Cake 'Potato'. Three recipes for every taste

Cooking cakes at home is a very exciting and interesting thing. The taste of self-made dessert will never compare with the taste of cakes from cooking. Cake "Potato" is very tasty, with a chocolate and creamy taste of sweetness. The appearance of this dessert is very similar to potato tubers, and its taste has been familiar to us since childhood. Of course, there are many cooking options for Potatoes.

How to make a potato cake? Traditionally, it is prepared using white crackers, biscuit crumbs or crushed cookies. The preparation of this cake is quick and easy, and most importantly, does not require baking. And if you cook it together with the children, then this process will become a fun and interesting joint pastime.

Cake "Potato with cookies"

- cookies ("Jubilee", "Baked milk", etc.) - a pound;

- condensed milk - one can;

- butter - one hundred grams;

- cocoa powder - three tablespoons;

- walnut kernels fried in a pan - two hundred grams.

Cookies must be crushed using a rolling pin or, better yet, mince. Finely chop walnuts and mix them thoroughly with chopped cookies. In a separate bowl, you need to melt the butter in the microwave, add the condensed milk and three tablespoons of cocoa there. Mix the mixture thoroughly so that the cocoa is completely dissolved. And put back in the microwave for two minutes. After that, we must mix the cookies and nuts with warm cocoa mass. The mass must be kneaded to a uniform consistency and form small oval cakes that look like potato tubers. Ready-made cakes need to be refrigerated for several hours. When serving, you can decorate the cakes with walnut slices or sprinkle with cocoa and powdered sugar.

Cake “Potato rusks”

- white vanilla crackers - three hundred grams;

- sugar - one glass;

- milk - one glass;

- cocoa powder - two teaspoons;

- butter - a pack.

Put the pan on the fire, pour a glass of milk into it, add sugar and cocoa. You need to boil the mixture exactly as much as sugar is needed so that it is completely dissolved in milk. Remove from heat to cool the mass. In the meantime, grind crackers using a meat grinder. Throw breadcrumbs into milk with sugar and stir well. Divide the resulting mass into small balls. Make a sprinkle for cakes. To do this, mix the chopped nuts, a few tablespoons of powdered sugar and two tablespoons of cocoa powder. Bread each “Potato” in the resulting sprinkle. Put the dish with the finished cakes in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake "Potato", prepared in accordance with GOST

- chicken eggs - three pieces;

- sugar - one hundred grams;

- flour - eighty grams;

- starch - a tablespoon;

- butter - 2/3 packs;

- powdered sugar - one hundred and fifty grams;

- condensed milk - fifty grams;

- cognac or rum - two tablespoons;

- cocoa - seventy grams.

For this dish you need to bake a biscuit, from which we will then make crumbs. You need to bake it in advance, at least one day in advance. Beat two-thirds of sugar and yolk from three eggs to make a light yellow mass. In a separate bowl, beat the remaining sugar and proteins until they peaks. Then mix the yolks and squirrels. In the egg-sugar mass add flour sifted through a sieve, then starch. Next, thoroughly mix the biscuit dough. Take a baking sheet lined with baking paper and pour the dough on it. We will bake a biscuit for about fifteen minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. When the biscuit is ready, it will need to be cooled and broken into pieces. The dried biscuit will grind well in a meat grinder or in a blender.

Let's do the cream. Whisk powdered sugar with softened butter. Slowly add the condensed milk without stopping whipping. Add a couple of spoons of alcohol. Then we transfer the cream into biscuit crumbs and mix thoroughly until smooth.

The mass should be such that the Potato cake is well molded from it. From the amount of food that is given to us in the recipe, you get about ten cakes. Then roll in a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa a ready-made dessert and put it in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

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