Can I give birth with diabetes? What is the disease dangerous? Consequences, effects on the fetus and the baby, advice and recommendations of doctors

In the article, we consider whether it is possible to give birth in diabetes.

If a couple of dozen years ago, doctors said that with this disease it is impossible to become pregnant and give birth, today their opinion has changed significantly. With this disease, provided that all medical recommendations are followed, there are high chances of having a healthy baby without harm to your own health.

Nevertheless, a woman should always understand that with diabetes, the main period of pregnancy will have to be spent in a hospital. Only in this way can possible complications of this pathology be avoided.

Can I give birth with diabetes

Can I give birth with diabetes? This is a common question.

Categorical prohibition

There are situations when in diabetes it is strictly forbidden to give birth, since there is a high risk not only for a woman's life, but also for the proper development of the fetus.

A joint study of endocrinologists and obstetricians proved that diabetes is not an absolute contraindication to the birth of a child. His health is negatively affected by high sugar levels, and not the disease itself, so for the normal course of pregnancy you just need to maintain the optimal level of glycemia. This is facilitated by modern means of monitoring and administering insulin. There are also special devices for monitoring the fetus, which allow you to track various disorders, so that the likelihood of having a healthy baby in such a woman today is not lower than in any other. And yet, there are always some difficulties and problems in this case, hence the need for close monitoring of health.

Is it possible to give birth to children with diabetes, many are interested.

Planned pregnancy

First of all, a similar pregnancy should be planned. From the moment of her onset until the future mother finds out about conception, usually several weeks pass, and during this time the embryo is formed almost completely. If the mother’s glucose level increased during this period, this also affected the baby. Hyperglycemia causes a change in metabolic processes, which leads to disturbances in the laying of organs.

can diabetes give birth to children

Is it possible to give birth to a particular woman with diabetes, it is better to find out in advance.

When should pregnancy be terminated?

Endocrinologists and gynecologists advise women to interrupt the pregnancy process in the following cases:

  • when both parents suffer from type 1, type 2 diabetes;
  • when there is insulin-resistant diabetes with the likelihood of developing ketoacidosis;
  • with the development of juvenile diabetes complicated by angiopathy;
  • with tuberculosis accompanying the disease in the active phase;
  • parents have been diagnosed with a Rh factor conflict.

This recommendation is relevant for all women suffering from some form of diabetes.

Is it possible to give birth with diabetes, we found out.

Diabetes Pregnancy Planning

A few months before the expected conception, you need to seriously take care of your health and control your sugar level - use a glucometer daily. Every moment of ketonuria and severe hyperglycemia is detrimental to a woman's health. The longer and better the compensation of diabetes before conception was, the higher the likelihood of a normal course and resolution of pregnancy.

Is it possible to give birth with diabetes, patients often ask the doctor.

can diabetes give birth to healthy

Type 2 diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to switch from measuring urine sugar to more informative research methods. In some cases, a specialist may advise switching from sugar-lowering medications to insulin injections. Even before conception, you need to consult with a number of narrow specialists, since pregnancy is a high burden on the body, and even more so with diabetes.

Most women are interested in the question: with diabetes, is it possible to give birth, will the baby be healthy?

If a woman is taking any medications, it is necessary to check with the doctor what their effect is on the fetus. The main part of contraindications for pregnancy with diabetes can be eliminated if you seriously deal with it.

Accompanying illnesses

But concomitant diseases with diabetes, for example, coronary disease, renal failure, arterial hypertension, severe gastroenteropathy, remain an absolute contraindication. When all manifestations of the disease are compensated, a medical examination has been completed, you can plan a pregnancy and begin to conceive.

Is it possible to give birth to patients with diabetes

Types of diabetes in pregnant women

So, is it possible to give birth to patients with diabetes? It all depends on the type of ailment. Since a large number of serious complications that can harm the mother and the fetus can develop with insulin production disorders, medical specialists should be extremely careful about the pregnancy process in women with diabetes.

During the period of gestation in such a woman, one of the varieties of the disease can be determined. Pathology in a latent form externally, as a rule, does not appear, however, it seems possible to find out about the disease using the results of a laboratory blood test for glucose levels.

We continue to understand whether it is possible to give birth if you have diabetes.

Aggravating factors

Another situation is when during pregnancy threatening forms of diabetes develop in patients with a hereditary predisposition to this disease. Usually, women with the following aggravating factors are usually included in this category:

  • bad heredity;
  • overweight;
  • glucosuria.

In addition, a threatening form of diabetes can occur if a woman has previously given birth to a child weighing more than 4.5 kg.

