Rudy Youngblood - American actor, musician, artist, dancer. He became famous after filming in the film "Apocalypse" by Mel Gibson in 2006. He is engaged in boxing, Native American dancing, drawing. Participates in public events.
Rudy was born 09.21.1982 in the town of Belton in Texas. The real name is his Gonzales. The guy is a Native American, a descendant of the Yaki, Cree and Comanche Indians. Youngblood's mother is half African American. On the topic of the origin of the actor there were many discussions in the press. Analysts discussed, in particular, where the border between the Native American and non-Indian is.
The boy’s childhood was difficult. He defeated severe cancer. Rudy grew up without a father. In addition to him, the mother raised two more daughters. Youngblad had to grow up early and start earning a living himself. He started earning money at the age of ten.
In 2000, the guy graduated from high school. Back in school years, actor Rudy Yangblad was engaged in boxing and athletics. After leaving school, Youngblad was offered a choice of a scholarship in the magistracy at the faculty of "Art" or "Athletics".
Rudy was a creative and artistic boy from childhood, so he chose Native American dances and for some time even went on tour with the troupe of the dance theater.
Actor career
Having entered adulthood, Rudy got a job on a construction site - he was engaged in carpentry, laid brick, worked as a handyman, and went to film auditions in his spare time. In 2005, he even managed to play the role of a defending warrior in the little-known film "Spirit. Seventh Day."
A real start to the actor’s career was given by the role of Paw Jaguar in Mel Gibson's film “Apocalypse”. At the casting, Youngblood liked the producers of the film and Mel Gibson so much that he was immediately approved for the main role.
Now the actor’s piggy bank has eight roles played in the cinema, six more projects with the participation of the actor have been announced or in the process of filming. Many of the roles that are now trusted by the actor, small or episodic, often in little-known films and series.
Without a doubt, Rudy has all the qualities to make a good movie career - talent, hard work and fortitude. Ahead of him there are still many good roles.
Historical drama "Apocalypse"
The film "Apocalypse" (literal translation of the name "Apocalypto") was released in 2006. The film takes place on the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America at the beginning of the 16th century. The main characters of the "Apocalypse" - Maya Indians - are talking in a frame in the Yucatec language. Their dialogs are subtitled. The film has a lot of cruel, extremely naturalistic scenes. The very word "apocalypto" is translated from Greek as "show yourself", "discover", "discover". The creator of the film, Mel Gibson, translated it as a “new beginning."
Gibson wrote the script for the film together with Farhad Safinia. The main roles in the film were played by Rudy Yangblad, Jonathan Brbar, Dahlia Hernandez, Morris Birdyellowhead, Ramirez Amilkar and other actors.
The main idea for Gibson was to create a realistic film in the genre of "pursuit, adventure." He wanted to get away from the achievements of progress that are constantly shown in films - cars, computers - and do something else.
The creators of the picture for a long time studied the Mayan culture, their history and sacred texts, made the actors of the film learn the Mayan language. Actors for The Apocalypse were also invited from Yucatan and Mexico City, the true descendants of the Indians.
After the release of the film of real fame from the entire cast, only the performer of the main role was awarded to Rudy, who was able to quit his part-time jobs and devote himself to his acting career.
The painting "Apocalypse" was nominated for an Oscar, BAFTA and Golden Globe.
Personal life
Rudy Youngblood is single. In his spare time, the actor runs, draws and boxes. He is also an active participant in various actions to combat HIV and AIDS. In an interview, the guy says that he can not stand aside from this problem, because he saw a member of his family dying from the complications caused by this disease.
Rudy also considers it important to discuss issues related to alcoholism, drug addiction, and family abuse. The actor’s mother is being treated for alcoholism.
To date, the following films have been released with Rudi Youngblood:
- In 2005 - "Spirit. The Seventh Fire";
- In 2006 - The Apocalypse;
- In 2010 - “Resistance”;
- In 2012 - "To America";
- In 2015 - “Cold”, the short film “Shepard's Blade” and the series “Amnesia”;
- In 2016 - “Point of no return”;
- In 2018 - "Exhaustion".