The article will present instructions on the use of the Troxerutin gel.
The drug is a venoprotective and venotonic medication used for pathologies of venous circulation. Various vascular diseases are treated with a drug in the form of a gel, as well as capsules for oral administration. The tool effectively reduces swelling of the legs with prolonged stress on them, when a person is forced to stay standing for a long time.
In addition, Troxerutin is widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoidal nodes, during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, as well as in the event of severe bruises and hematomas, which became the consequences of various injuries of soft tissues. The drug helps to normalize blood circulation in small vessels, as well as in large veins, preventing the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of venous vessels. The instruction of the Troxerutin gel is very detailed.
The composition of the drug and the form of release
Dosage forms of the drug are capsules and gel.
The gel contains one active ingredient, troxerutin in an amount of 2 mg, as well as auxiliary ingredients, which include: sodium hydroxide solution - 0.7 mg, disodium edetate - 0.05 mg, benzalkonium chloride - 0.1 mg, purified water - 100 mg, carbomer 9 0.6 mg.
Pharmacological properties of the drug
According to the instructions, Troxerutin gel is a phleboprotective drug, a flavonoid (a semi-synthetic derivative of rutin). It has P-vitamin activity, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillary vessels, has decongestant, angioprotective, anti-inflammatory and venotonic effects. The natural flavonoids of the main substance, troxerutin, are actively involved in oxidative and reduction reactions, as well as in the suppression of hyaluronidase, on which the main pharmacodynamic actions of the drug are based.
Troxerutin reduces the permeability of cell membranes, stabilizes hyaluronic acid due to the fact that it inhibits hyaluronidase. In addition, due to its effectiveness as an antioxidant, it prevents the oxidative reactions of ascorbic acid, adrenaline and lipids.
The active substance of this drug helps protect the basement membranes of endothelial cells from damage when various pathogenic factors influence them and helps strengthen the capillary walls.
In accordance with the instructions for use of the Troxerutin gel, exudative inflammation is reduced as a result of a decrease in platelet adhesion to the surfaces of the vascular walls. The main active substance reduces the aggregation of red blood cells and enhances the degree of their deformation. The medication "Troxerutin" affects the formation of diabetic retinopathy, significantly slowing it down, which is due to increased resistance and reduced permeability of the walls of the capillaries. Acting on the rheological properties of blood, the drug prevents retinal vascular microthrombosis.
Therefore, Troxerutin gel is often used for bruising.
The instructions for use report that in patients with chronic venous insufficiency due to decongestant exposure to troxerutin, the feeling of static heaviness in the lower extremities is significantly reduced, the intensity of seizures and pain is reduced, and trophic processes in the tissues are normalized. In case of chronic venous insufficiency, it is recommended to use a medical product both at the initial and later stages of the pathological process.
"Troxerutin" also helps to alleviate the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids, manifested by itching, exudation, bleeding and pain. With measles, allergic reactions, influenza, scarlet fever and some other diseases that are characterized by excessive permeability of capillary vessels, the active substance of the drug in combination with ascorbic acid significantly increases its effect.
As indicated by the instruction for the Troxerutin gel, the main characteristics of the pharmacokinetic processes of the main substance in the form of a gel: the active component of the drug when applied to the skin surface actively penetrates the epidermis. It is found in the dermal layers of the skin after about half an hour, and in the subcutaneous fat after a few hours.
Can Troxerutin gel be used for hemorrhoids? Instructions for use confirm this possibility.
Indications for use
The drug in the form of a gel is prescribed when the following diseases / conditions occur:
- Venous insufficiency of a chronic nature, which is accompanied by pain, swelling, a feeling of severe heaviness in the legs.
- Varicose disease.
- Periflebitis.
- Varicose dermatitis.
- Swelling and pain after injuries, including damage to ligaments and bruises.
- Thrombophlebitis.
According to the instructions to Troxerutin, the following pathological phenomena are absolute contraindications to its use:
- Gastritis, ulcers and erosion of the duodenum or stomach of a chronic nature during the period of exacerbation.
- Lactose intolerance or symptoms of glucose-galactose malabsorption.
- Lactase deficiency.
- The first three months of pregnancy, as well as during lactation.
- Individual intolerance to the body of the main substance of the drug, or additional substances that are part of the medication "Troxerutin".
- Age to 18 years.
- Violation of the integrity of the skin.
Use with caution this medication should be given to patients with chronic renal failure.
Dosage and route of administration
The drug "Troxerutin" in the form of a gel can be used for applying special compresses. It is used several times a day, applied evenly to the surface of the skin, on which the hematoma, bruise or area of varicose veins is localized. After application, the skin should be massaged with light movements and left open for a while so that the gel is absorbed.
Troxerutin gel is also used for edema. Instructions for use contain information about side effects.
Side effects
During the use of the medication in some cases, undesirable side effects may occur. These include:
- stomach ache;
- ulcerative and erosive lesions on the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal system;
- nausea and vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- bloating;
- cephalgia;
- skin rashes accompanied by itching;
- erythema;
- hyperemia;
- dermatitis;
- allergic reactions.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews on the Troxerutin gel.
During the use of too large doses of the drug, the following symptoms may occur:
- Strong headache;
- flushing of the face;
- nausea.
