Why does the head ache from the top in the center? Reasons and treatment

Headache is a frequent foe that literally haunts almost every second person. We do not always find the cause of this pain. However, a common headache is called the medical language cephalgia. A clear sign of her: her head hurts from above. What are the features and causes of repeatedly recurring pain in the head, what to do and when to consult a doctor? Let's talk more about this.

The main causes of pain

Often, when the head hurts from above - this is the first symptom of cephalgia. If you look at the root of the problem, or rather, pain, the reason lies in the intensity of work, overstrain and constant stress.

Cephalgia is a headache from above, on the top of the head and in the temporal region. The presence of constant pain suggests that a certain pathology develops in the body.

Inside our skull is a huge number of receptors. Therefore, pressure and influence on the center of the head, blood vessels - the main cause of pain. If the head hurts from above, on the top of the head, then the reason may lie in the following:

  • nicotine and alcohol abuse;
  • mechanical damage;
  • irregular sleep;
  • circulatory disorders in the tissues of the brain;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and a downed diet;
  • vegetovascular dystonia ;
  • drug abuse or their side effect.

Only the doctor can identify the true reason why the head hurts from above or in another area with the help of a special diagnosis. Consider specific forms of manifestation of cephalgia.


Heavy mental and physical labor, accumulated fatigue are obvious factors that provoke pain in the center of the head. Even with simple muscle fatigue or long sitting in an uncomfortable position, this pain can occur.

headache in the center

Moreover, if the head hurts on top of the skull, then the pain is accompanied by additional symptoms: malaise in the chest, burning, increased heart rate, tachycardia, dizziness and even numbness of the limbs. Among the variety of reasons for this condition, doctors distinguish psycho-emotional disorder and neurosis. Thus, the body gives a signal to a person that he is working at the limit of his powers and capabilities.

As a treatment, doctors recommend temporarily forgetting intensive work, diving into a long sleep and taking a good rest. Yoga classes, breathing exercises, quiet walks, head and neck massage - all this will help get rid of headaches. If headache continues, consult a doctor.


The most common localization of cephalgia is a headache from above in one place, most often in the parietal region. The nature of the pain is aching. Mostly pain syndrome is quite long in time and does not disappear for several weeks, and in some cases, months.

Causes of migraine: the release of certain substances into the bloodstream, as well as changes in the nervous system of the body. This condition of a person is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • sharp throbbing pain;
  • pain intensifies after sleep, after eating, while walking or with other physical exertion;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Migraine headaches are often associated with alcohol abuse, overeating, and stress.

Cluster pain

If the head hurts from the top left in one place, then often this characterizes the cluster type of pain. It can last up to several hours. Mostly men suffer cluster pain. In women, this type of headache can occur during PMS or menopause.

Among the signs of this pathology, the following are distinguished:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • cluster pain intensifies during physical activity;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sensitivity manifests itself in light and noise.

The pain is intermittent, is sinusoidal in nature: increases / decreases.

Muscle fatigue

Many of us lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is largely due to professional occupation. For example, office workers spend more than 8 hours in a sitting position. Accordingly, any of our actions affects well-being. If the head hurts on the right side from above or in the parietal part of the head, then this can indicate muscle fatigue. In addition to tension in the back muscles, the causes of this phenomenon can be mental overload, lack of sleep and unbalanced nutrition. Most often, the head hurts from muscle fatigue in women than in men. Therefore, if a woman arrives home and complains of a headache, this is most likely true. In particular, this scientific fact applies to those representatives of the fair sex who lead a monotonous lifestyle.

Head injury

After a head injury, the top of the head usually hurts. Even with a minor blow, pain can occur. In addition to pain, trauma manifests itself in the form of a decrease in memory, performance and concentration. Sharp pain in this local area (on the top of the head) can manifest itself on the basis of a psychological factor. If a sick person is suspicious by nature and is afraid of a number of complications, then headache can only intensify.

why the headache on top hurts the head on top left in one place

With a concussion, the headache is chronic. As the accompanying symptoms: memory loss, fever, impaired vision, general weakness of the body.

Cervical osteochondrosis

A problem in the cervical spine leads to the fact that blood circulation in certain parts of the brain is disturbed. Perhaps the development of neuralgia. A person has a strong acute headache, which can give to the back of the head, shoulder and even under the shoulder blade. In addition to pain in the head, the patient often has dizziness, limbs and parts of the head go numb.

headache from above in one place

As a prophylaxis, doctors recommend sports, yoga and also massage of the cervical-collar zone.

