Opera "The Snow Maiden" by Rimsky-Korsakov: summary and history of creation

The opera takes place in prehistoric times in the country of Berendey. Actors: Spring-red, Frost, the close boyar of Bermyat, Bakul, the shepherd Lel, Berendey. Snegurochka, Kupava, Mizgir, Leshy and others also take part in the scenes. The work is based on the tale of the same name by Ostrovsky.

opera snow maiden

How was the opera "The Snow Maiden" created?

Rimsky-Korsakov first became acquainted with the work of Ostrovsky in the early seventies of the 19th century. I must say that then the fairy tale did not make a special impression on the composer. In the late seventies, Rimsky-Korsakov reread it again. And then, as the composer himself says, "as if he saw his amazing poetic beauty." In the summer of 1880, he began composing an opera. Subsequently, the composer recalled that not a single work was written by him with such ease and speed as the opera Snegurochka. By the next year, 1881, the work was completed. In 1882, the first premiere took place at the Mariinsky Theater. She passed with great success. Ostrovsky himself enthusiastically accepted the production. He said that the music for his fairy tale was so amazing that he could not imagine anything more suitable and extremely vividly expressing all the poetry of the pagan Russian cult.

Libretto of the opera "The Snow Maiden"

The production based on the tales of Ostrovsky is a glorification of the life-giving powerful natural forces that bring happiness to people. The idea of ​​the work is rooted in folk poetry. The production, in addition, embodies the idea of ​​the greatness of the power of art. In the production, the real world is contrasted with the fantastic, personifying, as the composer himself said, “periodically protruding, eternal forces of nature”. Shepherd Lel, Snegurochka, Berendey are characters semi-real, semi-fantastic. "The creative principle that gives rise to life in people and nature" is contrasted with severe frost. The daughter of Spring and Frost - the Snow Maiden - reaches out with all her soul to the sun, to people. The composer truthfully, very artistically shows the triumph of warmth and love, leading the girl to death. Such is the idea and the summary of the opera Snegurochka. The following should be described in more detail about the story itself.

Snow Maiden's song from the opera Snow Maiden

The magic kingdom of Berendey

The plot of the opera Snow Maiden unfolds on a moonlit night. Spring-red falls to the ground, surrounded by a retinue of birds. The country is cold, the forest is covered with snow. Fifteen years ago, at Frost and Spring, a daughter, the Snow Maiden, was born. Since that time, the Yarilo-sun, angry, began to give the earth little heat and light; winter became harsh and long, and summer short. Frost appears on the scene, promising Spring to leave the kingdom. But leaving one daughter was dangerous - Yarilo was just waiting to light a fire of love in the girl’s soul, which would melt her, and she would die. Parents decide to send the Snow Maiden to the childless Bakul-bobyl, in the settlement of Berendeyevka. The girl is happy - she has long been attracted to people by the wonderful singing of the shepherd Lel. Frost and Spring are leaving, entrusting their daughter Leshem to guard. A crowd of Berendey is approaching. They are cheerful - they accompany Shrovetide and welcome the arrival of spring. Snegurochka appears from the forest. Bobyl is glad of her request to take her to her daughter.

Misgir and Kupava

At the request of the Snow Maiden, Lel sings songs to her, but when he heard the call of her friends, he runs away, throwing a flower that she presented. The girl is offended. At this time, Kupava, in love with Mizgir, approaches the Snow Maiden. She hurries to share her happiness, says that their wedding should be held soon. According to the old custom, Mizgir must redeem his bride from girlfriends. But appearing and seeing the Snow Maiden, he, captivated by the beauty of the girl, refuses Kupava. Outraged by such behavior of Mizgir, the people advise Kupava to ask for the intercession from the just and good king Berendey.

contents of the opera maiden

Royal palace

The wise Berendey is praised by the hussers. But the king’s soul is restless: Yarilo was angry with the Berendey for something. To mitigate the formidable deity, Berendey decides the next day to marry all the grooms and brides. At this time, Kupava rushes to the king and talks about his grief. The indignant Berendey orders to bring Mizgir to him and condemns the young man to eternal exile. The young man does not make excuses, but only asks the king to look at the Snow Maiden. The beauty of the girl strikes Berendey. The Tsar learns that the Snow Maiden knows no feelings of love, she understands why Yarilo is angry. Berendey decides to announce that the young man who can ignite the feeling in the girl’s soul before dawn will receive her as a wife. Mizgir swears that he can make the Snow Maiden fall in love with him and asks to postpone the exile.

Lel and Kupava

The next action takes place in a protected forest. The dawn is dying in the meadow, Berendey celebrates the onset of summer with the people. Lel sings songs. As a reward for them, Berendey offers the young man to choose a girl for his heart. The shepherd comes to Kupava, which upsets the Snow Maiden to tears. Misgir appears. He excitedly turns to the Snow Maiden, tells her about his love. But the girl cannot answer his feelings. At this moment, Leshy blocks the path of Mizgiru, enchants the forest and teases the young man with the ghost of the girl who charmed him. Lel and Kupava overlook a deserted glade. The girl gently thanks the shepherd for the fact that he delivered her from shame. The Snow Maiden who saw this scene is in despair. She hurries to mother Spring to ask for warmth.

