Green tea - curious facts and unusual recipes.

According to Eastern wisdom, green tea strengthens the spirit, overcomes fatigue and prevents the body from being lazy. Surprisingly, this drink actually has both a relaxing and tonic effect. In addition, it perfectly stimulates the brain. Due to this, green tea today is extremely popular in Europe.

The best varieties of green tea are grown in several provinces of China. Tea from Japan is somewhat worse in taste and aroma. Indian and Ceylon varieties do not reach high quality standards.

To date, three types of green tea are known, which differ in the ways of processing the leaf. These are roasted teas Dong Ting and Lun Ching, steamed spindles or spirals Jade and Xue Hua, as well as dried teas Tai Ping and Huang Shan.

Unambiguously answer the question of which green tea is the best, hardly even an expert will be able to. Each variety is characterized by its own aroma and taste. It can be either fruit or flower, or herbal shades. Of course, the choice here depends entirely on your personal preferences. But in order to choose high-quality tea, you need to know some rules.

The high cost of green tea, unfortunately, does not always indicate its good quality. Incorrect or too long storage can change the taste and nutritional value of even elite teas.

Always pay attention to the packaging of tea. The best materials for preserving the taste and aroma of the product are foil or parchment. But the cellophane film for these purposes is categorically not suitable.

Good quality green tea has a color from bright emerald to pistachio, sometimes with a silver tint. Brown-green tea , which is also often found on our shelves, does not belong to the elite varieties and should not be expensive.

The more the tea leaf is twisted, the richer the tea leaves will be.

Tea bags cannot be considered a healthy drink, all the more it is worth avoiding all kinds of teas with artificial flavors. From such green tea, in addition to harm, you will not expect any benefit.

If you do not yet belong to the advanced connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this drink, and the question of which green tea to choose confuses you, use some of our tips.

In order not to be deceived by the attractive promises of sellers, check out the assortment in advance. On the Internet you can find photographs, descriptions and even the approximate cost of each tea.

Like all other crops, the tea bush needs to be fed and protected from pests. In order not to poison your own body, make sure that the mark β€œorganic” is present on the tea packaging, meaning that this product was grown without chemicals.

Cooking recipes

In the East, green tea is not just a pleasant, thirst-quenching drink, but also a whole philosophy. The tea ceremony is always a smooth, leisurely conversation, an opportunity to show the guest their hospitality. Although this term refers, for the most part, to the culture of Japan, one way or another similar traditions are present in all countries of Asia. Take, for example, Uzbekistan, where green tea is not only a favorite drink, but also the main sign of hospitality. While the owner is pleased with the visitor and wants to hold him longer, exactly half of the tea is in the cup. If the guest is uninvited and unwanted, he will be poured a bowl to the brim. This is a frank allusion to the fact that as soon as tea is drunk, the guest should get up and leave.

If you put together all the recipes for making tea, you get more than one volume. There is nothing surprising in this, because green tea is a universal drink. It can be drunk hot or cold. It helps to quench not only thirst, but also hunger.
Perhaps every people in Asia has at least a couple of interesting recipes for making green tea.

For example, Tajiks prepare this drink in milk. According to the recipe, for 2-3 tsp. tea accounts for a glass of water, half a liter of milk and a pinch of salt. The drink is additionally boiled.

The Mongols, Kalmyks, Buryats and Kyrgyz make green tea a kind of soup. The preparation method is as follows: 50 g of tiled green tea is ground and poured with a mixture of water and milk. The mixture is boiled for about 15 minutes, filtered and oil and salt are added. Often the composition of such a tea soup includes flour, bay leaf, pepper, nutmeg.

If you want to enjoy a truly healthy drink, do not forget to brew green tea correctly. Water should not be more than 90 degrees. This does not mean that you need to stand over a teapot with a thermometer. Just open the lid and start making tea leaves and tea. After a couple of minutes, the water will cool to the desired temperature.

If you are not too sure about the quality of the tea leaf, drain the first water and brew again.

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