Spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine - description, symptoms and treatment features

Over the years, people begin to complain of headaches, frequent dizziness, discomfort in the neck and shoulders. In this situation, many begin to take a wide variety of painkiller-type drugs to relieve such symptoms. As a rule, such events do not bring any visible results. The fact is that when pain occurs, it is necessary to treat not discomfort, but the root cause, which led to such symptoms. Typically, these signs appear against the background of dystrophic processes occurring in the vertebrae, most often in the cervical region.

Neck hurts

In medical practice, a diagnosis of spondylolisthesis of the spine (vertebral displacement) is quite common. This pathology can bring not only a lot of discomfort and pain, but also completely disrupt the normal life of a person. Therefore, it is very important to promptly identify such a pathology.

What is cervical spondylolisthesis

This ailment is not a separate disease. By and large, this is a definite term by which the cause of pathological dystrophic and other changes occurring in the spine is explained. Many people know that the older a person becomes, the more he is subject to involutive processes. This is due to the fact that almost all body tissues wear out. This also applies to the spinal column. If a person is associated with risk factors in his professional activity, stresses the back, or pathologies develop in the spine, then degenerative changes are recorded much more often earlier.

Spondylolisthesis can occur in any part of the spine, but more often it is found in the cervical region. This is due to the fact that this area of ​​the human body has certain anatomical and physiological features. A person constantly moves his neck, it has a large load throughout the day. It must support the weight of the head and cope with numerous tasks. However, with all this, the neck muscles are rather poorly developed. Because of this, an increase in static loads occurs.

Doctor shows

It is worth noting that the cervical vertebrae are much smaller in size. It also affects their strength. All this leads to spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine.

It is also worth paying attention to a significant aggravating factor. The fact is that inside each vertebra there are quite large nerves and blood vessels. Also in this place is the vertebral artery. If osteopaths are squeezed in this area, then in this case there is even a risk of developing circulatory disorders in the human brain. In some situations, this leads to ischemic stroke.

However, spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine is the primary sign of problems. By and large, this is the so-called reaction of the body, which becomes clearly visible if the patient suffers from certain pathological changes in the intervertebral discs (for example, during the development of osteochondrosis or other pathologies).

As a rule, it is osteochondrosis that has a destructive effect on the discs. In this case, instability of the cervical spine is most often noted. The body begins to respond to a similar ailment. Overgrowth of osteophytes (a kind of protrusions) along the vertebrae occurs. They are necessary in order to try to stabilize the weakened part of the body. Despite the fact that in this way the body is trying to bring its work to a stable mode, the cervical spine can be severely deformed. Such neglected situations are considered the most difficult. With a special form of cervical spondylolisthesis, surgery may even be required.

Varieties of pathology

Since spondylolisthesis is not a separate disease, there are many different factors that affect its development. That is why spondylolisthesis happens:

  • Degenerative. Most often, this pathology manifests itself against the background of destruction in the tissues of the spine. As a rule, degenerative spondylolisthesis of the cervical vertebra occurs in people of the older age group, as well as in those who have developed osteochondrosis.
  • Dysplastic. In this case, the cause of the disease is the improper development of the vertebral discs, as well as the ligaments, which are necessary in order to strengthen the spinal column. This can happen during fetal development. Thus, the dysplastic type of this pathology can be safely called congenital.
  • Sewer. The development of this disease is explained by violations in the area where the connecting bodies of the vertebrae, as well as their processes are located.
  • Traumatic. In this case, we are talking about damage to the cervical spine, against which the development of unstable work of the segments of the spinal column occurs.


A pathology of this type develops according to 4 stages. It is worth considering them in more detail:

  • 1st stage. There is a displacement of the disks by from the width of the vertebra, which is located below.
  • 2 stage. In this case, the overlying vertebral disc shifts a little more - half the width of the vertebra, which is located under it.
  • 3 stage. In this case, the offset becomes even more noticeable. The upper disc moves 3/4 of the width of the lower vertebra.
  • At stage 4, the spinal disc completely slides away. Thus, in the process of developing this ailment in a person, a complete deformation of the neck, including a complete displacement of the vertebra, can occur.


It is worth noting that in recent years, experts began to note that an increasingly younger generation suffers from spondylolisthesis of the lumbar and cervical spine. At risk are people aged 50 to 60 years, but the first symptoms of problems with this part of the spine can also occur in people who are a little over 20 years old. Thus, a new theory has appeared today that refutes the opinion that this pathology can develop only in older people. This is due to the fact that the cervical vertebrae shift not only against the backdrop of age-related changes, but also because modern young people spend more time at the computer and lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle.

Considering the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of spondylolisthesis, it is also worth noting that such problems can develop against the background of:

  • Static or dynamic overload of the cervical spine.
  • Acquired or congenital pathologies that disrupt the biomechanics of genetic predisposition.
  • Diseases in the process of which the metabolism is disturbed.
  • Traumatic injuries and nutritional problems.