Summary of the opera Snow Maiden

Yarilina Valley

The opera Snow Maiden ends with a scene at dawn. Spring puts a wreath on her daughter. From that moment on, the girl knows the feeling of love and, having met again with Mizgir, she answers him with a fervent admission of reciprocity. However, soon the sun should rise and the Snow Maiden, remembering the instructions of her parents, urges her lover to flee soon from the rays of Yarila, who can destroy her. At the same time, Berendey with his retinue appeared in the valley. With the first rays of the sun, the king blesses brides and grooms. Mizgir and Snegurochka appear in the valley. The girl talks about the feeling that arose in her soul. But her happiness does not last long - the daughter of Moroaz and Spring, having learned love, became vulnerable to Yarila. A ray of sunlight cutting through the fog falls on a girl. The snow maiden, even anticipating her death, gratefully turns to her mother for the feeling of love presented to her. Misgir desperately rushes into the lake. The people in the valley are astonished. However, the wise Berendey understands that the existence of the Snow Maiden violated the laws of nature. With her death, Yarilo will no longer be angry and will return the country warmth and sun, and life in the kingdom will again become happy. The shepherd Lel and with him all the people sing praises to the Sun.

opera snow maiden


The most poetic work of all created by the author is considered to be the opera Snegurochka. Rimsky-Korsakov himself even called her his best creation. In all scenes, pictures of folk life, wonderful images of folk tales, and rituals of ancient paganism are amazingly sensitively and lovingly reproduced. The whole opera "Snegurochka" is imbued with wise simplicity and unfading freshness of Russian songs, permeated with spring tones of awakening nature and soft lyrics. The orchestra’s introduction to the prologue is a colorful musical picture that vividly describes the flourishing of nature, its awakening after winter: the gloomy, melodious melody of Frost is replaced by the tender charming tunes of Spring. The composer very subtly and accurately conveyed the moods and characters of the characters. So, the song of the Snow Maiden from the opera "The Snow Maiden" "With girlfriends to walk on the berries" is a graceful overflow of light and tender voices that resonate with the cold and transparent tunes of the flute. Ritual colorful scene showing the Shrove Tuesday, includes a number of episodes of folk folklore. Lel’s song from the opera Snegurochka - Strawberry-Berry and the funny dance song “How the Forest Rumbles in the Forest”, opening the first act, depict people's proximity to nature, fun, and free life of the people.

Lel's song from the opera Snow Maiden

The second and third act

In the 2nd part, along with the choral episodes, there are a rather large number of dialogue scenes. The majestically calm, unhurried song sung by guslars reminds of ancient epic tunes. In the duet of Kupava and Berendey, the girl’s excited speech is set off by the king’s calm and gentle remarks. The epic majestic and very solemn anthem of the Berendey. Against the background of the dimensional accompaniment of the orchestra, a poetic, dreamy melody flows smoothly in Berendey’s cavalry. In the third act, a large mass scene begins. Boys and girls sing a round dance song, and Bobyl famously dances to the tune of "Bathing Beaver." "Dance of buffoons" is a virtuoso, teeming with orchestral colors, a symphonic episode with fascinating folk rhythms. With the shepherd’s clarinet tune, Lel’s third song begins. It is followed by a loose wide melody. Inspirationally lyrical arioso performed by Mizgir.

Final scenes

In the fourth act, the melodies convey the strengthening of the Snow Maiden's lyrical feelings. A gentle caressing duet of a girl and her lover, Misgir, pours easily and freely. In the aria, a melody from the prologue is again heard (arietta "I Heard"). But this time the music sounds excited and warm. One of the most touching episodes of opera literature in the world is the scene of the melting of the Snow Maiden. The fragile tenderness of her image is set off by the radiant, majestic sound of the final choral hymn to the divine Yarila. This praise ends the opera "The Snow Maiden".

scenery for the opera maiden

Production Sketches

The scenery for the opera Snegurochka, based on Vasnetsov’s sketches, was the most interesting of the entire set of illustrations presented. First, the artist designed the play based on the play by Ostrovsky in early 1882. Three years later, Vasnetsov became the designer of the opera production at the Savva Mamontov Theater. When creating sketches, Vasnetsov used architectural elements of ancient Russian architecture, motifs of folk embroideries, paintings and wood carvings. The artist, using peculiar techniques, created a rather harmonious image of the royal chambers, presenting them brightly and picturesquely. The basis for the costumes was a homespun white canvas. In combination with it, various color schemes of the ornaments gave expressiveness to the character traits and the decorative effect of the whole production as a whole. Vasnetsov managed to catch the national identity of the work, which firmly linked the visual images created by him with folk song motifs.

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