"Hexoral": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Probably, each of us at least once in a lifetime has encountered various inflammatory pathologies of the throat and gums. Such phenomena cause extremely unpleasant sensations, therefore it is very important to choose a remedy that can relieve inflammation, disinfect and anesthetize. There are a large number of drugs that can cope with this problem. One of them is Hexoral. You can read the reviews of patients and doctors about this tool, as well as instructions for use, indications, contraindications, composition, analogs and manufactured forms in this article. Carefully read the information provided in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible.

general description

Reviews about "Hexoral" indicate that the tool is suitable for both children and adults. The drug has a good antiseptic effect and has several forms of release. Therefore, each patient will be able to choose the one that is suitable for him. The tool has a local effect, and is used for the oral cavity.

A few words about the composition and form of release

The drug "Hexoral" (instructions for use, reviews, analogues are described in this article) has several forms of release. It is from this that the components that make up the drug will depend. The tool can be purchased in the form of tablets for resorption, spray or solution.

Hexoral solution

The main active ingredient in the spray is hexetidine. In addition to it, the composition also includes such auxiliary components as eucalyptus oil, ethanol, levomenthol, water and citric acid monohydrate. One hundred milliliters of spray accounts for 0.2 grams of active substance. The difference in solution is a lower content of hexetidine. One hundred grams of the drug will account for 0.1 grams of the effective component.

But this synthetic active ingredient is not part of the tablets. Ingredients such as benzocaine and chlorhexidine perform their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory functions. The composition of the tablets also includes such auxiliary components as water, aspartame, menthol and peppermint. In fact, additional ingredients are very important components, as they give the medicine the right form of release, and also contribute to its best absorption by the body.

Instructions and reviews on “Hexoral” confirm that each patient will be able to choose a form of release of the drug that is suitable for him. The medicine in the form of a spray is placed in a cylinder with a volume of forty milliliters. Special nozzles will also be attached to it.

The solution is in a glass vial, which places two hundred milliliters of liquid in it. The packaging will also contain a measuring cup, which will help to calculate the correct dosage.

Pharmacological features

According to reviews, “Hexoral” has an excellent antibacterial effect, as it has the ability to suppress all oxidative processes that occur during the metabolism of a large number of bacteria and fungi.

Hexoral spray

The tool helps to cope with the flu, herpes and many other bacterial and fungal pathologies. In this case, the agent acts locally, practically without getting into the general bloodstream. Even after a single use, the product is able to stay in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity for about sixty to seventy hours.

In what cases can I use

In fact, according to reviews, Hexoral has a fairly wide range of applications. The medicine is often prescribed by doctors to treat various inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity, namely:

  • treatment of influenza, tonsillitis and SARS;
  • the tool is able to cope with such pathologies as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease and stomatitis;
  • very often the medicine is used to treat fungal pathologies of the oral cavity;
Hexoral tablets
  • the drug can be used to provide preventive measures for injuries, tooth extraction, as well as to reduce the risk of infection before or after surgery;
  • Also, the medicine can be used if there is an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity caused by the activity of bacteria; the drug perfectly performs a hygienic function.

Features of the use of the drug

Your doctor may prescribe a spray, aerosol, or tablet release, depending on the type of illness. If the patient needs treatment for the throat, then in this case, the tool must be used in the form of a solution. In the presence of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, an aerosol is best suited. But with angina and other inflammatory diseases of the throat, it is best to use tablets, since they have an excellent analgesic effect.

The greatest effect can be achieved if you use the drug in the presence of the very first symptoms, and you need to continue the course of treatment for a few more days after the pathology completely disappears.

Hexoral spray: instructions for use

Reviews indicate that the drug in the form of an aerosol release is very effective and also very easy to use. The product is used locally. It must be sprayed onto damaged areas of the oral mucosa. For maximum effectiveness, use the drug after eating, because if you do this before using food, then most of the active substances will simply be washed off with the food.

sore throat

According to the instructions and reviews about the Hexoral spray, the drug is suitable for both adults and children. It is recommended that children from six years of age, as well as adults, use the product twice a day, irrigating them with problem areas. The medication can also be used for the smallest children, but in this case the dosage will be prompted by the attending pediatrician. It is best to treat babies in a hospital.

So, we will consider how to use the spray correctly: first, put a spray bottle on a spray can of liquid. Now direct the nozzle to the problem area of ​​the oral cavity, and inject the required amount of spray. The optimal spraying time is one to two seconds. Be sure to hold your breath for a few seconds during this procedure.

How to use the solution

Reviews about the solution "Hexoral" are also more positive. Doctors very often prescribe this form of drug release for adults, as well as children older than three years of age. With this medication, you can get rid of many inflammatory pathologies of the oral mucosa.

