Cherry pitted wine: recipe

Everyone knows that wine is the oldest of the spirits invented by mankind at the dawn of its existence. But, contrary to the name, of course, they are preparing it not only from grapes. And in some eastern and even European countries, cherry wine with seeds is even considered a kind of national symbol, and the technological methods of its preparation are passed from grandfather to father, from father to son by inheritance. In addition, a good glass of a high-quality berry drink is both an integral part of a dinner party, and an addition to a business meeting or a warm feast with friends and colleagues. Why not use a good recipe?

pitted cherry wine

Cherry is not worse than grapes!

Such a drink, prepared with your own hands in the kitchen, can be the real pride of the owner of the house. And making homemade cherry wine with pits is a real hobby, for example, for an experienced gardener or a beginner distillery. A bottle of natural wine is not a sin to pamper your friends, family. After all, its creation, we will not be afraid of this word, requires skills and certain efforts. But then those who can properly manage their stock of patience may want to try to make it with their own hands according to the recipes below. And believe me: your resource will not be wasted. After all, simple homemade cherry wine with seeds, although it may be inferior to some types of grape drink, but quite confidently surpasses other fruit wines. It is a tasty and aromatic, healthy and rich in trace elements and vitamins alcohol. After all, wine from cherries with seeds is made from a pure heart, with the addition of pulp, seeds, water and sugar. In turn, I would like to offer some simple and tried-and-tested recipes for this drink: fortified, semi-sweet table, and liquor. Well, are you ready to try cooking?

pitted cherries

The first step, on which much depends

Homemade cherry wine with seeds is made from pure, non-hybrid varieties. Berries, of course, should be selected fresh, ripe, juicy, in color - preferably dark-colored. Corrupted fruits with brownish spots and dots are better to immediately throw away at the sorting step. Do not forget about this fact: the harvest that was stored in the refrigerator for more than three days after the harvest is considered not suitable for making the right homemade wine. The best option is your own cherry orchard and your own harvest. To get an excellent homemade cherry wine with pits, regardless of the different nuances of the recipes, it is worth taking the first step for its production: a careful selection of raw materials.

Berries - this is important!

Berries must be sorted out, seeds must not be removed. In our recipes, this is exactly what you need to do: in order to get a taste of almonds, which, no doubt, will be an audible note in this wine when you use whole berries. Then the fruits (in some recipes, by the way, do not wash cherries at all) must be mashed and filled with purified prepared water (best if you buy it in a store). After a day, the entire mass must be carefully wrung out. The resulting wort will become the basis if you decide to make cherry wine with seeds.

pitted cherry wine recipe

Necessary expert advice

In making the drink, the following advice will help you: if the wort has stood for a couple of days, and the fermentation processes have not yet begun or are extremely weak - you need to add a handful of unwashed natural raisins to the liquid (wine yeast lives there). At the final stage of winemaking, you will track it, along with other unnecessary rainfall. However, now the fermentation of wine will begin to take place very actively, and all your efforts (products, by the way, too) will not be wasted, and the future drink will not suffer at all from this either, on the contrary, it will benefit.

Final Product Calculation

If you are going to create wine from cherry with seeds, then it is not so difficult to calculate how much of the final product you will get in the final. The finished wine will have somewhere a little more than half of the initial volume of the whole mass (i.e. berries, plus sugar, plus water). For example, from ten liters of source you can get about six liters of the purest and most delicious wine. Naturally, with a general increase in the volume of ingredients, the final yield of the drink will also be added.

Assorted - it is possible!

It may happen that you want to make not pure wine from cherries with pits, but some kind of assortment, where the basis is this berry. Do not be afraid of such an experiment. You can add to the cherries and currants, and plums, and raspberries. This procedure will not spoil the precious product, but only give it a piquant zest. The main thing is that cherries make up at least 50% of the total fruit mass.

how to make cherry wine with pits

A bit about utensils

For winemaking, you will have to use a full arsenal of vessels and various containers: a fermentation barrel or a food container, several ordinary 3-liter jars, narrow bottles of 0.5-0.75 for the finished product, a watering can, a bucket and the like accessories. Acceptable material - glass or stainless steel, metal with enamel, food grade plastic. Wine lovers are not advised to take a wooden barrel into service for making a drink in a kitchen. This capacity will greatly complicate the whole process. Do not forget about the lids with the shutter, and gauze dressings, and the culinary strainer, and other necessary devices!

Cherry wine with pits. Step by step recipe

It should be noted that the drink has a piquant almond flavor, slightly reminiscent of the famous "Amaretto". The wine has a wonderful rich ruby ​​hue, an unusual aroma with tart notes of spices. We need: a bucket of cherries with pits, two buckets of peeled water, 7 kilograms of granulated sugar.

