Canning is the basis of a delicious wintering! In the absence (or at an insane high cost) of fresh vegetables and fruits, nothing better than home-made preparations was invented. Unfortunately, most housewives are limited to cucumbers and tomatoes. In extreme cases, sauerkraut is added and lettuce - we consider only savory preservation. Unfairly forgotten pickled beets, including instant ones , remain. But this is a universal preparation - to cook borscht, salads, and caviar. In this article, we decided to correct the historical culinary injustice.
Just pickled beetroot
We will verify on the simplest recipe how easy it is to pickled instant beets . For her, it is better to select small root crops - these can be closed entirely. But the big ones will go into business. The main thing is at the preparatory stage to sort them by size, so that the alyots are preparing the same time. Beets are well, with a cloth, washed, tails are cut off from it, and it is cooked for about half an hour. Then the root crops cool in cold water - the skin is more easily and with less loss. If your vegetables are very small, you can put them in a jar whole, if they do not fit, you will have beets marinated in pieces. The shape of them does not matter - cut as convenient. Five dry peppercorns and cloves, two bay leaves, and beetroot slices are placed in dry, sterile jars. A marinade is made: salt (a tablespoon) and sugar (one and a half - per liter of liquid) are dissolved in water, half a glass of vinegar is poured, and pouring boils for a minute or two. The cans are filled with marinade, pasteurized for about seven minutes, corked, turned upside down and wrapped up to cool.
Pickled Straws
If you need quickly pickled beets "for now", you can use the following recipe. Take four small root vegetables, boil them, peel and cut into strips. You can use a grater for Korean carrots, if you have one. To fill, combine three full spoons of strong, 9% vinegar and vegetable oil. Add half a teaspoon of sugar, ground pepper, salt and a tablespoon of horseradish - it is better, of course, freshly grated, but the store will go, only without extraneous additives. Warm beetroot is poured with marinade - and in an hour you get a salad of pickled beets, you just have to season with onions and herbs. It can also be preserved - made in much larger quantities, decomposed into sterile containers and pasteurized.
Beets in Apple Cider Vinegar
If you are pickling beets for the winter, the recipes can be used very diverse. However, the beginning is almost the same everywhere: the beets are cooked, peeled, chopped and distributed among the banks. The difference is what the marinade is made of. It turns out very fragrant beetroot, flooded with the following composition. Half a liter of apple juice and a stack (50 g) of apple cider vinegar are mixed. Half a glass of honey and a spoonful of salt dissolve in this liquid. A little clove is added for the smell. This solution is enough for a kilogram of root crops. It is evenly poured into banks, and the rest of the space in them is filled with boiling water, in which vegetables were cooked. Liter containers are pasteurized for about 10 minutes, and then immediately rolled up.
Baked Pickled Beets
The nuance of cooking is that root vegetables are not cooked - they are baked entirely to softness in the oven. When cooled, they are cleaned, cut and packaged in jars mixed with apple slices (take sour fruits) and horseradish root shavings. Water is boiled with weak vinegar, salt, cinnamon, sugar and cloves - all spices to taste, vinegar - at the rate of a stack per liter jar. The resulting pickle is poured into pickled instant beets, the cans are tightly closed and cleaned. The appetizer will be ready tomorrow, and it can be stored in cool until spring.
Caraway recipe
Beets cooked according to it are not cooked too fast - they must be aged for quite a while. However, it turns out so tasty that you can wait until it "ripens". It will have to be stored in the cold; but nevertheless, these shortcomings of the recipe fade before an indescribable taste. First, root crops are boiled as a standard, cleaned and cut. Slices should be medium-sized. They are folded into bulky dishes and sprinkled “by eye” with caraway seeds. Those who like this spice can not spare it - you can not go too far with it. Then, beets are poured in a cool part of the water so that it is hardly covered with it. In the rest, already heated, rye flour is bred and added to the container. The total amount of water is eight liters per 10 kilos of beets. Flour will need a dessert spoon. The container is covered, crushed by oppression and left warm for two weeks. Then it is transferred to coolness and gradually emptied to the bottom.
Spiced beets
If you like spicy and fragrant pickled beets, for the winter recipes you can choose from a long and varied list. Try, for example, to do so. The prepared beetroot is laid out in jars, sprinkled with coriander, cloves, nutmeg, dill seeds, allspice (as much as you like) and poured with marinade, which includes one and a half liters of apple juice, half a glass of vinegar (preferably apple), five tablespoons with a heap of sugar and one is salt. All this boils and spills over into cans. We pasteurize, roll, remove - pickled instant beets are ready.
Beets with onions
In this recipe you do not even need to pre-process the root crops! They are cleaned, cut into plates, stacked in a pan and poured with a liter of water and a half glass of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of liquid honey. A spoonful of salt, cloves and peas are added to the water. In such a solution, the beetroot boils for three minutes, then it is decomposed hot in the containers, alternating with layers of thick onion rings. Onions and beets should be equally divided. Vegetables are poured with beet marinade, and banks are pasteurized for 10 minutes (if they are half-liter) and 15 (if liter). It will remain to roll up and clean.