At least one of the listed signs is somehow present in the life of every person. Many lack vitamins. People do not eat right, do not monitor their weight and posture. All this can lead to back problems.


If you determine the causes and symptoms of spondylolisthesis of the spine, the treatment will be much more successful, however, only if the patient has not delayed a visit to a doctor.

A person should seek specialized help if he begins to complain of pain in the sewing departments. In this case, pain can also give in the area of ​​the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the occipital part of the head and many other zones. Most often, the pain is acute or in the form of lumbago.

Spinal problems

Also, with the development of spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine, many note the appearance of goosebumps on their hands. There is a crunch when cornering or moving your head. Movement is very limited.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in this situation the so-called hump may appear on the back of the neck. Many note the appearance of dizziness and fainting. In case there is a malfunction of the vertebral artery, headaches of aching type appear. The upper limbs and shoulder joints are greatly weakened.

If you notice the symptoms of lumbar or cervical spondylolisthesis in a timely manner, then there is a chance of a full recovery.


To make sure that a person is really suffering from this ailment, no serious research is required. As a rule, the doctor sees the first signs of pathology already at the examination.

To do this, contact a neurologist. If he has doubts about the accuracy of the diagnosis, he will send the patient to an X-ray examination of the cervical vertebrae. In this case, a picture is taken in 2 projections. If necessary, additional CT or MRI can be performed.

Neck shot

This type of study is necessary in order to more accurately establish the degree and type of damage that the patient suffers from. Also, such a diagnosis helps to make sure that a person has serious complications, for example, an intervertebral hernia. Against the background of the results obtained, the doctor makes an appropriate treatment for spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine. Additionally, preventive procedures can be prescribed.

Drug treatment

Prevention and treatment of spondylolisthesis is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. As a rule, you can not do without medication in this case. Usually, a specialist prescribes:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, such medicines are taken in very short courses. They are necessary in order to quickly relieve the patient of pain, but not affect the work of other body systems.
  • Muscle relaxants. This group of drugs is designed to stop a very strong pain syndrome. Acceptance of such medications is allowed only on condition that the patient is under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

If spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine has reached a serious stage of development, then in this case injections of steroid hormones may be required. Novocaine blockade may also be required.

Physiotherapy and exercise

Thanks to such therapeutic measures, it is possible to stimulate the muscles of the peritoneum and back.

Exercise complex

If we talk about specialized physical education, then usually it is a complex of gymnastic exercises. It also requires the development of a more powerful muscular back corset to support weakened vertebrae. Exercise therapy is an effective therapeutic measure that helps to significantly improve the patient's condition.

Depending on whether the patient was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis of the thoracic spine or cervical spine, various exercises will be required, the complex of which is selected depending on the specific clinical picture and the individual characteristics of the patient. Gymnastics should be gentle. Therefore, the doctor must exclude any exercises that may lead to overstretching of the spinal tissue.

Orthopedic correction

In this case, we are talking about the mandatory wearing of a special corset, which is selected for each patient individually. Devices of this type are designed to exclude the likelihood of accidental muscle strain, which can occur due to the patient's carelessness. Even a sharp turn of the head and standard loads can lead to this.

Orthopedic corset

Orthopedic corset helps to fix the vertebrae in the correct position and prevent their further displacement.

Surgical intervention

If during the conservative treatment of pathology there is no positive dynamics and the patient has the same symptoms of spondylolisthesis, surgery becomes the only way out.

As a rule, surgical intervention is necessary already at the 3rd stage of the development of the disease or if the patient was diagnosed with a hereditary predisposition to this pathology or spondylolisthesis began to develop too quickly. In this case, special fixing plates are installed directly into the spine itself.

After surgery, patients undergo rehabilitation. Also during this period, a person is strictly forbidden to lift weights and perform intense physical exercises. After surgery, it is recommended to purchase a hard bed. Legs should always be bent at the knees during sleep. Additionally, for some time, the patient will have to wear an orthopedic corset and perform special exercises.

Possible complications

If a significant displacement of the discs has occurred in the neck, this leads to serious deformations of this area. A person literally has a hump. The length of the spinal column is significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in the growth of the patient. A person cannot make many movements, which is why his quality of life is significantly impaired.

Vertebral displacement

People suffering from this pathology begin to walk like tightrope walkers. This means that their legs are almost always in a bent state, they set their feet in one line. With the development of such anomalies, it is difficult to talk about a full recovery.


Spondylolisthesis is an extremely serious disease. If we allow the development of an advanced stage, then a person will have to draw up a disability. With an exacerbation of the pathology, which lasts more than 4 months, the patient is assigned to group 3. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to avoid such complications. If you start timely treatment, then in most cases the prognosis is favorable.

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