What medicine can cure genital herpes? There are quite a few drugs that can eliminate the symptoms of this disease. Some of them are intended for local use, while others are for oral administration. At the same time, experts argue that for the treatment of the aforementioned ailment, as well as to prevent the further spread of the rash on the skin or mucous membranes, it is better to use both of them. Thus, the treatment of genital herpes should only be complex.
Features of the disease
The use of drugs for genital herpes should be carried out immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of this ailment. It should be recalled that this is a viral infection that is sexually transmitted. It is characterized by multiple rashes in the form of bubbles filled with liquid.
Speaking of genital herpes, it should be understood that the symptoms of this disease are observed exclusively on the mucous membranes or skin of the genital organs.
Who and where does it arise?
Medications for genital herpes can be needed by both men and women, since the aforementioned disease in both sexes occurs in equal proportions. The carrier of such an infection is about 20% of the total population of our planet.
The main areas of spread of the rash are the following:
- in women: cervix and external genitalia;
- in men: the head of the penis, the inner side of the foreskin, thighs and groin.
Types of medicines for genital herpes
An integrated approach to the treatment of herpes infection is the key to a quick recovery.
To quickly forget about unpleasant vesicles, doctors recommend using two types of medicines for herpes on the genitals at once:
- preparations for local application;
- means for internal use (oral).
It should be noted that some patients often add alternative medicine methods to the presented types of medicines (taking tinctures, decoctions of various herbs, vegetable ointments, lotions, etc.). Most often, such an initiative on the part of the patient is welcomed by doctors, especially if the main reason for the frequent appearance of a herpetic rash on the genitals is a depressed human immunity.
Features of local and oral drugs
What medicine can cure genital herpes? Using only local ointments, it must be understood that this type of medication acts only on the surface layers of the skin. It does not penetrate the body, and, therefore, does not act systemically.
Usually antiherpetic ointments are used so that the infection contained in the vesicle rash does not spread to healthy areas of the skin or mucous membrane. Also, such a medication is prescribed if the tablet form of the drug is contraindicated for the patient (for example, lactating or pregnant women). It should be remembered that the best cure for genital herpes is a medication intended for oral administration. Most often, such funds are prescribed for:
- regular relapses of genital herpes;
- depressed immunity;
- delayed treatment;
- if the rash has formed in places that are inaccessible to the use of local funds or on internal organs.
Thus, we can safely say that the most effective remedy for genital herpes is pills. They are able to penetrate the human body and distribute the active antiviral substance to all affected areas. The only drawback of this form of the drug is that it has many contraindications, which are described in detail in the instructions.
How to treat a viral disease?
Some patients who often suffer from genital vesicle rash do not use any medicine for genital herpes. Doctors do not welcome such behavior, although they argue that with a timely increase in immunity, the body is able to suppress the symptoms of the disease on its own. But this does not always happen. Therefore, most experts recommend the use of antiviral medications immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, especially if it spreads to the genitals.
So, the most popular and effective medicines for genital herpes are:
- Panavir gel;
- Epigen-Intim spray;
- tablets "Acyclovir";
- Ribavirin tablets;
- tablets "Valacyclovir";
- tablets "Famvir";
- tablets "Valtrex".
Gel for cold sores "Panavir"
It is an antiviral drug of plant origin. It prevents the reconstruction of DNA strands of the virus, has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. This is very important in the treatment of herpes infection, since the latter is activated only in a weakened body.
According to the instructions, such a local drug stops the virus well at an early stage of its development. Moreover, it is absolutely non-toxic and does not enter the systemic circulation. The therapeutic effect after applying the Panavir gel occurs in about 4-5 days. For this, it is recommended to use it 2-3 times a day, applying a thin layer to the affected areas.
Epigen Intimate Spray
How to cure herpes on the labia? The medicine in the form of Epigen-Intim spray effectively copes with the task. It should be noted that such a drug is intended not only for the treatment of genital infections that were caused by the herpes virus, but also for the treatment of colpitis, nonspecific vaginitis, etc.
Due to the fact that the active substance of the mentioned spray is glycyrrhizic acid, it can be used by pregnant and lactating women only by absolute indications.
The method of using the Epigen-Intim drug is quite simple. The sprayer must be directed to the affected area of ββthe skin or mucous membrane, and then gently press it. The dosage of this medication is individual.
