"Vilprafen" ("Josamycin"): composition, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

The drug is an antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of action, which belongs to the group of macrolides. The active components of the drug adversely affect a large number of pathogens. "Vilprafen" is produced in tablet form, it is intended for oral administration. The main active ingredient is josamycin in a dosage of 500 milligrams, as well as a number of additional components:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • cellulose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • macrogol;
  • aluminum hydroxide.
Vilprafen Josamycin 500 mg Instruction

Pharmacological properties

Tablets are prescribed for oral use in various bacterial infectious processes. The active component adversely affects the source of the disease by inhibiting the synthesis of protein by bacteria. Josamycin has the ability to accumulate in the source of the lesion, thereby the drug has a powerful bactericidal effect.

"Vilprafen" is especially effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as anaerobes. This medicine eliminates ureaplasma, chlamydia and can be used for the complex treatment of these pathologies in gynecology and venereology.

After taking the medication, the active substances are rapidly absorbed through the membrane of the digestive system into the blood. The maximum content of josamycin in plasma is observed a couple of hours after use.

Wilprafen Josamycin 500

When to use the medicine

"Vilprafen" is prescribed to people to eliminate the following pathological conditions:

  1. Bronchitis (a respiratory disease in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process).
  2. Pneumonia (acute lung damage, infectious and inflammatory, in which all the structural elements of the lung tissue are involved).
  3. Pharyngitis (an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the larynx).
  4. Angina (an infectious lesion characterized by acute inflammation of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring).
  5. Tonsillitis (damage to the tonsils, which appears due to the influence of bacteria or other pathogens on the lymphoid tissue).
  6. Sinusitis (inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of one or several sinuses).
  7. Otitis (otorhinolaryngological disease, which is an acute or chronic inflammatory process in different parts of the ear).
  8. Paratonsillar abscess (acute inflammatory lesion that predominates in the fiber around the tonsils).
  9. Bronchopneumonia (an inflammatory genesis disease that affects only small areas of the lungs).
Wilprafen Josamycin 500 mg Treatment

Additional indications:

  1. Periodontal disease (a serious illness, the last phase of gum disease).
  2. Gingivitis (inflammatory lesion of the gums without compromising the integrity of the gingival joint).
  3. Flux (purulent disease in the subgingival and subperiosteal jaw area).
  4. Boils (acute purulent and necrotic lesions of the hair bulb, as well as the sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue, provoked by pyogenic pathogens, mainly Staphylococcus aureus).
  5. Carbuncle (acute lesion of several adjacent hair follicles with the formation of an extensive source of necrosis in the skin).
  6. Acne.
  7. Pyoderma (pustular lesions of the skin, the source of which are considered pyogenic bacteria, the main of which are staphylococci and streptococci).
  8. Abscesses and abscesses.
  9. Erysipelas (an acute infectious disease provoked by streptococcus).
  10. Anthrax (a dangerous disease of agricultural and wild animals of all species, as well as humans).
  11. Lymphadenitis (an inflammatory lesion of the lymph nodes, which appears after the penetration of various pathogens and their toxins into them).
  12. Lymphogranulomatosis (malignant hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue, which is characterized by the formation of granulomas).
Wilprafen Josamycin Instruction

Inflammatory and infectious lesions of the genitourinary system:

  1. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).
  2. Urethritis (inflammation of the walls of the urethra).
  3. Pyelonephritis (an inflammatory kidney disease characterized by damage to the kidney parenchyma, as well as the calyx and renal pelvis).
  4. Prostate inflammation in men.
  5. Adnexitis (inflammation with simultaneous involvement of the ovaries and fallopian tubes).
  6. Endometritis (an inflammatory lesion in the internal mucous layer of the uterus).
  7. Inflammation of the cervix subsequently unsuccessfully performed gynecological procedures.
  8. Septic abortion.
  9. As a preventive measure to prevent the appearance of a bacterial infection after surgery on the pelvic organs.
  10. Gonorrhea (a specific infectious and inflammatory process that affects the genitourinary system; gonococci are considered its source).
  11. Chlamydia (urinary tract infection).
  12. Ureaplasmosis (an infectious inflammatory lesion of the genitourinary organs, which is provoked by the pathological activity of ureaplasmas).

Drug Restrictions

The drug is prohibited for use by patients with a number of certain conditions:

  1. Individual intolerance to substances.
  2. Damage to the kidneys.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Breast-feeding.

Method of admission

According to the instructions for use with Vilprafen (josamycin), the tablet should be taken orally, without chewing, washed down with liquid. Medication, as a rule, must be used after a meal or thirty minutes before a meal.

The dosage of Vilprafen and the duration of therapy are selected individually by a medical specialist. It depends on the diagnosis, as well as the severity of the course of the infectious process, the presence of complications, age and weight.

