Apparatus "Darsonval": instruction

The device "Darsonval Karat DE 212" is a professional device. Medical institutes around the world have recognized its effectiveness.

Darsonvalization refers to exposure using pulsed alternating currents of high voltage and frequency. This electrotherapy method has been used for over a century. The therapy is named after Darsonval (French physiologist), who first studied and proposed to use this phenomenon in therapeutic practice.

The device is used in physiotherapy rooms, clinics, beauty salons, sanatoriums. The mechanism of the device’s influence is based on the method of special electric massage of high voltage and frequency, but at the same time low current strength. The impact, therefore, has a calming effect, causing a pleasant sensation.

Today, the methods of darsonvalization are many times improved. They are successfully used in various fields of medicine: cosmetology, dermatology, urology, neuropathology, surgery, as well as in the treatment of diseases associated with internal organs.

The apparatus "Darsonval." Application

The device is able to cope with a large number of diseases, among which are:

  1. Acne, herpetic eruptions, pustules, oily or pale skin, cellulitis, skin itching with eczema, diabetes or allergies, wrinkles.
  2. Periodontal disease, migraine, hair loss.
  3. Osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, varicose veins.
  4. Hemorrhoids, wounds that do not heal for a long time, trophic ulcers.
  5. Postoperative edema, hematomas.

The device "Darsonval" instruction recommends use in dermatology for the following diseases: eczema, boils, diathesis, warts, acne, neurodermatitis, as well as to eliminate localized itching.

The device in cosmetology is used for:

  1. Hair restoration for local baldness.
  2. Improvement of blood circulation in the scalp.
  3. Wrinkle Prevention.
  4. To achieve shine and elasticity of hair and skin.

The device "Darsonval" instruction recommends use in surgery during therapy:

  1. Trophic ulcers, local processes of purulent-inflammatory nature.
  2. The initial phases of obliterating pathologies in the vessels of the limbs.

The device is also used in neuropathology in the treatment of polyneuritis, neuritis, neuralgia, neuralgic signs of spinal osteochondrosis.

With the contact technique of exposure to the Darsonval apparatus, the instruction recommends moving smoothly over the skin. At the initial and final moment, it is recommended to hold the electrode with your fingers (to avoid sparks). Skin exposure is permitted through a paper or sterile gauze.

Treatment of dry skin is recommended for two to three minutes, oily, using cream - from five to eight minutes on talcum powder.

When carrying out the procedure with the Darsonval device, the instruction does not recommend touching the patient to avoid discharge.

When processing the skin should not use alcohol lotions.

With the remote method, the electrode is torn from the face in areas of pustules with the formation of a spark discharge. Thus, a cauterizing effect on the skin elements is created. As a variant of the remote method, movement above the surface of the skin is applied without touching it. The thickness of the air gap in this case is 0.3-0.5 cm. Thus, a pull-up effect is created.

To stop hair loss, a scallop electrode is used. He is moved for three to seven minutes along the parting. Thus, blood circulation is stimulated. Irritated hair follicles pass from the “fading” phase to the “active functioning” phase. The duration of the course is ten fifteen procedures. Sessions are recommended every other day.

The appliance is perfect for home use. Reviews about using the Darsonval apparatus are mostly positive. For many, the device helps to eliminate inflammation on the skin, stimulate the growth of hair on the head.

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