Take fifteen milliliters of active liquid (this dosage can be measured using the included measuring cup). Place the solution in your mouth, and rinse your throat and mouth for thirty to sixty seconds. Most often, doctors recommend using the drug twice a day. However, reviews confirm that in advanced cases, more frequent rinses can be performed.

The tool is able to gradually accumulate on the mucous membranes. That is why use it after a meal, in no case swallowing a solution. If the medicine is used to treat the oral cavity, then in this case, doctors recommend moistening a cotton swab with a solution and applying it to problem areas.

sore throat

The attending physician will tell you how much money to use. Do not forget that treatment is extremely dangerous.

Features of the use of tablets "Hexoral Tabs"

Reviews about this drug report that the drug in the form of a tablet release is very effective, and therefore is in incredible demand. The tool is intended for the treatment of tonsillitis and other infectious diseases of the throat. Reviews of Hexoral tablets confirm that the drug can be used not only in the adult population, but also for children who have reached the age of four.

Tablets are intended for resorption. The slower you do it, the better the result. The pill must be kept in the oral cavity until it is completely dissolved. Never bite or swallow it. The medicine should be taken immediately after the throat begins to become inflamed and sore. Treatment is recommended to continue a couple of days after the disappearance of all symptoms.

Patients over twelve years of age should take one tablet every one to two hours. In this case, the maximum daily dose is eight pills. But smaller patients should not take more than four pills a day.

In what cases is it forbidden to use the medicine

Reviews about "Hexoral" for children and adults report that the drug can be used in almost all categories of patients. However, there are still some contraindications. They must be familiarized with before using the product. So, in what cases is it contraindicated to use the drug:

  • in the presence of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • the remedy is also contraindicated for children under the age of three;
  • Also, do not use the drug for people with erosive damage to the oral cavity.
visit doctor

The drug in the form of a solution is prescribed with extreme caution to those patients who have individual intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid. In this case, the dosage of the drug is recommended to be reduced.

Is it possible to develop side effects

According to reviews of "Hexoral" for children and adults, regardless of the form of release, the agent very rarely leads to allergic reactions. However, such phenomena do occur occasionally. Consider what can happen against the background of the use of this tool:

  • Most often, patients complain of side effects that occur from the digestive tract. Some people taking the drug experienced increased dry mouth, or, conversely, excessive work of the salivary glands, as well as vomiting and nausea.
  • Patients suffering from individual intolerance to some components of the drug may notice the development of allergic reactions, which make themselves felt in the form of a rash, urticaria, burning sensation, as well as swelling. In some cases, individual intolerance can lead to breathing problems.
  • In very rare cases, problems with the central nervous system can be observed. These include agevzia and dysgeusia.
  • Another side effect is a change in the shade of tooth enamel.

What will happen in case of an overdose

The drug "Hexoral", reviews and instructions for use of which are described in this article, if used correctly, does not worsen the state of health. However, if during its use the patient swallowed a large amount of the active substance, this can lead to an overdose. Usually this condition is manifested by vomiting. In this case, be sure to contact the medical institution for gastric lavage. You will also be offered symptomatic therapy.

Use of the product by pregnant and lactating women

The product is contraindicated for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, in some cases, having weighed all the pros and cons, if absolutely necessary, the doctor may still prescribe this drug to these categories of patients. In this case, the lactating woman should transfer the child to artificial feeding.

What do patients and doctors think

Reviews about the Hexoral spray for children and adults are mostly positive. The drug copes with its purpose perfectly, not only in the form of a spray release, but also in others. The tool is very often prescribed by doctors, as they are confident in its effectiveness. Doctors prescribe medication for children against sore throats and other infectious diseases of the throat. The drug not only very quickly removes inflammation and destroys harmful bacteria, but also relieves pain.

Patients are also happy with the medicine. The drug gives good treatment results. The condition normalizes very quickly. The main thing is to start using the product on time. This is best done with the first symptoms of inflammation. In mild cases, the course of treatment may be only a few days. In more severe cases, treatment may take up to several weeks.

different pills

What is very important, the medicine has a pleasant taste, so taking it is not difficult. Even small children can do this. It is also important that negative reactions are extremely rare. In addition, the price of a medicine is developing. Depending on the form of release, as well as the network of pharmacies, the drug can be bought at a price of two hundred to four hundred rubles. Usually one pack of medicine is enough for the entire course of treatment.

What can be replaced

To date, there is simply a huge number of substitutes for the drug "Hexoral". Analogues are means that have a similar composition, and also have the exact same therapeutic effect on the body. So, most often, doctors prescribe to their patients such analogues as: “Stomatidin”, “Hexetidine”, “Maxispray”, “Stopangin” and many others. The main thing is to consult a doctor before using them.


Reviews about "Hexoral Tbs" indicate that the drug copes with its purpose. A medicine in any form of release perfectly removes inflammation, eliminates pain, and also destroys harmful bacteria. The main thing is to approach the issue of treatment wisely. Be healthy and take care!

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