V. Tarasov ā€œThe Art of Management Struggleā€: content, main ideas of the work, useful tips and book style

Vladimir Tarasov is known for his inspiring trainings. And itā€™s difficult to call it even inspiration, rather, the personā€™s attunement to professional success. The author also sets out his thoughts and recommendations in this direction in his works ā€œTechnology of Lifeā€, ā€œManagement Eliteā€ and others.

Particular attention was paid to "The Art of Management Struggle." That was one of his famous books. It is easy to purchase at bookstores or online. There are paper versions in audiobook format.

Briefly about this work

The book "The Art of Management Struggle" is a manual setting forth methods and techniques for achieving and maintaining top positions in business. After all, business is characterized by a tough fight, where you need to fight for management. And such struggles are filled with the life of every ambitious and active person. The art of managerial struggle by Vladimir Tarasov does not have similar methods. It is required by many people. The book teaches and urges to achieve triumph, helps to correctly prevent the struggle.

Book Options

If you search well, you can find this book in text or audio format for free download. For example, on the Rutreker website or other similar resources. Text versions are usually presented in PDF, Djvu and Word formats. Audio files are in FLAC and MP3 formats.

Fans of free receipt can search the book in social networks, in special communities, with their administrators or participants. Also, sites such as AvidReaders and Litmir offer it for free. You can buy the book on any well-known trading portals, such as Ozon, Liters, Read-the-city and Labyrinth. The art of managerial struggle can even be heard or read online.

Book's contents

What is the "Art of Management Struggle"? Anyone who carefully reads or listens to this book receives a unique mechanism with an effective management philosophy. Accompanied by this material are special parables and legends. They combine the wisdom of long traditions and innovative methods in psychology, breakthroughs in management.

Reading Tarasov's The Art of Management Struggle, a person learns to skillfully get out of various conflicts. And there are plenty of them on the way of life. And every person almost every day finds himself in situations in which you need to fight for the right to manage the circumstances. It is very important here:

  1. To cope with the conscious or unintentional pressure of others.
  2. Realize the obligations placed on your shoulders.
  3. Fight for the preservation of their beliefs.

And each person is the manager of the world. Only can cope poorly with these tasks. Examples of how everyone can control everyone are:

  1. The kid, who still does not know how to speak, already leads his parents, preventing them from sleeping at night.
  2. The dog leads the owner, and the cat rules it.
  3. A stone lying on the path makes the cart stop.

There is nothing shameful in managing the world. Shame is in the poor implementation of this management. You can carry out management of everything and everyone in different situations, only it is important to understand how to do it? The art of managerial struggle allows you to achieve the coveted response.

World image

Life is a kind of maze. It is in the open. A man moves along it, not knowing how it is further arranged. Where are his exits and where are the dead ends? A person has a memory of those parts of the labyrinth where he has already visited. But memory is pretty unreliable.

Life is a maze

And the image of the world for each person is a picture of what can or cannot be done in a certain situation. Such questions appear here:

  1. Where is success and profit, and where are they not?
  2. What can be returned and what cannot?
  3. What is high probability and why is small?

Some walls of the maze are impenetrable, the second ones are soft, and the third ones crumble due to the slightest contact. These are all human impossibilities. The first walls are physiology and technical potential. The second is economics and psychology. Still others are aesthetics. And the strength of each wall is determined by the person himself.

Behavioral Composition

The movements of each person can be external and internal. The first are visible to outsiders. The second can only be seen once inside the shell.

tarasov art of management struggle

The connection between them is simple. For example, a person is in a gloomy mood, does not want to change him. His loved ones make you smile. He does it with effort and just for the sake of sight. But his mood begins to lighten. Without external movements, there are no internal movements, and vice versa. This is a very close interaction. His most striking example is artificial respiration.

Proverbs and Wisdom

Vladimir Tarasov in ā€œThe Art of Management Struggleā€ laid special parables. Their examples are set forth below.

  • The man dragged huge logs on his shoulders all day and was not tired. Friends were very surprised. And he admitted that he just doesnā€™t care what kind of logs he carries. And this is his strength. A man is indifferent to any difficulties.
A man carries logs
  • An apple fell to the ground, with only a small spot on it on one side. Nearby was a teacher with students. He took the apple and said that you can grate it a little and immediately eat it, or you can remove all the darkened areas with a knife and then eat it, but without any fear. The teacher chose the second option. So he ate more apple. These are two different tactics. And they affect all matters. It is a combination of solid and empty. Solid is always a support. Empty is a failure. It is important to distinguish the first from the second. The result of this combination is empty. And many peopleā€™s affairs are wasted. It is important to separate the first from the second. This is the effect of the knife used to peel the apple. Higher art. And the aroma of apples always reminds of him.
Apple and knife
  • A deer grazes. His hunter can kill from a long distance. But the risk is great to miss. Therefore, itā€™s logical to get closer. The bottom line is - you need to reduce the distance by all methods, until you completely eliminate the possibility of a miss.
Deer grazes
  • The gods cursed man, left him without failure. All dreams came true, he went nuts and shot himself. Failures are a connection with reality. Only madmen do not have them. There is a factor of luck and failure. He is known only to man himself. So he receives the good news. While no one sees his reaction, there is a certain interval. This is his moment of success.
book management struggle art
  • Managing something huge is difficult. Be it a regiment, a city or a country. And if it itself is divided into parts, management is facilitated. Forced division is not allowed. It is important to find common ground between the parts. And then itā€™s easier to put together many small parts into fewer large parts.
Connect small parts to large
  • When proposing a path, you need to consider who will follow it. If a person is full of doubts, it means that he was offered not his way.
Choosing the right path

So, the timid should not negotiate with the arrogant. A savvy person should not be given detailed instructions.


Tarasov mastered the art of managerial struggle himself and helps his readers and students in this. This is the philosophy of the winner.

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