Salted pink salmon for salmon: recipe with photo

Salted pink salmon is an inexpensive, very common and healthy product. It is saturated with useful elements and almost all vitamins. It contains: nicotinic acid, which improves the activity of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, calcium, sodium, vitamin B12, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, omega-3. Many housewives prefer to cook such a dish as salted pink salmon for salmon, because after cooking, useful substances, for the most part, disappear.

Why pink salmon, not salmon

To begin with, we want to pay attention: always give preference to fish of your own processing, since the store has a high probability of preparing it with the help of very dangerous E-additives, which, interacting with each other, produce formaldehyde - the strongest poison-conservative. Therefore, buy the fish yourself and salt it yourself. Now we’ll tell you why salmon salmon will be cooked in our country, and not expensive salmon species. The reason is very simple and due to the fact that trout and salmon today are very dangerous products, despite the fact that their taste is noticeably superior to dry pink salmon.

salted salmon for salmon
Salmon come to store shelves from special farms, where they are grown. The buyer will not be able to distinguish such fish from wild. Even in Vietnam, China and Norway, from where the majority of such goods come to us, the health and interests of consumers are far from the first place. In business, the main task remains the maximum profit.

How to grow salmon

The fish in the cage does not move much, has weak muscle mass, the fins are atrophied almost completely, therefore its flesh tastes tasteful, sprawls, fats from artificial feed. Thanks to such food, the composition of salmon changes greatly. Pigments to add color, synthetic vitamins, antibiotics are added to the feed. Because of these additives, the person who consumes it increases weight.

pink salmon
In the United States and Europe, the dye canthaxanthin, which leads to visual impairment, has long been banned. We buy fish from farms where it is still used, since it is two times cheaper than astaxanthin, a natural pigment. Why did we all write this? So that you understand the reason why many Russian housewives prefer to buy their native pink salmon, caught from their native Far Eastern ocean expanses. It is affordable, inexpensive and plentiful. In addition, salmon is cooked for salmon no worse than salmon.

Proceed to salting pink salmon

Having decided on the choice, we proceed to the process itself. In order to make salmon salted salmon, we need the following ingredients: frozen fish, water, salt, and, if desired, vegetable oil. It is advisable to take a whole fish, since it is sold in the form that was caught without any preliminary processing. Fillet can also be used, but keep in mind that it was soaked in phosphates and absorbed water due to porosity, which makes it heavier.

salmon salmon recipe
We take fish frozen in order to make it easier to remove from its skin, slightly defrosting. It is very simple to do this: we cut off the head, pick up the skin at the place of cut and remove it with a “stocking”. The ridge and bones from the frozen carcass also separate conveniently and easily. Then cut the resulting fillet in portions in small pieces. We make the size so that without further processing put on sandwiches. Pink salmon for salmon is ready for salting.

Continuing the salting process

It is necessary to prepare a solution in which we will continue to cook our fish. We boil one liter of water, cool, put five tablespoons of coarse salt in it and stir well until completely dissolved. For 20-30 minutes we put the fillet in a solution, the time depends entirely on your taste. But keep in mind that the difference in salinity is very small.

pink salted salted recipe
Then put the fillet on napkins or a paper towel, let the solution absorb a little in them, and put the fish in a container or jar. In the case when your pink salted salmon for salmon is planned for long-term storage, sprinkle it with vegetable oil. Close the lid and - in the refrigerator. After five to six hours you can eat.

How to use the finished product

Such a delicious salted fish very often goes to sandwiches. So, we recommend using butter with a fat content of 82.5%. Only it is completely natural. Such salted pink salmon, of course, resembles salmon only symbolically, but, nevertheless, significantly, for the better, differs from the dry, regular salted pink salmon.

salmon salmon with salmon
As a result of applying the above recipe, it turns out juicier and more tender, which means it is tastier. You will also like the product very much.

Another recipe for salted pink salmon

Applying the following method of preparation, it is easy to obtain a tender and juicy dish from lean and dry fish, as in the previous version, which can be tasted in an hour. So, pink salmon for salmon, a recipe for cooking. In this particular case, we need sliced ​​pink salmon fillet. In the event that it is frozen, it is not necessary to defrost. Such fish is much easier to cut, and the pieces will be noticeably neater. We make a saline solution from four to five tablespoons of salt and a liter of cold boiled water. It should turn out very saturated.

slightly salted pink salmon for salmon
How can I check this? In the case when the peeled potato, lowered into the solution, floats up - it means the solution is ready. We put fish in it for five to eight minutes, after which we take it out, wash it and dry it with a napkin. Now put the layers in the dishes, pour over odorless sunflower oil. We take the dishes and send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. Serve with herbs, lemon, onions. It will turn out very tasty pink salmon, lightly salted. The recipe, as you can see, is quite simple and quick.

