The film "Captive of Deception": actors and features

The film "Captured by Deception" was released in 2014 and belongs to the genre of melodrama. The director of the picture is Sergey Krasnov. The script was created by Maria Nikitina. Camera work - Vladimir Bykhovsky. Composers Alexander Klichanovsky, Vadim Ryzhkov, Tatyana Sirosh. The artist was Ivan Sedin. Producer Alexander Kushaev.


captured actors

Happy lovers Igor and Olga graduate from school, they dream of a wedding. However, fate orders otherwise. Olga manages to go to college. Igor goes to the army. In separation, the love of these people only grows stronger, it seems that a temporary difficulty cannot prevent their happiness. But the long-awaited meeting does not happen the way it was dreamed of by lovers.

A tragedy with Igor happens in the army. After a hard fight, the guy amputated his legs because of doctors. Deciding not to break Olga’s life, Igor, hiding the injuries, informs the girl that she loves another, moreover, she expects a child from him.

Olga leaves shocked, and Igor realizes that this is the end of his life. Heroes have to go through many misfortunes before the captivity of deception is destroyed. Will true love stand the test?

Main participants

captive movie

Anastasia Dubrovina played Olga Arkhipova. This actress was trained at a music school, choosing a piano class. She was educated at VGIK in the workshop of A. Ya. Mikhailov.

Mikhail Pshenichny embodied the image of Igor Orlov. This actor was born in Kiev. He was educated at Karpenko-Kary University, in the course of Yu. N. Mazhugi.

Anishchenko and Bulycheva

Viktor and Tatyana were well remembered by the audience of the film “Captured by Deception”. Actors Alexey Anischenko and Alexander Bulychev embodied these images.

Alexey Anischenko was born in the city of Dyatkovo. He was educated at VTU Shchepkina, on the course of V. N. Afonin.

Alexandra Bulycheva was educated at the Shchukin Theater Institute, her artistic directors are M. G. Malinovsky, V. V. Ivanov. She participated in the following films: “Flamingo”, “Passion”, “Old Women on the Run”, “Reflection of the Rainbow”, “Happiness by Contract”, “Doctor Richter”, “Runaway Relatives”, “Mommies”, “I Know Your Secrets” , “Complete Transformation.”

Other heroes

Anastasia Dubrovina

Yuri Pavlovich and Rimma Ivanovna occupy an important place in the film "Captured by Deception." Actors Alexander Smirnov and Maria Sitko transferred these characters to the screen. Further we will talk about them.

Alexander Smirnov was born in Moscow. He was educated at the Higher Theater School of Schepkin, on the course of Mikhail Tsarev.

Maria Sitko was educated at the Moscow Art Theater School. Joined the Sovremennik Theater.

Stepan and Lyudmila Petrovna are also memorable characters in the film "Captured by Deception." Actors Evgeny Morozov and Elena Tsyplakova played these roles. They deserve a separate discussion.

Evgeny Morozov was educated at VGIK, in the workshop of I. Yasulovich. He participated in the following films: “City of lovers”, “Optimists”, “Queen Margot”, “Moscow, I put up with you”, “Londongrad. Know ours ”,“ Survive after - 2 ”,“ Leave to return ”,“ Airplane ”,“ Captive of deceit ”,“ Widower ”,“ Bertsa ”,“ Ashes ”,“ Legal doping ”,“ Anechka ”,“ Dance of Death. "

Elena Tsyplakova was born in Leningrad. Realized herself as an actress and director.

Vanya Grebnev and Sonya also appear in the plot of the film "Captive of Deception." Actors Dmitry Bederin and Anna Litkens appeared in these roles. We will also talk about these people.

Dmitry Bederin was educated at VTU Schukin, on the course of V. Nikolaenko. He participated in the films: “Sphinxes of the North Gate”, “Truffle Dog of Queen Giovanna”, “Prompter”, “Sklifosovsky”, “Birth Certificate”, “Crossroads”, “Morozova”, “Forester. Own land ”,“ House at the last lantern ”,“ Double continuous - 2 ”,“ Altar of Tristan ”,“ Shelest ”,“ Workmates ”,“ House on the edge of the forest ”,“ Pivot points ”.

Anna Litkens graduated from VTU Shchepkina. Joined the theater "School of Dramatic Art."

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