Some pregnant women suffer from obvious diabetes mellitus, which is confirmed by the results of urine and blood tests. If the course of the disease is mild, blood sugar should not exceed 6.64 mmol / liter, and ketone bodies are not found in urine.

At a moderate severity of the pathological process, the concentration of glucose in the blood reaches 12.28 mmol / liter, and ketone bodies are contained in urine in a small amount, but they may not exist at all. This condition can be eliminated if you follow the recommendations on a therapeutic diet.

Can I give birth if you have diabetes

Can I give birth in severe diabetes?

Severe ailment

Significantly dangerous is the severe form of diabetes, which is diagnosed with a glucose level of 12.30 mmol / liter. Along with this, the level of ketone bodies in the urine of a pregnant patient is rapidly increasing. With obvious diabetes, the following complications of the condition can occur:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • retinal damage;
  • kidney pathology;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • trophic ulcers.

When the blood sugar level rises, it is a question of lowering the renal threshold of glucose. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone is actively produced, which only increases the level of permeability of the kidneys for this substance. Therefore, in almost all pregnant women with diabetes, glucosuria is detected.

In order to successfully give birth with diabetes and reduce the likelihood of developing dangerous complications, you need to keep glucose indicators under control every day, and this is done through fasting blood tests. The result should be repeated in cases where an indicator of more than 6.64 mmol / liter is obtained. Additionally, a study is conducted on tolerance to this substance.

With threatening forms of diabetes mellitus, it is mandatory to conduct repeated laboratory tests for a glycosuric and glycemic profile.

give birth with diabetes

Gestational diabetes

During pregnancy, another variant of this disease may occur - gestational diabetes. Such a phenomenon is not considered pathology and is diagnosed in approximately 6% of absolutely healthy expectant mothers at the 20th week of gestation.

Classical diabetes from gestational is different in that it disappears immediately after birth. However, if a woman is about to give birth a second time, she has an increased likelihood of relapse.

To date, the exact causes of the development of gestational diabetes have not been reliably studied, however, it is known that such a condition can occur due to hormonal transformations in a woman's body. During the period of gestation, special hormones are produced, under the influence of which the fetus receives all the necessary substances and the protection necessary for the proper development and preservation of pregnancy. These same hormones can act as follows:

  • block insulin secretion;
  • reduce sensitivity to this hormone;
  • increase blood glucose.

With differences in glucose indicators, both the mother and the unborn child suffer.

The consequences of hypoglycemia

When glucose rises sharply in diabetes, the child may suffer, which subsequently manifests itself in the form of a delay in development. Significant changes in glucose are especially dangerous, which in some cases can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage in a woman with type 1 diabetes, as a result of which the probability of infertility in this patient increases to a maximum. Another problem is that with diabetes, excess sugar accumulates in the body of the child, where it turns into body fat. If the fetus is overweight, the birth process will last much longer, and the child can receive a variety of injuries of the humerus during delivery through the birth canal.

The pancreas of the unborn child may produce an increased volume of insulin, in order to compensate for the excess sugar in the mother's body. Such a baby may be born with low blood glucose.

Very often, women with diabetes give birth to children. But this process is rather complicated. There are many nuances to consider.

diabetes can give birth

Diet for a pregnant woman with diabetes

When a specialist determined that a woman is allowed to give birth in diabetes, she must do everything possible to maximize the compensation for the pathological process in the body. First of all, she is shown to follow the rules of dietary nutrition.

A diabetic diet provides for the use of no more than 120 g of protein per day, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to 300-500 grams, fats - to 60. In addition, the diet implies a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood.

The following products must be excluded from the menu of a pregnant woman with diabetes:

  • sugar;
  • natural honey;
  • confectionery;
  • baking.

A day you need to consume no more than 2800 calories. At the same time, it is shown to include in the diet products with a high volume of vitamins, minerals, without which the development of the fetus will be inferior.

It is equally important during pregnancy with diabetes to observe the frequency of meals, insulin injections, as far as possible. Since many medications are prohibited during pregnancy, the patient must give herself insulin injections.

When hospitalization is needed

Due to the fact that the body's need for insulin begins to change, a pregnant woman should be hospitalized several times. The first hospitalization is necessary immediately after registration for pregnancy, the second time it is shown at 20-25 weeks of the term, and approximately 32-36 weeks of pregnancy increases the likelihood of developing late toxicosis. This condition provides for mandatory monitoring of the fetus. At this time, the doctor may decide on the date and method of delivery. If the patient refuses hospitalization, she needs regular preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

We examined whether it is possible to give birth in diabetes.

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