The drug "Acyclovir"
Perhaps this is the most popular cure for genital herpes. The instruction of the drug in question is contained in a cardboard box along with tablets in blisters.
In the treatment of genital herpes, this medication must be taken in a standard course, which lasts 5-10 days with a dosage of 800-1000 mg per day. Tablets against a rash on the genitals are recommended to be taken only after eating, drinking plenty of water.
The main advantages of Acyclovir include the following:
- approved for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children;
- the most famous and effective oral drug, repeatedly confirming its highest effectiveness;
- affordable to most patients.
The medicine "Ribavirin"
This is a synthetic analogue of nucleosides, which has a pronounced antiviral effect. Ribavirin is available in tablet form. It has a wide spectrum of activity. It is used not only against genital herpes, but also in diseases such as chronic hepatitis C, measles, herpetic stomatitis, chickenpox, influenza, respiratory syncytial infection, rabies, etc.
According to the instructions, this medication is absorbed very quickly. He begins his active action in one and a half to two hours after administration. The dosage of this drug per day is 0.8-1.2 g. The tablets are swallowed whole, washed down with water.
A significant drawback of this drug is the presence of a large number of side effects and contraindications. For example, it cannot be used for endocrine diseases, unstable angina pectoris, liver cirrhosis, anemia, depressive conditions, pathologies of the respiratory system, thrombophlebitis, etc. Also, the drug Ribavirin should be used with caution in elderly patients and HIV-infected persons.
Among the side effects after taking this medication can be noted such as nausea, bloating, nervousness, suicidal tendency, decreased libido, redness of the skin, joint pain, enlarged lymph nodes, etc.
Medication "Valacyclovir"
By its action, this remedy is similar to Acyclovir. Taking these pills can significantly reduce genital itching and soreness. It should be noted that, in comparison with other drugs, the active substance of which is also acyclovir, Valacyclovir has a lower frequency of administration. To achieve a therapeutic effect, this medication is enough to take twice a day for one week.
As for the contraindications of the drug under consideration, these include: the patient's hypersensitivity to the active substance, impaired renal function, their transplantation, bone marrow transplantation, HIV infection, as well as children's age up to 12 years.
The drug "Famvir"
Instructions for the use of medicines for genital herpes contain complete information about how much and for how long it is necessary to use an antiviral medication, and also under what conditions it is contraindicated. Therefore, before starting a course of treatment, one should not only consult a doctor, but also carefully study the annotation.
The drug "Famvir" is a modification of the well-known similar means "Penciclovir." According to the instructions, after oral administration, the therapeutic effect lasts about 12 hours. At the same time, getting into the body, the active substance of the drug not only stops the existing symptoms of the disease, but also blocks the appearance of new ones.
The pharmacological feature of the drug βFamvirβ is that after ingestion, it penetrates only into viral particles, without affecting healthy cells of the body.
For the treatment of genital herpes, including relapses, the medication in question is prescribed 1000 mg twice a day for a day or 500 mg once with a further dose of three doses of 250 mg every 12 hours.
Pills "Valtrex"
The active substance of this tool is valacicpovir hydrochloride. After oral administration, under the influence of the enzyme valacicpovirhydrolase, it completely turns into acyclovir, which, in turn, exhibits pronounced inhibitory activity against genital herpes viruses.
What features are inherent in this drug? The instructions clearly state that the Valtrex medication not only treats an already sick patient, but is also used as a prophylactic. For example, taking this medication with a healthy partner significantly reduces the risk of contracting it with genital herpes. For this, the drug is recommended to be taken as a suppressive treatment in combination with safe sex.
For the treatment of an already existing herpetic infection on the genitals, Valtrex is prescribed in a dosage of 500 mg twice a day. With frequent relapses, treatment with this agent should last 3-5 days.
In severe primary cases of genital herpes, therapy should be started with the appearance of the first signs of the disease, and its duration should be increased to 10 days.
The opinion of doctors
According to experts, the effective effect of genital herpes drugs listed above is undeniable. All of these drugs are time-tested. They do an excellent job with the task. After the first pill or the use of local funds in the form of a gel or spray, the patient's condition improves markedly. Itching and unpleasant burning sensation disappear, and subsequently the rash itself disappears, which favorably affects the general condition of a person.
For those who have genital herpes more often than two to three times a month, doctors recommend additionally using various immunomodulators in the form of vitamin complexes, tinctures, etc.