If such manifestations occur, consult a doctor to adjust the dosage of the drug.
special instructions
In cases when during the course of therapy with the medication “Troxerutin” the severity of the main symptoms of the disease does not decrease or its course is further aggravated, you should immediately consult a specialist. When using the gel on its own, it is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosages and the maximum duration of therapy. This medication can also be used in the complex treatment of diseases listed in the indications for the use of the medication.
In patients with deep vein thrombosis or superficial thrombophlebitis, the use of Troxerutin gel does not exclude the concomitant use of antithrombotic or anti-inflammatory medications. This drug is ineffective in the treatment of certain concomitant diseases, the symptoms of which are pronounced edema, as well as in pathologies of the heart, kidneys and liver.
The drug should be applied only to intact skin. It is also necessary to avoid getting it on open wound surfaces, in the eyes and on the mucous membranes.
This is described in the instructions for use with the Troxerutin gel. Ointment is mistakenly called.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Experimental scientific studies of teratogenicity and fetotoxicity of the drug have not been conducted, however, there are some prerequisites for a possible relationship between defects in the structure of the outer ear in newborns and the use of the medication “Troxerutin” in women during pregnancy.
The regular use of this drug in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated, in the future it is possible only as directed by a specialist and in the case when the potential benefit to the mother is higher than the estimated risk to the development of the fetus. There is no information about the penetration of the active substance of the troxerutin drug gel into breast milk.
With impaired renal function
In patients with chronic kidney disease, the Troxerutin gel medication should be used for a long time with extreme caution.
Medicines that have a Troxerutin gel-like effect are:
- Troxevasin;
- "Troxerutin Zentiva";
- Troxevenol;
- Troxerutin-MIK;
- Troxerutin Vramed
- Venolife;
- "Indovazin";
- Venoruton
- Lyoton and others.
Gel "Troxerutin Vramed"
Instructions for use and reviews confirm that the drug helps well with varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, static heaviness in the legs, leg ulcers, trophic skin lesions, superficial thrombophlebitis, periphlebitis, phlebothrombosis, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, post-thrombotic syndrome, diabetic microangiopathy, diabetic microangiopathy hemorrhagic diathesis (increased capillary permeability). It is also prescribed for the prevention of complications after operations on the veins.
According to the instructions, Troxerutin Vetprom gel is a venoprotective and venotonic drug with the active component in the composition - troxerutin, which has a venotonic and angioprotective effect. The fragility and permeability of capillaries decreases, their tone increases, the walls of blood vessels become stronger, microcirculation is enhanced, and an anti-edematous effect occurs. In addition, the exudation of the liquid part of the plasma, as well as diapedesis, is reduced.
Analogues of this medication may not always be identical in composition. In some cases, they contain completely different active substances in the pharmacological group, however, they produce a similar therapeutic effect. However, with the occurrence of vascular diseases, such as varicose veins, phlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc., you should not use this or that drug on your own, since uncontrolled medication can only worsen the condition. The medication should be prescribed by a specialist who will also select the appropriate dosage in each case.
We examined the instructions for the Troxerutin gel. We will consider reviews below.
The drug “Troxerutin” in the form of a gel for the treatment of certain venous diseases is very popular among people suffering from varicose veins, especially among those who have to spend most of the day on their feet, for example, workers in such professions as doctors, waiters, salespeople, etc. e. These categories of people left a lot of positive reviews about the Troxerutin drug, which contained a large amount of useful information about the properties of this medication, its effects, and the timing of treatment As well as the personal opinion of everyone who used it.
Positive reviews suggest that this medication is practically indispensable for leg swelling, as it helps to normalize blood circulation in small vessels, allows excess fluid to be removed from tissue cells, and effectively relieves leg fatigue and swelling. In addition, the drug "Troxerutin" strengthens the vascular walls, makes them stronger and more resistant to external and internal destructive factors, which prevents the development of varicose veins, and in the early stages - helps to successfully deal with it. As a result, Troxerutin-gel (ointment) according to the instructions is often prescribed by young girls at the first sign of varicose veins, and at an older age - to strengthen already worn out, weak vessels.
Another property of this medication is the prevention of blood clots in varicose veins, and, judging by the reviews of specialists and the patients themselves, the drug “Troxerutin” is widely used for severe varicose veins of the lower extremities in order to thin the blood in pathological areas. Since varicose veins are considered the main cause of thrombosis, in people suffering from this disease the likelihood of blood clots in the veins is especially high. Patients are very pleased with this tool and note its high effectiveness during therapy.
There are also reviews about the use of this drug during an exacerbation of a disease such as hemorrhoids. Since hemorrhoidal nodes represent the same pathological vasodilation caused by weakness and excessive permeability of the vessel walls, the use of Troxerutin gel also gives a very favorable effect. Patients note that already on the second or third day of application of the gel, hemorrhoids significantly decrease in size, there is a decrease in the inflammatory process, the soreness and manifestations of itching disappear.
There are also negative reviews about this drug, but there are very few of them, and they reflect mainly some side effects of this medication. Patients who were prescribed Troxerutin therapy complained of such negative effects as skin rashes, redness, and hives. Some cases of nausea and headaches have also been described, however, this may not have been associated with the use of this medication, since the drug can rarely cause such manifestations.
The article presented instructions and reviews for the Troxerutin gel.