The best films about illusionists and magicians: a list

The work of an illusionist at all times was hardly easy. True geniuses of tricks are often called scammers and even sorcerers. Some puzzles related to the lives of these unusual people will reveal fascinating films about illusionists and magicians. The list of paintings that help viewers find themselves in a bewitching fantasy universe is given below. So, sleight of hand or is it just plain fraud?

Films about illusionists and magicians: a list of old paintings

Tapes dedicated to magicians and their incredible talent have long been in demand among the public, retaining relevance for decades. Old films about illusionists and magicians will help you find out the secrets of true masters of their craft, a list of which is deservedly opened by the biographical drama "Houdini", which was released in 1953. Viewers learn interesting details about the life of the great wizard, his path to success, victories, defeats and romantic hobbies.

movies about illusionists and magicians list

Magician Houdini is too bright a character for his life to be covered in only one film. Proof of this is the fascinating picture "Young Harry Houdini", released in 1987 and was a huge success. This time the narration is conducted on behalf of the hero himself, who shares with his friend the story of his success. Interestingly, the famous Conan Doyle acts as a friend, giving the world an unforgettable Sherlock Holmes.

Finally, viewers who are occupied not only with works that intrigue with their magic and mystery, but also with paintings as close to historical realities as possible, should definitely watch the film “Houdini”, presented to the public in 1998. It is believed that this version of the story of the unsurpassed magician is the most reliable, reflects the main stages of his life's journey.

Prestige (2006)

The film invites viewers to travel to the early 20th century, to get acquainted with the old-fashioned England of those times. The main characters of the picture are magicians-illusionists, for a long time disputing the title of the great illusionist. Only one of them is capable of winning, which does not contribute to friendship. Aiming to win, former friends do not miss a single opportunity. They spy on each other, dissolve dirty gossip, break concerts, forgetting about the destructive power of hatred.

prop for tricks

The dramatic thriller not only opens the door to the incredible world of tricks, but also strikes with an unexpected ending that cannot be predicted. It is interesting that the plot was borrowed by the creators from the work of the same name by Christopher Priest, but has undergone significant changes. Proof of the quality of the film can serve as a double nomination for an Oscar.

The Illusionist (2006)

The action of the tape takes place in Austria at the beginning of the 20th century. In the center of the plot of the thriller is a love triangle, one of the participants of which is the talented magician Eisenheim. An illusionist with a dark past, who appeared in Vienna almost from nowhere, is forced to fight for the love of a charming duchess with another contender. In the role of his rival is a powerful crown prince.

holiday show

Mystical tricks are the main reason why viewers like this cinematic category. Films about illusionists can not do without daring tricks, this picture was no exception. The head of the local police will have to solve the mystery of Eisenheim's trick. The tape won an Oscar nomination.

Red Lights (2011)

The mystical thriller, which has become the fruit of the joint production of Spain and the United States, is worth seeing not only for the magic tricks of an impressive scale. The main role in this picture went to the unrivaled Robert de Niro, who skillfully embodied the image of a psychic magician, known to the whole planet.

Two scholars specializing in paranormal phenomena undertake to bring a talented illusionist into the clear, understand if magic or skillful deception is hiding behind his actions. However, the “investigators” soon have to regret their decision to become participants in a dangerous game that could cost them their lives.

The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus (2009)

Tapes dedicated to the illusionists and their talents do not have to be scary in order to attract attention throughout the viewing. A proof of this can serve as an exciting adventure fantasy, which saw the light in 2009. The main character of the show is Dr. Parnassus, which captivates the audience in a magical world.

illusion of deception

The portal that the professor uses for his wanderings is a magic mirror. But you have to pay for everything, which the doctor has to remember, for many years leading the devil himself by the nose. Satan decides to take away from Parnassus a daughter suffering from love for a mysterious stranger. The film captivates the audience with bright colors in which fantastic worlds are painted.

Death Number (2007)

The dramatic thriller of 2007 again returns the public's interest in the image of the famous Harry Houdini. This time the focus is on the period when the illusionist achieves maximum popularity, goes on a world tour.

intrigue with their magic and mystery

Of course, the picture could not do without a romantic story, Houdini's love interest is played by Catherine Zeta-Jones. Her character is a young girl, endowed with the abilities of a medium, becoming the object of desire for Harry. Magic props for tricks, fascinating performances - the movie is replete with such details, reveals some secrets of the famous magician.

Interesting documentaries

Fans of illusions will like not only art, but also documentary films dedicated to magicians and tricks. They open the door to an incredible world. For example, you can show interest in the film "The Greatest Magicians of the World", released in the USA in 2000. As the name implies, the main characters will be famous illusionists.

Viewers will be able to count on an abundance of enchanting tricks, they will learn what the correct props are for tricks, they will be devoted to some secrets that magicians use in their work. The film is perfect for family viewing, able to capture the attention of children and adults. The main thing is to abandon attempts to repeat the tricks seen at home.

Dynamo: The Incredible Illusionist is a documentary story filmed in 2011 in the UK. Viewers will be able to see the most exciting tricks present in the repertoire of the famous illusionist from England. The tricks that are demonstrated to them can hardly be justified by only the trained hands.

Russian cinema

Fans of old films can pay attention to the 1967 film The Magician, shot by Pyotr Todorovsky. The action takes place in a small provincial village. A magician Victor arranges a concert in the student dormitory. His simple tricks do not delight the audience, but everything is not so simple as it seems at first glance.

It is worth watching a newer film, released in 2009 and also called “The Magician”. The protagonist of the story is a 40-year-old illusionist posing as an actor for dating girls. In fact, Anton, once a student at a theater university, works as a magician. However, his whole life changes as soon as Gorelov falls in love with the young and beautiful Rita. It turns out that his new passion is married to a very difficult person. Will a man help tricks to get out of a difficult situation?

What else to see

"The Illusion of Deception" is a detective thriller, which is the fruit of the joint work of France and the United States, released in 2013. The criminal group, which includes the most unsurpassed magicians on the planet, one after the other is causing defiant robberies. Moreover, gang members crank up their black deeds directly during the demonstration of their enchanting shows. The best FBI agents cannot prove their guilt.

open the door to an incredible world

Another fascinating story about scammers is “Focus”, which was released in 2014. A young girl who finds herself in a difficult financial situation, by the will of fate, meets an experienced fraudster, who thinks through and implements the most daring scams, and decides to adopt his skill. However, the situation is complicated when the student, who initially dreamed only of the role of the co-worker of a dexterous illusionist, realizes that she has fallen in love with her own teacher. Unfortunately, the object does not want to reciprocate.

magic or artful deception

This is how the most fascinating pictures about illusionists and their adventures look like modern cinema is able to offer. By turning on any of them, the audience will easily organize an exciting show for themselves on holiday or will get a boost of vigor on gray weekdays.

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