Why Belinsky called Onegin "an involuntary egoist": a review of criticism

"Eugene Onegin" is a wonderful novel by A. S. Pushkin, which has delighted readers for many years. The plot of the novel, its main characters are familiar to everyone. The fates of Onegin, Tatyana, Olga and Lensky have been exciting for many generations of readers. The personality of the main character - Onegin - receives mixed reviews from critics. Many condemn him for selfishness. One of the most prominent literary critics of the nineteenth century, V. G. Belinsky, called Onegin "an involuntary egoist." The characteristic of Yevgeny Onegin is all the more interesting because he is considered a typical representative of the youth of high society in St. Petersburg of the XIX century.

In Petersburg

Eugene Onegin is only 18, but he has already managed to get enough of his life and get tired of the entertainments filling his day. It can be concluded that the leisure available to the aristocrat was very monotonous. Therefore, many young people knew firsthand about splin.

Eugene from birth lived in St. Petersburg. Belinsky's article on Onegin mentions that luxury and permissiveness led him to know from infancy that all his wishes would be fulfilled. Life is all kinds of pleasures: balls, theaters, beautiful women, fashionable clothes.

why Belinsky called Onegin "self-willed selfishly"


Onegin received a rather superficial education from a French tutor, who was not particularly distinguished by his knowledge of science. But this knowledge is enough for a young nobleman. And although Eugene is interested in the works of Adam Smith and is well versed in political economy, he still does not have to apply this knowledge anywhere. Literature and art do not carry Onegin, causing only boredom. What made him a "suffering selfish self-will"?

Onegin and his era

According to the author, it was the era that shaped the character of Eugene. What happened at this time in the Russian Empire? Not so long ago there was an uprising of the Decembrists. Emperor Nicholas I introduced a number of severe measures that were aimed at curbing freethinking. The Nikolaev era is like an era of prescriptions, military drill, strict discipline and strict censorship.

Belinsky about the novel "Eugene Onegin"

In criticism of Onegin, Belinsky writes that the hero is not a bad person at all, and is distinguished by an extraordinary mind. He has nowhere to show his mind, his abilities. Eugene, wanting to occupy himself and get rid of boredom, makes attempts to write, reads a lot. But, not accustomed to working long and hard, he leaves all these activities. And he wastes himself on pleasures, which, in principle, are not needed too much for him. Feeling smarter than others, he begins to relate to people down. Perhaps, having been born in a different era and having found use for his powers, Onegin would have become a completely different person. But his era made of him such a man as Onegin called Belinsky - "self-willed selfishly." Why, then, Eugene Onegin has not changed, having left the capital?

In the village

The hero had a wonderful chance to radically change his life - he left for the village, introduced progressive orders in his estate, replacing corvee with dues. But this also bothers Onegin. His soul cooled, she became alien impulses characteristic of the age of Eugene. Writing about the novel "Eugene Onegin", Belinsky noted that Tatyana's love could revive Onegin to life. Yes, he was touched by the ardent confession of a naive girl, but Eugene does not want to entertain her with vain hopes. He considers himself already unable to love.

involuntarily selfish sufferer


Why did Belinsky call Onegin "an involuntary egoist"? Reading the Pushkin lines, one can understand that feelings are still alive in Eugene Onegin. He brings suffering to himself. Eugene suffers from torment of conscience, because he had to kill a friend in a duel. According to the code of honor of the era in which the events described in the novel take place, even an insignificant quarrel was solved with the help of pistols. Blinded by boyish jealousy, Vladimir Lensky challenges Onegin to a duel. He cannot refuse without dropping his own dignity.

But, if you look, Onegin is really to blame. After all, he deliberately paid attention to Olga, to annoy Lensky. But he did this not out of malice, but out of childish revenge for the fact that Vladimir persuaded him to go with him on Tatyana's birthday, at which the whole village noble gathered. Windy Olga immediately begins to flirt with Eugene, forgetting about Lensky. Vladimir is furious. Knowing an overly ardent friend, Onegin could turn everything that happened into a joke or apologize. But Eugene did what it was impossible to do categorically: he assumed a cold look and accepted the challenge of a friend. Without trying to change the situation, Onegin became the killer of Lensky, being held hostage by his pride and generally accepted principles.

criticism of onegin belinsky

Return to Petersburg

In an article by Belinsky about the novel "Eugene Onegin" it is mentioned that, a few years later, the hero returns to Petersburg. There he again meets Tatyana, who by that time had become the wife of a noble general with whom Eugene is closely acquainted. And the incredible happens: Onegin falls in love with her. He is surprised and pleased by this new feeling for him. He, mindful of Tatyana's declarations of love, hopes for reciprocity. Failure takes him by surprise, giving Eugene strong mental anguish.

Why did Belinsky call Onegin "an involuntary egoist"? Even falling in love, Eugene thinks only of himself. He does not care that Tatyana is married, and their romance will make her an outcast for St. Petersburg society.

Belinsky's article about Onegin

In his article, Belinsky called Onegin "an involuntary egoist." Why Eugene Onegin could not overcome the conventions of society and the era? Perhaps for this he would need more fortitude. And Eugene Onegin, disappointed and suffering, remains on the pages of the book, reminding with his own example that one must value his life, enjoying every moment of it, otherwise the result of life will be just as sad.

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