Nasal lavage, as a treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and rhinitis of various origins, is an effective method recommended by many doctors. Experts often mention that such manipulations should be periodically performed even by healthy people. The medicine "Dolphin" is the most convenient remedy for use for these purposes.
It is available in forms intended for children or adults. They differ among themselves in the dosage and the size of the bottle (the smaller version for children). This tool is a bag of a medicinal mixture, consisting of ocean salt and dry extracts of plants such as dogrose and licorice. These substances contain beneficial minerals. In addition, a special bottle is included in the kit, which is convenient to use when washing.
The drug "Dolphin" recommends the use of the drug for the prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, the treatment of certain ENT diseases, regular nose hygiene in cases where this is necessary (in hazardous industries, for professional athletes).
The device is quite safe and convenient to use. It flushes the cavity along the entire length of the nasal passages, which distinguishes it from sprays and drops used for a similar purpose. The bottle makes it possible to adjust the intensity and speed of the solution. It is safe to use this drug for treatment and prevention, even in pregnant women and young children.
It should be noted that the drug "Dolphin" has practically no contraindications. It is not recommended if there is an individual intolerance to any of the components present here. Also, this complex is not used for treatment when there is a history of nasal polyps (in other words, complete obstruction of the nasal passages), bleeding from this organ.
The drug "Dolphin" instructions for use are advised to apply as follows. The powder from the bag is poured into a special bottle, then diluted with warm water, as a result, a solution is obtained, which will be washed. During colds, the procedure is preferably repeated in the morning and evening. If the complex agent is used for treatment, you can increase the number of applications up to three to four times. However, you first need to consult a specialist, especially in cases where the product is intended for a child.
After the procedure made by the Dolphin preparation, the instructions for use advise not to go out into the air for about half an hour, since at this time the nasal mucosa becomes very sensitive.
Use the drug complex and gargle. This will help accelerate the healing process and increase the body's resistance to viruses.
When washing, the drug reduces swelling and inflammation, increases the tone of capillaries, improves the function of ciliated epithelial cells. Thanks to the solution of the drug, the pathological secret with microbes and allergens is removed from the mucosa, and the mineral and plant substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the cleaned surface.
For the Dolphin nasal douche , the instructions for the use of side effects are practically not noted. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.
The optimal temperature of the prepared solution varies between 30-34 degrees. This is especially important for babies and pregnant women. For young children, adult control is required during the procedure.
Reviews about the drug, left on thematic forums by its consumers, are mostly positive. Many note its effectiveness and efficiency, regardless of the purpose of the application.