  • the treatment process for anemia, which is provoked by a lack of the substance in the body;
  • treatment of anemia during gestation or lactation;
  • to prevent abnormal development of the neural tube in the fetus in the womb;
  • long-term treatment with drugs that are folic acid antagonists.

side effects of folic acid during pregnancy

As already mentioned, funds that contain folic acid are prescribed without fail during pregnancy. Side effects (which and how are manifested) from their administration can be found at the attending physician. Contraindications, as a rule, are:

  • various malignant neoplasms;
  • cobalamin deficiency;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Dosage of the drug "Folacin"

Folacin is given orally. Tablets can be divided. To treat all types of anemia that are associated with folic acid deficiency, the medicine is taken at a dose of 5 mg once a day. The duration of therapy is 4 months. With inflammatory processes in the large intestine and malnutrition, the drug is dosed at 15 mg per day.

folic acid side effects reviews

To prevent anomalies in the development of the neural tube in the fetus before pregnancy, the substance is taken at a dose of 2.5 mg per day for a month. The intake of tablets continues in the first trimester of gestation.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not allowed to take the drug with the following means:

  • "Chloramphenicol";
  • Neomycin
  • Polymyxin;
  • "Tetracycline";
  • "Cycloserine";
  • "Phenobarbital";
  • Primidon
  • "Cholestyramine."

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consider how folic acid will react to a particular drug. Side effects (nausea, skin rashes) that occur during this may indicate that the medicine is not taken correctly.

The drug "Mamifol"

The following medication containing folic acid belongs to the group of vitamin preparations. It is available in the form of white tablets. The composition of the drug includes folic acid in a dose of 0.4 mg.

folic acid side effects

Using the aforementioned tool, the synthesis of the amino acid methionine, which is disturbed in expectant mothers, is corrected. Therefore, they need to start taking Mamifol, in which folic acid is present, in early pregnancy. Side effects from the use are allergies, itchy skin, erythema and bronchospasm. But they rarely develop.

Indications and contraindications

The named drug can be used in such cases:

  • with anemia caused by a lack of folic acid;
  • to prevent the development of neural tube defects in the fetus.

Contraindications for use are:

  • cobalamin deficiency;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • tendency to develop allergic reactions.


The medicine is prescribed one tablet before planning pregnancy and in the first trimester after its onset. The course of treatment is one month.

It is taken orally, before meals, preferably in the morning. The dosage may be increased if the patient has a large lack of folic acid and anemia has begun.


The drug "Mamifol" is well tolerated in a dose of up to 5 mg per day. A higher concentration can lead to the development of the following side effects:

  • violations of the central nervous system;
  • malfunction of the stomach and intestines.

To avoid overdose, medications that contain folic acid should be taken correctly. Side effects usually disappear within a few days after dose adjustment.

Interaction with other means

You should not take the drug "Mamifol" with the following means:

  • "Monotrexate";
  • "Sulfasalazine";
  • oral contraceptives.

Anti-epilepsy drugs, in contrast, increase the need for folic acid.

folic acid side effects in men

In rare cases, the following side effects may develop during therapy:

  • allergy, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, hyperemia of the skin;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • epigastric pain;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety.

Any unpleasant symptoms should be reported to your doctor.

special instructions

Folic acid-based preparations should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees out of the reach of children for no more than two years. The composition of the drugs includes lactose, so they can not be prescribed to patients with a hereditary form of impaired absorption of this substance.

As can be seen from the above, folic acid causes side effects rather rarely, and they develop more often with an improperly selected dosage. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to carefully study the instructions for use, which describe in detail all the indications and contraindications for this tool, as well as the features of its administration.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe a medicine and establish its dosage. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences. By the way, after the expiration of the implementation period, tablets can not be taken, since neglect of the recommendations can lead to serious poisoning.

Folic acid plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body, therefore, with insufficient nutrition, constant stress, you should start taking medications, which include this component. Do not forget to take the drug also during pregnancy. This will increase the chances of having a healthy baby.

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