Organic brain damage: causes and symptoms

Organic brain damage can develop in people of any age and lifestyle. Moreover, there can be many signs of it: impaired consciousness, which can be expressed in conjunction with confusion, impaired perception, strong and emotional experiences. Then, these symptoms are aggravated and are expressed in the deformation of the personality and deep mental disorders.

Remember that the brain is a complex system that needs to be cared for. There are many diseases for which organic brain damage is common. Each person needs to familiarize themselves with those factors that increase the risk of developing this pathology.

  • Injury. Remember that concussion, concussion, and brain contusion do not go unnoticed.
  • Damage to the vessels of the brain (stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension, which causes vascular damage).
  • Organic brain damage can occur against the background of epileptic disease and tumors in this area.
  • Among the reasons also called neurosyphilis and HIV infection.
  • Viral and bacterial infections of various nature.

This disease affects and changes the most subtle functions of the psyche in all directions.

There is such a thing as residual organic damage to the brain. If the pathology was diagnosed at an early age, then the disease has such a name. In particular, in the presence of this pathology, children may experience epileptic seizures, visual impairment, hearing problems, increased fatigue, and decreased sensitivity. Very often, these violations interact, which leads to serious consequences.

It should be remembered that such signs are not always the cause of the development of organic brain damage in children. Perhaps they have taken place before, and the reasons for this may be completely different. Therefore, a thorough diagnosis and appropriate studies are required.

If such a diagnosis was made to the child, in this situation the most difficult falls not only on the patient, but also his parents. They very often begin to suffer from depression and nervous breakdowns, because they are not able to cope with a difficult child. As a rule, the difficulty lies in the fact that the mother and father simply do not know how to behave, and therefore make many mistakes, harming themselves and their offspring. Here we need a detailed consultation of the attending physician, who will be able to explain all the specifics of the child’s disease and options for behavior and treatment.

In general, organic brain damage is characterized by the fact that in patients with such a diagnosis the horizons are narrowed, his inner world and emotional experiences are impoverished. The accumulation of unreacted emotions due to inhibited switching leads to the fact that subsequently their aggressive release occurs. The fact is that a person experiences difficulties in adapting to the environment, which is caused by a feeling of constant dissatisfaction and tension. All this leads to increased aggression, the development of paranoia, groundlessness and uncontrollability of behavioral reactions.

Depending on the psychological characteristics of the organism of each person, the ways of manifestation of the disease also differ. So, organic damage to the brain can be manifested by the development of obsessive fears, increased anxiety.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude that this disease is, as a rule, acquired and requires careful treatment. The main task of people who did not have such problems is to prevent their development and protect the body from all kinds of violations that can cause malfunctions in its work.

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