Most often, spider veins on the legs and other parts of the body do not provoke the development of complications, usually people see them as a cosmetic defect. This phenomenon can be observed today in almost every adult, sometimes it is present in children. In addition to the lower extremities, such formations can be found on the face, abdomen and other parts of the body. Usually stars are formed as a result of external factors, but sometimes they can indicate the development of pathology in the human body, which requires immediate treatment.
Description and description of the problem
Spider veins on the legs are small networks of red or blue blood vessels. The vessels, under the influence of certain factors, expanded and swelled, and then appeared on the surface layer of the dermis. Such formations are not inflammatory in nature, they do not protrude above the surface of the skin, form separate pathological areas that, when pressed, begin to fade.
Most often, this phenomenon is observed in women, since in men the skin is three times thicker. In 72% of cases, pathology appears in women after seventy years. The risk group includes women who gave birth to children, since they had hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy, the level of estrogen in the body increases, causing vasodilation. After labor, the amount of hormones returns to normal, so the blood vessels should return to their previous state within a month and a half. But this does not always happen, therefore, a woman has spider veins on her legs, reviews of which are negative, as they create a visible cosmetic and aesthetic defect. In this case, capillaries, arteries and venules can expand in size up to one millimeter.
Reasons for the development of pathology
Numerous studies have shown that the main cause of the appearance of pathology lies in the disorder of the hormonal system. Also emit a large number of diseases that provoke this phenomenon:
- hereditary predisposition, exposure to toxins and carcinogens;
- Raynaud's disease, rosacea, mastocytosis, xeroderma or varicose veins, hormonal disorders;
- radiation dermatitis, cirrhosis, ataxia, primary immunodeficiency;
- Marfan, Louis-Bar, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, as well as Sturge-Weber or Klippel-Trenone disease;
- vascular hemangiomas, congenital neuroangiopathies, essential teleagniectasias;
- a disorder of the hormonal system, in particular during pregnancy, abortion or miscarriage;
- prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives, glucocorticosteroids;
- skin diseases, for example, rosacea, radiation dermatitis, keratosis and others;
- heart and vascular disease, obesity;
- lack of vitamin C in the body;
- syphilis, AIDS.
When the disease is not congenital, it is attributed to acquired pathologies, then the stars on the legs of the cause will have the following:
- abuse of bad habits;
- the use of a solarium, exposure to the sun for a long period of time, exposure to radiation;
- physical inactivity;
- strong physical activity;
- prolonged stress and emotional stress;
- lower limb injuries;
- difficult working conditions.
In some cases, the pathology is associated with circulatory disorders. Blood hardly passes through the changed vessels, therefore, it uses other ways. As a result, blood stasis forms, its pressure rises, which leads to rupture of capillaries. The appearance of pathology in the lower extremities in men most often indicates the presence of venous insufficiency.
Varieties of pathology
Depending on the form, spider veins on the legs can be of the following types:
- sinus (simple, linear), characterized by the formation of pathology on the legs in the form of various lines of blue or red color, the cause of which is a dermis disease or collagenosis;
- tree-like that appear on the legs and resemble a branching tree of a dark blue shape, the source of pathology is the reticular vein, which is located distally;
- spotted or patiform, which manifest along with other tissue diseases and have a bright red tint;
- star-shaped or arachnids that form at one point in red and diverge from it in different directions, resembling sun rays.
Most often, stars on the legs, treatment, the reasons for which will be discussed in detail in this article, are localized on the calves and hips. In women, this pathology is usually of a mixed type.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
A disease is easily recognized if it is on the surface of the skin. Spider veins can be of a different shade, which often changes over time. An experienced doctor can easily identify the origin of the pathology by the color of the spider veins.
Sometimes a small asterisk slowly grows and becomes purple, a phenomenon associated with the entry into the blood vessels of veins.
