The whole body itches: causes and solution to the problem

Probably everyone at least once in his life experienced itchy skin. It makes a person comb himself to the blood, to scratches and sores, but this does not bring the desired relief, but only exacerbates the suffering. If everything is itching for you, this may indicate a number of factors: from internal and skin diseases to the usual dryness of the epidermis. In addition, in medicine there are such official diagnoses as “itching of pregnancy” and “senile itching”.

whole body itches

What do we have to do?

If you feel that the whole body is itching , and the itching has been bothering you for several days, immediately see a doctor. He will explain to you that such a sign is only an external factor. In order to find out the real reason, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. Thus, it is too early to talk about immediate treatment; a diagnosis must first be made. Prior to this, experts recommend using local remedies to facilitate. This includes a cold shower, all kinds of compresses, menthol lotions (they can be purchased at any pharmacy) and therapeutic ointments. It should be emphasized that they should be used in small quantities so as not to provoke irritation of the skin.

everything itches

Possible reasons

So, why does the whole body itch? Most doctors talk about the advisability of finding the cause by exclusion. The reasons can be quite serious. For example, itching can be caused by blood diseases. In this case, it will be localized in some specific place, for example, on the arm or stomach. In addition, discomfort will intensify after each meal and bathing in hot water. Itchy skin is also one of the symptoms of obstructive jaundice. This can be explained from a physiological point of view: the disease provokes an increase in the level of bilirubin, which, when it enters the blood, accumulates in the skin layers. If your whole body is itching, we recommend that you check the liver - any problems with this organ are reflected primarily on the skin. It will also be useful to donate blood for sugar in order to eliminate the likelihood of diabetes.

body skin itching causes


You are faced with such nuisance as itching of the skin of the body; reasons, as already noted, can be very different. Chronic renal failure , among other symptoms, is accompanied by irritation of the epidermis; the same applies to all sorts of neurosis and psychosis. However, it should be emphasized that such a manifestation is associated only with exacerbations of the disease.


Your whole body is itching, but the cause is still not established? Whatever disease you suffer from, you should adhere to a certain diet. Think about whether this could be caused by an allergic reaction to any product? Just in case, visit a nutritionist. Also exclude from the diet all fatty, spicy and too salty foods. Consumption of sweets should also be stopped or limited. Try to abandon for a while the most common food allergens - all citrus fruits, eggs, coffee and strong meat broths.

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