Dosage "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" for a child - instructions for use and reviews

In the article we describe the dosage of "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" for a child.

With a strong increase in temperature, a serious health hazard occurs. In this case, there is a need to use emergency methods to eliminate febrile conditions, including injections of drug combinations. The most common and often used combination by physicians is Diphenhydramine and Analgin. The dosage of the child must be selected very carefully.

Features of drugs

"Analgin" is an anti-inflammatory drug that belongs to the group of non-steroidal drugs. Injection “Analgin” is packaged by the manufacturer in glass ampoules having a volume of 1 or 2 ml. The active component in the composition of the drug is sodium metamizole, the concentration of which in the injection solution of "Analgin" is 25% or 50%. Each cardboard package may contain 5 or 10 ampoules with the drug. In addition to the active component, the solution contains only sterile water.

dosage of dipyrone with diphenhydramine

What is the dosage of "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" for the baby? We will talk about this below.

How to enter "Analgin"

“Analgin” can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously, however, intravenous administration should be carried out exclusively under stationary conditions. Intravenous use of this drug at home is unacceptable. In addition to the injectable “Analgin”, the manufacturer also produces tabletted medicine, and tablets come in different dosages of the active substance.

The active component in the composition of the injection solution of "Diphenhydramine" is diphenhydramine. It is an antihistamine that can act on H1 receptors that are sensitive to histamine. The drug is packaged in glass ampoules, each of which contains 1 ml of the drug. Each milliliter of Diphenhydramine contains 10 mg of diphenhydramine. Ampoules are additionally packed in cardboard boxes of 10 pieces. In addition, the manufacturer produces Diphenhydramine in the form of tablets with an active substance concentration of 50 mg.


You can use an injection solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. As in the case of "Analgin", "Diphenhydramine" can be administered intravenously only under the supervision of medical personnel, and therefore such injections are prescribed only in a hospital setting. At home, injectable medication can only be administered intramuscularly.

You also need to correctly calculate the dosage of "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" to the child.

analgin with diphenhydramine tablets in children

Reasons for sharing drugs

"Analgin" and "Diphenhydramine" when used together enhance the therapeutic effect of each other. Since these drugs, administered at the same time, act quickly enough at elevated temperatures, their combination is called a lytic mixture. "Analgin", which is present in the mixture, acts as an antipyretic and analgesic.

If we consider Diphenhydramine, then its main task is to relax smooth muscle structures and eliminate swelling. In addition, Diphenhydramine has a sedative effect, it is able to prevent the development of allergic responses to the joint administration of drugs.

The lytic mixture begins to act 10 minutes after it was injected intramuscularly. The therapeutic effect remains for 4 hours. The main indication for the use of a combination of these drugs is the danger of fever in children. Injection is done, as a rule, at very high temperatures (more than 39 degrees), as well as if there is a high likelihood of a convulsive condition.

What dosage of "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" will be optimal for a child, the doctor knows.

The use of a combination of drugs in the treatment of children

In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the use of "Analgin" is allowed from the age of 3 months. However, at such an early age, the medication should be used only if there is good evidence, as well as under the supervision of a specialist. In addition, injecting children under 3 years old on their own is dangerous. If the baby is supposed to be under one year old, the medicine should be administered exclusively intramuscularly.

Injection "Diphenhydramine" can be used in the treatment of children from 1 year. If it becomes necessary to administer the lytic mixture to a child 3-12 months old, replace Diphenhydramine with Suprastin, since this drug can be used for intramuscular administration in children from 1 month old.

analgin with diphenhydramine to a child what dosage

Contraindications to the use of a combination of drugs

The introduction of a lytic mixture is contraindicated if the patient has such physiological or pathological conditions:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. The likelihood of developing bronchospasm.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Serious hepatic pathology.
  5. Violations of blood formation processes.
  6. Intolerance to any component of the lytic mixture.

In addition, it is forbidden to introduce a combination of drugs in the presence of acute abdominal pain having an unspecified genesis (eliminating pain can lead to difficulties in determining its causes and worsening the condition of the child).

The use of a lytic solution should be carried out with caution and under the supervision of medical personnel if a child patient has hypotension, allergies, bronchial asthma, and injuries. If there is even the slightest risk to the child’s health, you should abandon the use of Analgin and opt for a safer antipyretic drug for children, for example, Paracetamol.

Against the background of using a combination of "Analgin" and "Diphenhydramine", the following negative symptoms may develop:

  1. Deterioration of the leukocyte production process, which in some cases leads to the development of agranulocytosis.
  2. Violation of the digestive tract.
  3. Fainting.
  4. Decrease in blood pressure.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. A strong decrease in body temperature for a long time.