To make the wine fragrant and pleasant, choose a ripe, not overripe, sweet and sour berry. Wash, as we already said, it is not necessary, so as not to remove bacteria from its surface that improve fermentation. The bone is also not removed. We take spring water, artesian, warming it to room temperature. At the exit from these ingredients, we should get more than 20 liters of excellent table wine (semi-sweet).

simple pitted cherry wine recipe

Cooking Wort

As a container we will use a plastic barrel for drinking water with a lid. The mass of the wort should occupy three quarters of its total. Cherry must first be crushed in a bowl suitable for these needs. Then we transfer the berries with the seeds into a barrel, pour some water there, pour sugar, mix everything thoroughly, close the lid tightly and set aside in the heat and darkness for fermentation.


This process can last in different ways, depending on conditions and variety - 15-20 days. At this stage, the foam actively passes, and the fruits of the cherry rise up. The optimum temperature is up to 25 degrees, not lower than 20. To reduce the temperature of the wandering wort, you need to crush a small piece of ice. And if you need an increase - we heat a little from the contents of the container, not to a boil, but to make it hot, and pour it back. From the second day at least two times the wort is stirred - so the whole first week.

cherry wine with stones step by step recipe

Quiet fermentation, sediment removal

We cover the dishes with the fermenting mixture loosely and set them in darkness and coolness (a cellar is good for these purposes, where the temperature is about ten degrees). There, the drink should last 10 days or 2 weeks. After settling dense 2-centimeter precipitations, we make an overflow, filtering the wine with a hose from one container to another (some prefer to make several overflows). The procedure is repeated until the complete fermentation process is completed (we check by applying the auricle to the bottle: there should be no hissing in the complete absence of bubbles). The taste of the drink at this time - without excessive sweetness, not alcohol waves, but the smell of good wine is felt in the aroma . The pitted cherry wine recipe completes the following steps.

Ripening wine bottling

We pack up almost ready-made young wine in bottles using a familiar hose, then plug it. Now the drink needs to be kept in a dark place, then it will be as transparent as possible, excellent in color and aroma.

Pitted Cherry Wine with Glove

Our people are fancy on fiction! Here is another fairly common, fairly affordable recipe for cherry wine with pits. Prepared from cherries at home, such alcohol will have a tart and spicy taste. So, a simple recipe for cherry wine with pits - your close attention!

Ingredients: cherry with a stone - 10 kg, granulated sugar - 3 kg, prepared water - 10 liters.

  1. We prepare carefully selected cherries. Knead, pour sugar, pour purified water and slightly squeeze.
  2. We put the resulting mass into jars of three liters each. Glassware should be two-thirds full.
  3. We put a rubber glove on each jar (sold at a pharmacy or hardware store). After a few days, the wort begins to ferment, this process can last about 30 days, but no more.
  4. At this time, the glove on the jar rises and straightens, as if releasing a greeting to us. When the air leaves the gloves, and the bubbles disappear in the containers, this means that the drink is ready for use. Pour into beautiful bottles, cork. To keep it longer, add (but not necessarily) a little vodka with a strength of 40 degrees (fix).


Cherry wine with pits with vodka for those who like "hotter"! We offer a simple recipe for a homemade drink. Soft, pleasant to the taste, with delicate aromas of fresh ripe cherry berries with pits - such is his character! And what is surprising: wine can even be made from frozen cherries.

Ingredients: 3 kg of cherries in a bag from the freezer, 8 liters of purified water, a pound of sugar, half a glass of vodka. It is better to take good vodka, without additives and essences - pure (or diluted alcohol). How to make cherry wine with stones according to this recipe?

  1. We sort out the fruits, fall asleep in containers, introduce sugar and vodka, mnem.
  2. We leave the berries plus sugar and vodka warm for 2-3 hours, so that they let the juices and soak well.
  3. We introduce water into the containers, stirring the contents slowly, and seal with lids with water locks.
  4. Leave to roam for 21 days (approximately) in the heat.
  5. We strain, pour into dark glass bottles, put it in storage in a cool place (ideally - in the cellar).
    making homemade cherry wine with pits

Now you know how to make wine from pitted cherries . As you can see, there are various interesting ways to prepare this beautiful, healthy cherry alcoholic drink: simpler and more complex, more traditional and according to individual recipes. At least, from cherries you can make, if desired and relevant skills, table, semisweet wine fortified with vodka, as well as liqueurs and excellent liquors. However, the preparation of the latter is a topic of a completely different conversation. Enjoy your meal!

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