How to quickly cure corns on legs with traditional medicine

Why does a person have corns? This painful growth serves as a protective reaction of the skin to any mechanical effect on it. In this case, an increase in the stratum corneum of the cells occurs, which allows you to create a kind of armor. If the formation of corns did not occur, then the places of mechanical action on the skin would constitute bloody wounds.

how to quickly cure corns on your feet
Painful growths can be of two types. Dry corns is a strong compaction of the skin in a small area. Wet are a white bubble. Over time, it bursts, and in its place dry corn grows .

Most often, painful tumors on the legs occur when wearing new shoes. This point must be considered when buying it.

How to quickly cure corns on the legs?

Painful growths cause a lot of problems. However, there are people who do not treat corns. They try to injure areas of the lesion as little as possible. However, such tactics do not always allow getting rid of corns. Especially if she is old.

How to cure fresh corn?

It is possible to get rid of such neoplasms in just eight days. At the same time, compresses from the crumb of bread dipped in a weak vinegar solution are applied to the affected areas at night.

Another method that allows you to answer the urgent question of how to quickly cure corns on your feet, are baths from oats. Straw plants are boiled in water in a proportion of one to ten. The resulting solution cools and is used for procedures that last for fifteen minutes. Such baths should be done daily until the problem disappears.

how to cure heel corns
How to quickly cure corns on legs with lemon?

For this, a piece cut off from the fetus should be applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to steam the corn in hot water. All actions should be performed before bedtime.

How to quickly cure corns on your feet with aloe?

A cut leaf of a medicinal plant is placed on the painful area with the inside. Such procedures are effective in cases where the corns are deep and old. Legs before applying the medicinal plant is also desirable to steam.

How to cure heel corns?

Here, onions can be used as the most effective remedy. Sliced โ€‹โ€‹vegetable should be attached to the lesion. After that, a plastic bag is put on, and the leg is wrapped in a bandage for the night. In the morning, the bandage is removed. Skin softened overnight is carefully removed with pumice. After this, the lesion site is washed and treated with talcum powder or powder.

Raw potatoes also help to eliminate corns. Vegetable is grated. The resulting mass is superimposed on the corn, covered with compress paper and fixed with a bandage. The procedure is performed at night.

how to cure fresh corn
It is recommended against corns and the use of garlic. Healing vegetable bake. After that, it is applied to the corns and, having fixed it with a bandage, it is kept on the foot throughout the night. In the morning, after removing the bandage, the place is greased with a greasy cream. Dandelion juice can also be applied to corns daily. In the treatment of painful growths, soda-soap and cold salt baths help. Perfectly heals calluses and celandine mixed with pork fat. More quickly, you can get rid of the painful problem when rubbing the lesions with a piece of fresh tomato.

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