According to the annotation, the daily maximum concentration of the drug for adult patients and children from fourteen years old is 1-2 grams. It is divided into several parts. In the initial stages of the inflammatory lesion, in the absence of complications, I prescribe 1 tablet twice a day to adults. The duration of treatment for various diseases will vary, but still the medicine must be used for at least five days, a maximum of two weeks.

In the absence of positive dynamics, the patient should definitely consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. Even if a person feels better, but the course of therapy is not yet finished, then you can not immediately cancel the medicine yourself. In this situation, the inflammation will return again, but with greater force, and the source of infection will already be resistant to Vilprafen (josamycin) - and then the medical specialist will have to select a new drug.

vilprafen josamycin reviews

Can I use the medication during pregnancy and lactation?

Medicines from the macrolide group are not recommended for the treatment of women with child bearing. The active component of the drug can freely pass through the placenta, causing severe damage to the fetus. "Vilprafen" is not allowed to be used during breastfeeding. If you need treatment with this medication, a woman needs to stop lactation or consult a doctor for the selection of alternative therapy.

What negative reactions does the drug cause?

With the correct use of Vilprafen (josamycin) and exact adherence to the recommendations, the drug is well tolerated by people, but in rare situations, the following negative phenomena may occur:

  1. Pain in the abdomen.
  2. Increased salivation.
  3. Heartburn.
  4. Vomiting.
  5. Severe diarrhea.
  6. Rarely - a violation of the outflow of bile and the functioning of the gallbladder, due to which patients develop jaundice.
  7. Nausea.
  8. Nettle rash (skin disease, dermatitis (mainly allergic), characterized by the rapid onset of severely itchy, flatly raised blisters).
  9. Rashes.
  10. Quincke's edema (a reaction to the effects of various biological and chemical factors, often of an allergic nature).
  11. Anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction of an immediate type, a state of sharply increased sensitivity of the body).

According to the instructions to "Vilprafen" (josamycin, 500 mg), if the recommended dosage is exceeded, the patient may experience complications from the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Severe vomiting.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Liver disease.


It is necessary to avoid the simultaneous use of "Vilprafen" with antimicrobial agents from the group of penicillins or cephalosporins, as this can lead to severe liver diseases, diarrhea and dehydration. In difficult situations, a person can fall into a coma.

With a combination of antibacterial drugs from the macrolide group with xanthines, the patient may experience intoxication. With the simultaneous use of "Vilprafen" with anti-allergic drugs, serious problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system may develop.

When combining "Vilprafen" with hormonal agents, a decrease in their positive effect is likely, which the doctor should notify the patient in advance. During antibiotic therapy, doctors advise using condoms.

vilprafen josamycin 500 mg reviews

Alcohol and Wilprafen

If alcohol and this drug are taken at the same time, as a result of this interaction, the patient may experience a variety of disturbances in the functioning of digestion. Alcohol and antibacterial drugs when combined can cause hepatotoxic effects.

In addition, this combination can be a source of cirrhosis. Even once, it is not recommended to combine “Vilprafen” and “strong” drinks, because with such an interaction, according to reviews, a person’s well-being can noticeably worsen.


Patients of retirement age, as well as people with serious impairments in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, are prescribed this medication with extreme caution. During therapy, it is necessary to regularly monitor the general health of the patient and the clinical picture of the blood.

Wilprafen Josamycin Application


The generic "Vilprafen", similar in their pharmacological effects, include the following drugs:

  1. "Ravenol."
  2. "Azithromycin".
  3. Sumamed.
  4. Erythromycin.
  5. Clarithromycin.
  6. Roxybide.

Before changing the medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

According to the instructions, "Vilprafen" (josamycin, 500 mg) must be kept away from children. Sun penetration on the packaging should be avoided. The average storage temperature is no more than 25 degrees.

The shelf life of the tablets is 36 months. At the end of this time, the drug is disposed of. The price of the drug ranges from 480 to 800 rubles.

Wilprafen Josamycin 500 mg


Responses about the drug and its effect on the body confirm that the drug has an effective effect, but sometimes the development of side effects is noted. Reviews about the treatment with "Vilprafen" (josamycin, 500 mg) for chlamydia, as well as for ureplasma, fix the fact that the symptoms of ailments are eliminated after a few days. As a side reaction, digestive disorders and allergic manifestations on the skin are mentioned. There are positive responses about "Vilprofen" with sinusitis and other infectious diseases.

In most reviews of Vilprafen (josamycin, 500 mg), people who have been prescribed this antimicrobial for therapy have noted increased effectiveness. Their ailments were eliminated in a short period of time. It must be remembered that for a complete recovery, the patient should clearly follow all the recommendations of a medical specialist on the use of the medicine, and also follow all the instructions that are indicated in the instructions for use.

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