"Indigal plus": instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients

In this article, we consider the instructions for use for the Indigal Plus preparation.

The tool is not considered a medicine for therapy, but is an active nutritional supplement. The drug is used in combination with other medicines in the treatment of chronic prostatitis and other pathologies localized in the prostate gland.

indigal plus instructions for use


The spectrum of action of the drug is quite wide, it not only affects the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminates the causes of its occurrence. The purpose of Indigal Plus makes it possible to accelerate the treatment of prostate diseases, relieve symptoms and reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Prolonged chronic inflammation of the prostate can cause cell malignancy, leading to cancer. Indigo Plus dietary supplement eliminates inflammation and removes pathogenic cells from prostate tissues. Thus, the substances that make up the dietary supplement help reduce the risk of developing cancerous lesions. Clinical studies and patient reviews confirm the high effectiveness of Indigal Plus. Instructions to it are presented below.

indigal instruction


Experts emphasize that treatment of prostatitis in a chronic form of the course and other pathological processes in the prostate gland cannot be carried out only with the help of Indigal Plus. An active food supplement should be included in the therapy along with drugs.

The drug helps to eliminate symptoms, reduces the likelihood of relapse and helps in the treatment of prostatitis. The following active components are included in dietary supplement:

  • Indole-3-carbinol. It is a unique substance that is part of broccoli. The component has an antibacterial effect. It is this property that makes it possible to eliminate precancerous cells that appear in the tissues of the prostate against the background of the inflammatory process. This substance reduces the likelihood of degeneration of pathogenic cells.
  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate. The substance is contained in green tea. It helps to relieve inflammation, as well as the elimination of factors affecting the development of the inflammatory process. This component is a powerful antioxidant, as evidenced by many clinical studies.
  • Fan palm extract. The substance has an inhibitory effect on aromatase and 5-alpha reductase. These enzymes tend to provoke the degeneration of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. That is, the extract normalizes the level of hormones in the male body, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing prostate cancer. This confirms the instructions for the medicine "Indigal plus".
indigal plus instruction reviews

The properties

Unlike many other drugs for treating the prostate, the drug does not affect the process of dihydrotestosterone production, and therefore does not affect the sexual functions of men.

In addition, dietary supplement affects the synthesis of substances that are responsible for the growth of blood vessels in the affected area, which as a result leads to the elimination of inflammation and the restoration of erectile functions to a full state.

What else does the instruction manual for Indigal Plus tell us?


The medication is prescribed along with other drugs for the treatment of pathological processes in the prostate gland, as well as with benign hyperplasia.

There are frequent cases of the appointment of a biologically active supplement for the prevention and prevention of the development of prostate cancer. This appointment is especially relevant for men suffering from recurrent inflammation of the prostate gland. They should take the drug as a prophylaxis after a full recovery.

indigal plus instructions for use reviews


According to the instructions for the use of the drug "Indigal Plus", the main contraindication for the intake of dietary supplement is an individual reaction to the substances that make up its composition. In addition, it does not mix well with drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, patients with gastritis or peptic ulcer should take dietary supplements with caution.

Side effects

Subject to the dosages indicated in the instructions, side effects are excluded. The drug as a whole is well perceived by the body and does not cause undesirable reactions. Numerous reviews of men who took the drug confirm this.

Instructions for Indigal Plus

Before you start taking an active nutritional supplement, it is important to get expert advice and carefully study the attached instructions. There are standard rules for the intake of dietary supplements:

  1. The daily dosage is a maximum of two tablets. In some cases, only one appointment per day is prescribed.
  2. Take the drug during meals, drinking plenty of clean water.
  3. On average, treatment is carried out within one month. A second course can be taken with the development of relapse or as a prophylaxis. This is stated in the instructions to the Indigal.

The cost of the drug is quite high. One package will cost an average of 2500 rubles. No similar preparations have been made yet.

Careful familiarization with the instructions for the drug will avoid an allergic reaction or other complications. You can not independently increase the prescribed dosage, since the active components of the drug tend to accumulate in the body over time. It is also important to take a course without missing capsules, since only in this way will the necessary therapeutic effect be achieved.

Indigal preparation plus instructions for use

This also tells us the instructions for Indigal Plus. We will consider reviews below.

Prostate cancer

In the modern world, prostate cancer is increasingly found in men of mature age. Scientists have found that there is a direct relationship between the multiplication of pathogenic cells and the process of inflammation in the prostate gland.

To avoid such problems, a man needs to protect himself from hypothermia, as well as undergo regular examination by a urologist, donating blood for analysis. The examination involves checking the hormonal background for an imbalance, as well as lymph and blood circulation in organs located in the pelvis.

Due to the fact that cases of prostate cancer are becoming more frequent, doctors are increasingly recommending that preventive measures be taken. One of them is the intake of dietary supplement โ€œIndigal plusโ€. The active components not only help eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis, but also actively fight with precancerous cells, also acting as an antioxidant.

This confirms the instructions for the preparation "Indigal plus".

What do people say about him?

indigal medicine plus instruction


The vast majority of reviews about Indigal Plus are positive. It is suitable for men of any age category. Patients claim that taking dietary supplements helped get rid of prostate inflammation, preventing its further appearance. In addition, the drug greatly facilitates the condition of a patient with a chronic form of prostatitis. Against the background of its administration, it is easier to tolerate periods of exacerbation.

"Indigal plus" is often recommended by specialists for the treatment of prostate adenoma. There are reviews of men to whom dietary supplements helped to avoid surgery with this diagnosis. Prostate adenoma is a small tumor, found mainly in men after 50 years. The formation presses on the urethra, resulting in a painful sensation when urine is excreted.

Men say in reviews that their condition has significantly improved with Indigo Plus. This is due to the normalization of hormonal balance in the male body and a decrease in the number of pathogenic cells in the prostate.

instructions for use reviews

Thus, dietary supplements can lead to the elimination of benign prostatic hyperplasia in the initial stage of its development. In the later stages of treatment, the drug will allow to suspend the tumor growth process.

There are also reviews of those who take the drug as a prevention of prostatitis. These are primarily men who have reached the age of forty. Many say that preventing the disease is much easier than curing, while experiencing pain and discomfort.

We reviewed the Indigal Plus tool and instructions for use.

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