Diagnostic measures
Before removing the stars on the legs, the doctor examines the medical history and conducts a visual examination. Then he directs the patient to the analysis of blood vessels for pathologies. Diagnostic methods may be prescribed such as radiography, ultrasound of blood vessels, a blood and urine test, a cholesterol test, an assessment of hemostasis, and more. Often a pinch test is used to study the period of subcutaneous hemorrhage, as well as a tourniquet test. These studies make it possible to determine the form of pathology. The doctor also differentiates vascular asterisks from hemangiomas.
Pathology treatment
Sprockets on the legs suggest treatment only after determining the cause of their appearance. Modern medicine has many invasive and conservative methods of therapy that help to eliminate this phenomenon.
As a medical treatment, drugs are prescribed that contain ascorbic acid in their composition. Also, the doctor can prescribe various creams and ointments, which will help strengthen the vascular walls and improve blood flow in the lower extremities. The most commonly used drugs are Lyoton and Traxevasin. They make it possible to avoid the progression of pathology and prevent the appearance of new vascular asterisks. Often, the doctor recommends massage, special physical exercises and wearing compression underwear.
Invasive therapy
The most effective methods by which they remove the stars on their legs are:
- Sclerotherapy. In this case, using a thin needle, the drug βSclerosantβ is introduced into the pathological areas. The drug first damages the walls of the vessels, and then promotes their bonding, forming a connecting cord, which eventually resolves. There are several ways to carry out this procedure: microsclerotherapy, microfoam, segmental varicose veins, echosclerotherapy. All these methods are effective, but they eliminate only the consequences, without affecting the cause of the disease. The course of treatment can be up to five procedures with an interval of one week.
- Laser therapy - removal of asterisks on the legs with a laser when the affected vessels are cauterized. Often it is used to eliminate bleeding. This technique involves the use of only specialized devices. The procedure itself does not guarantee that spider veins do not form again.
Infrequently Used Therapies
Also, stars on the legs suggest treatment using the following methods:
- Electrocoagulation is used infrequently, but sometimes doctors resort to it. In this case, the vessels are cauterized under the influence of a high-frequency current under local anesthesia. This procedure is effective, but traumatic, since the surrounding tissue often suffers, causing scarring. The course of treatment is usually up to seven procedures.
- Ozone therapy, in which compounds with a high concentration of ozone are injected into the vessel. After administration of the drug, pathological vessels are destroyed, spider veins on the legs disappear. This technique has no side effects; no scars form at the injection site. The course of treatment is up to five procedures.
- Radio wave treatment, in which a radio wave incision is made by cauterizing a pathological vessel. After the procedure, the spider veins disappear. Scars and scars do not remain on the skin. The disadvantage of this method is that it can only be used to remove single capillaries.
- Surgical intervention, which is to eliminate the pathological section of the vessel. Sometimes the affected vessel is replaced with a prosthesis, bandaged or cauterized.
Today, medicine offers many methods to get rid of stars on the legs. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages in each case. Typically, the maximum effect can be achieved by combining techniques such as laser therapy and sclerotherapy.
Pregnancy therapy
Pregnant women are prescribed minimally invasive methods of therapy and drug treatment. Doctors often prescribe for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding a special spray or Normaven foot cream that contains only natural ingredients. It increases the tone of blood vessels and strengthens their walls. Such a tool can also be used to prevent pathology.
Usually, this pathology has good forecasts. It does not require special treatment, as it passes through a certain period of time on its own. Timely access to a doctor contributes to a full recovery in the future.
Only Louis-Bar syndrome has an unfavorable prognosis, since today medicine does not have effective methods of its treatment.
The formation of spider veins on the skin should be the reason for a mandatory visit to a medical institution, because pathology is not only a cosmetic defect, but can also indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body.
For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, to abandon the use of alcohol and nicotine. An important place in the prevention of pathology is a balanced diet, in which food must be consumed five times a day in small portions. It is also recommended to perform moderate physical activity so that the legs do not get tired and do not swell. Women should wear shoes with low heels, it is also important to take a contrast shower in the evenings. This procedure helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and has a positive effect on blood circulation.
Doctors recommend performing gymnastic exercises to relieve fatigue, tension, increase vascular tone and improve blood circulation in the legs. Also, exercises will help eliminate the existing pathology, if they are used in combination with other methods of therapy.