The use of increased doses of the lytic mixture can lead to the development of shortness of breath, abdominal pain, drowsiness, hemorrhage, seizures, and other dangerous manifestations. Often, children with symptoms of intoxication with drugs have to be hospitalized in order to maintain vital functions.

analgin with diphenhydramine injection dosage for children

Dosage "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" to the child

If the child is under 8 years old, then it is recommended to calculate the dose of Analgin necessary for him, taking into account his weight. To determine the daily dose of the lytic mixture, you should multiply the weight of the child by 5 or 10. This calculation allows you to determine the number of milligrams of metamizole sodium that is acceptable for use in a particular child.

Obtained by the method of such calculation, the daily dosage of injections of "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" for children is divided into 2 or three doses. It should be borne in mind that each dose should not exceed 100 mg if the child is less than 3 years old, and 200 mg if the child is 3-8 years old. For children from 8 years old, a single dosage of "Analgin" is 250-300 mg, from 14 years old - up to 500 mg.

The dosage of Diphenhydramine is determined taking into account the age of the small patient:

  1. Children 1-3 years old should be administered 0.5 ml of Diphenhydramine, if necessary, the dose can be doubled.
  2. Children 4-6 years old - 1-1.5 ml.
  3. Children 7-14 years old - 1.5-3 ml.

The method of introducing the lytic mixture

To manipulate the administration of "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" in case of heat in children, a sterile syringe with a long needle should be used. The ampoule and skin at the injection site should be disinfected, for example, lubricated with medical alcohol. Before opening the ampoules, you should hold them in your hand for a while so that the medicine heats up.

According to the manufacturer’s annotation, “Analgin” is forbidden to mix with other medicines, therefore, experts recommend typing “Analgin” into the syringe, insert it into the muscle, leave the needle in the puncture site, and type “Diphenhydramine” in the same syringe and inject it using the same needle. But, as practice shows, often drugs are administered simultaneously. In this case, the ampoules are opened, and the drugs are taken in turn into one syringe. As a rule, it is advised to dial “Analgin” first, then “Diphenhydramine”.

diphenhydramine diphenhydramine dosage

It is recommended that an injection be made into the muscle of the shoulder or thigh so that the drugs probably enter the muscle structures. When the drug is injected into or under the skin, an inflammatory reaction or irritation may occur. For this reason, it is not recommended to introduce a mixture of medicines in the buttock area, since the muscles of the buttocks are located deep enough.

How long does Analgin and Diphenhydramine work? Already after 10-15 minutes after the injection, the temperature decreases.

Using a lytic mixture to eliminate white hyperthermia

Doctors call this term the condition when a child has not only a significant increase in temperature, but also pale skin, and the child’s forehead and limbs remain cool at this time. Such symptoms are caused by spasms of peripheral vessels, resulting in a violation of heat transfer.

The tactics of treating such a fever and ordinary hyperthermia are somewhat different. The child should be given to drink plenty of warm liquid, the skin must be massaged and rubbed. In order to treat white fever, it is necessary to supplement the combination of "Diphenhydramine" and "Analgin" with some antispasmodic drug.

Since three drugs are administered simultaneously, this mixture is called triad. As a rule, the third drug is the injectable “No-Shpa”, the main active ingredient in which is drotaverinum. This drug allows you to eliminate vascular spasms, provoking their expansion. You can use “No-shpu” if the baby is more than 1 year old.

Often, “No-shpu” is replaced with another medicine that has a similar effect - “Papaverine”. It is available in the form of a solution having a concentration of 2%, and its use is allowed in children from six months. This medication effectively eliminates vascular spasms, dilates blood vessels. If the child’s condition is serious, the doctor may recommend additional use of Dexamethasone or other drugs.

analgin with diphenhydramine in heat in children

We reviewed the instructions for use for injections "Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine".


Reviews on the use of the combination of "Diphenhydramine" and "Analgin" are usually positive. This is due to the fact that the effect of the drug develops extremely quickly, allowing you to eliminate the fever in the child in the shortest possible time. Side effects on the background of the use of drugs do not develop so often. However, it should be borne in mind that drugs should be taken with extreme caution, like any other medicines in the treatment of children. If injectable drugs are used, then they should be administered under the supervision of a doctor.

"Analgin" with "Diphenhydramine" in tablets for children

It is worth noting that the use of solutions is more dangerous than the use of tablet forms of drugs, since there is a higher likelihood of developing side symptoms. However, the use of tablets is not always possible due to the age of the baby, he may not be able to swallow them.

diphenhydramine with diphenhydramine drink to a child

If the child needs to drink “Analgin” with “Diphenhydramine”, then the pills are given to him in turn, each of which he should drink with water. Dosages for tablet forms of drugs are similar.

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