Why does my head hurt from above? Nerves and blood vessels get pinched, cervical vertebrae are unstable - these factors provoke the appearance of a headache.

Hypertension or hypotension

Headache from above: pressure and throbbing? Perhaps the reasons lie in low or high pressure. Moreover, the pain syndrome can also spread to the region of the little girl. In addition, insomnia, ear-laying, shortness of breath, and decreased vigilance are possible. If you ignore all of the above symptoms, it can lead to a hemorrhage in the brain.

my head hurts from above

If the pressure is high, then it is necessary to take medications to lower the pressure, as well as drugs with antispasmodic and analgesic effects.

At low pressure, nausea, weakness can occur, and the head hurts from the top in the center as if squeezing a hoop. Often the pain is localized in one place and throbbing. In this case, it is necessary to increase blood pressure: drink Citramon or strong coffee without sugar.


The head hurts from above to the left, in the middle of the skull, in the forehead and on both sides - this can characterize damage to peripheral nerves. Pain is intensified during exercise, movement, and even during sneezing. In this situation, you must immediately take painkillers, but it is better to consult a doctor.

the head hurts on top of the skull

Most likely, he will appoint an ultrasound and electromagnetic examination using special equipment. In some cases, the surgeon intervenes in the treatment process.


The head is very sore from the top in the center - this may indicate that there are any inflammatory changes in the brain. Often this is a signal about existing tumors in the body. As accompanying symptoms: memory is reduced, nausea, movement coordination is lost, hearing function is impaired, drowsiness and sudden mood swings increase. Pain is usually worse during movement and in the morning after sleep. To ease the headache, the doctor prescribes medication, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person’s disease. Consumer drugs are not suitable.

Headache Prevention

Frequent acute headache is a sign of a serious illness. In addition, constant pressure spikes, an abnormal lifestyle become the basis for the appearance of migraine, pain cramps and even brain tumors. External factors that can improve the general condition and get rid of a headache:

  • A full sleep (at least 8 hours a day), before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  • The right diet. With a lack of necessary elements, the body may experience a headache. Do not eat junk food. Refuse fried, salty and sweet. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products and cereals.
  • Reception of vitamin B2, it is contained in such products: broccoli, walnut, eggs.
  • A complete rejection of bad habits, including the use of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Drinking at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day.
  • Active physical activity (sports, yoga, fitness).
  • Massage.
  • To avoid stressful situations, as an option, minimize their appearance in your life.
  • Take breaks during the working day, do not overload yourself (often the head hurts from mental strain).
  • The correct organization of the working day and time will not allow fatigue in the muscles and prolonged sitting posture.
    headache on top left in one place

More and more people are turning to traditional medicine. The success of the “folk” treatment did not pass the proof by science, but it found success in people:

  1. Discard the cabbage leaf so that the juice stands out. Attach the head to the affected area and hold for at least 30 minutes. It is used as a means to reduce pain.
  2. In order to reduce the level of pain, it is necessary to lower your legs in a container of hot water, and wrap your head in a cool towel.
  3. Put a cold compress on your forehead.
  4. As calming drinks use decoctions of chamomile, mint, linden. Sedative effect has valerian and marjoram.
  5. In some cases, aromatherapy is effective.
  6. Recommended physical activity, in which the emphasis is on relaxing movements: yoga, breathing exercises, massage.

You can alleviate a headache with the help of folk remedies. However, if the pain is permanent, then you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.


It is not possible to overcome the cause of a headache on your own, which can be a serious illness. When identifying specific symptoms, the patient is usually prescribed the following set of studies:

  • consultation of highly specialized specialists;
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound
  • ECG;
  • dopplerography;
  • blood and urine tests.

As methods of treatment, doctors prescribe such drugs: antispasmodic in nature, physiotherapy and relaxants. In some cases, you need a relaxing massage, manual therapy.

For the treatment of migraine, Aspirin or Analgin are often used. For an adapted organism, you can use Spazgan or Spazmalgon. "Citramon" is recommended for use under reduced pressure, when acute pain gives off to the crown of the head. Strong painkillers “Ketanov” and “Ketorol” are not recommended to be taken without a doctor’s prescription. Before using any medications, remember that each of them has side effects and contraindications.

head hurts from above

Remember that every pain is a signal of the body about its failure. It is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. Only a qualified specialist can help with this with the help of a full examination. Seeing a doctor on time can save you from dire consequences. Be healthy!

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