Some tips for this option

  1. In order for the fish slices to be well salted, cut them into a width of no more than one and a half centimeters. Otherwise, in such a time the middle will not be ready.
  2. Increase the salting time by ten minutes if you throw a frozen product into the solution.
  3. Make at least 1.25 liters of brine per kilogram of fish. Let it turn out more, do not worry.
    how to salt salmon under salmon
  4. To decorate the taste, it is recommended to add 30 peas of pepper. Crush it on the table with a knife and sprinkle pink salmon before folding it into the dishes.
  5. When salting the fish, add one kilogram of it per tablespoon of granulated sugar and cognac. As a result, salted pink salmon for salmon will exceed all your expectations.

Read more on the benefits of pink salmon

Let's slightly dilute our recipes with information about why pink salmon is so popular and is in great demand among housewives. If everyone knows about the benefits of salmon (skin rejuvenation, strengthening of the nervous system, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract), then slightly salted pink salmon for salmon is less known and has come into fashion only recently. What exactly is it useful for:

  1. Vitamin B12 - is responsible for the formation of red blood cells and the development of nerve fibers.
  2. Cobalt - is responsible for all metabolic processes occurring in the human body.
  3. Vitamin PP - normalizes the functioning of the higher nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
    salted pink salmon
  4. Fluorine - is responsible for blood formation, bone metabolism and resists the appearance of caries.
  5. Iodine - increases mental abilities and energy supply, relieves chronic stress and irritability.
  6. Sodium - is responsible for the normal functioning of the circulatory system and water metabolism.
  7. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are responsible for preventing signs of aging and are considered vitamins of youth.

During spawning, the hump appears in the male, hence the name of the fish. Northern peoples are distinguished by excellent health, as they like to feast on pink salmon. You have already seen that it has everything that a person needs.

And again, pink salmon for salmon, a recipe for cooking.

Salted pink salmon

Using this method, you will discover new taste qualities of this fish and you won’t say at all that recently it was dry and lean. In addition, after 60 minutes it can be served on the table for tasting. Necessary products: pink salmon fillet - 0.5 kg, coarse salt - five tablespoons, cold boiled water - one liter, lemon, one onion, a bunch of dill and parsley, olive oil. So, salted pink salmon is a step by step recipe:

  1. We clean the pink salmon fillet from bones and skins, cut into small slices.
  2. In a liter of water we dissolve the salt and for 8-10 minutes we lower the pieces of fish into the resulting solution.
  3. After ten minutes, we get out the almost ready-made salted fish and rinse with cool water, after which we slightly dry it with a paper towel or towel.
    cooked pink salmon
  4. We lay the slices of pink salmon in layers in a convenient dish, pour olive oil on it and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. We get it all - the dish is ready. Serve the fish on the table with onions, chopped rings, dill and parsley, finely chopped, and lemon, sliced ​​into thin slices.

Another recipe for slightly salted pink salmon

As you can see, the recipes for how to salt salmon with salmon are not very different from each other. Yes, it cannot be otherwise. Home recipes are always similar one to another, the difference can only be in the nuances and habits of the hostess. Finally, we will tell you how to prepare pink salmon for delicious sandwiches with bread and lemon. We follow the principle set out at the very beginning of the article - we buy a whole frozen fish, with the head, and process it ourselves. Let it thaw for about 30 minutes, then rinse under cold running water. We cut off the head, remove the skin from the head to the tail. It will be cold for your hands, as the fish is frozen, but, as you already know, it is cleaned very well and quickly.

delicious salted pink salmon
After removing the skin, trim it, not forgetting about the tail. Now we make the fillet, for which, helping with a knife, carefully disconnect the meat from the bones. We send the resulting filet for 30 minutes to the refrigerator. It should freeze there a little to make it more convenient for cutting. With a sharp knife, cut into slices no more than half a centimeter thick. Now put the pieces in the dishes, in which the fish will be salted. At the same time, salt each layer. With the amount of salt, each mistress is determined independently. For example, three times more than the finished dish, plus a pinch of granulated sugar. Sent for a day in the refrigerator, after which you can eat. With lemon, oil or adding to the salad. It will be delicious anyway. Enjoy your meal!

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