Removal of tonsils in a child: causes, procedure for the operation, consequences, reviews

In the article, we will consider how the removal of adenoids and tonsils in children proceeds.

Tonsillitis is a pathological disease that can develop not only in adult patients, but also in children. Tonsillitis can be acute or chronic, and the treatment of such a disease involves the use of surgical or conservative techniques. In some cases, it becomes necessary to completely remove the tonsils in the child, since otherwise the body is exposed to negative consequences.

removal of tonsils in a child


The process of removing tonsils in a child in medical practice is called tonsillectomy. It may involve the removal of part of the tonsils and all of their tissue. In essence, tonsils are an accumulation of lymphoid tissue and an important organ of the immune system.

The immune system in childhood is considered to be untenable, and, accordingly, it is not able to prevent various attacks of pathogens and infections.

An infection that spreads through the air and enters the body first gets into the tonsils. Through the tonsils, the immune system becomes acquainted with the pathogenic microorganism, after which the body forms an appropriate immune response.

In childhood, glands become inflamed most often, as they are constantly attacked by pathogenic bacteria. In this regard, children often develop sore throats.

If the tonsils are removed in a child, then the infectious agents will immediately fall into the respiratory tract. The child will no longer suffer from angina, but the risk of pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis will increase. Therefore, tonsillectomy is not always indicated for children.

On the other hand, tonsillitis in a chronic form can greatly aggravate the situation and independently become the cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the child's body.

child after tonsillectomy

Indications for tonsillectomy

Removal of tonsils in a child by surgery can be recommended in several cases:

  1. When the enlargement and swelling of the tonsils occurs to such a size that they begin to interfere with the normal process of breathing. Such an increase can provoke apnea - the cessation of respiratory activity for several minutes in a dream, or hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the organs and tissues of the body.
  2. The occurrence of complications in a child after several sore throats that spread to the kidneys, joints and heart.
  3. Frequent occurrence of tonsillitis in a child - more often than three times a year.

The affected tonsils are a breeding ground for the accumulation of pathogens, in connection with this there is a likelihood of developing complications on the heart and joints. The most dangerous complication for children is rheumatism, in which there is a lesion of the synovial fluid and impaired functioning of the heart.

Types of tonsillectomy

Earlier removal of tonsils in a child was only possible using a special loop of wire, but these times are long gone. Today, there are a number of more bloodless and gentle methods that allow removal of the tonsils in children and at the same time minimize injury to the body. In addition, similar techniques require a fairly short period of patient rehabilitation.

tonsil removal in children reviews

Currently, along with the traditional removal by a microdebrider and a wire loop, the following methods of tonsillectomy exist:

  1. Removing electrically. This technique in medical practice of gland removal is quite rare.
  2. Removal by freezing. Gland cryodestruction is the most gentle method. This method involves the usual freezing of tonsils, resulting in a cessation of their functioning.
  3. Removal by exposure to high-frequency ultrasonic waves. Under their influence, the destruction of lymphoid tissues occurs. Specialists call this operation an ultrasound tonsillectomy.
  4. Removal using a laser beam. When using a laser beam, it seems possible to remove the affected areas of the tonsils almost bloodlessly. This feature is due to the fact that under the influence of a laser, the released blood is baked almost immediately. This technique is loyal and preferred along with others, however, its use is contraindicated in tonsillectomy in children under 5 years old.

The appropriateness of using this or that operation to remove tonsils in children should be determined by a specialist who determines the age of the patient, the effect of tonsils on the general condition of the body, and the degree of their damage.

Tonsillectomy anesthesia

The operation and type of anesthesia used is the most serious issue at the stages of tonsillectomy planning. The procedure itself is simple, its duration is less than an hour, and general anesthesia, in fact, is not required.

Local anesthesia

A tonsillectomy using local anesthesia is allowed, but the child should be motionless throughout the procedure. Most often, such a task remains difficult. In some cases, doctors suggest the use of special fixators for the position of the limbs. This allows you to limit the mobility of the child during the procedure to remove tonsils.

However, the use of such methods can only aggravate the psychological state of a small patient and lead to difficulties during preparation for surgery. In this regard, the use of general mask or inhalation anesthesia is often preferred. It must be carried out by a qualified specialist anesthetist.

Reviews on the removal of adenoids and tonsils in children will be presented below.

tonsil removal surgery in children


Special preparation before surgery is not required. It is only important to listen to the doctor’s advice on which foods should be restricted before surgery.

At the very beginning, the child is given mask anesthesia. Anesthesia acts in such a way that the child’s nervous system is euthanized, and consciousness is turned off. Thus, the child does not feel pain during surgery.

After that, the surgeon removes the tonsils (one, both, parts of one tonsil). As a rule, doctors try to preserve intact lymphoid tissue.

After the manipulation, the child is placed in a rehabilitation ward after surgery, where he leaves the state of anesthesia and returns to a conscious state.

Operation duration

The duration of the surgery will depend on which method of tonsillectomy the doctor chose. Surgical removal of the tonsils takes about an hour, using a laser beam - on average half an hour, and cryodestruction lasts only a couple of minutes.

How quickly does a child recover after tonsillectomy?

removal of adenoids and tonsils in children reviews

Rehabilitation after tonsillectomy

The duration of the rehabilitation period will depend on how the tonsils were removed.

  1. In the first days after the procedure, the child should be in the hospital and under the close supervision of a doctor who will monitor the healing process of the wound surface and the reaction of the child's body. If any complications are identified, it is necessary to prescribe the appropriate therapy to the small patient.
  2. If tonsils were removed by cryodestruction or using a laser beam, then there is no need for hospital rehabilitation. A child can return home immediately after regaining consciousness.
  3. Swelling and pain can bother the baby for up to a week after surgery. Completely uncomfortable sensations disappear after three weeks from the moment of surgical manipulation. During the first day, a crust or bloom of a whitish color forms on the wound surface. This suggests that the tissue heals normally.
  4. Experts recommend a sparing diet in the postoperative period. You should also not strain and tear the vocal cords - laugh, sing, scream loudly. It is necessary to remove coarse food from the child’s diet and not give him excessively hot or cold dishes - all food should be moderately warm.
  5. It is forbidden to eat spicy dishes, pickled foods and highly salted.

What is fraught with the removal of adenoids and trimming tonsils in children?

consequences of tonsillectomy in children

Likely consequences after tonsillectomy

Complications that arise after surgery of any type are usually classified into two groups - those that arose as a result of medical actions and those that arose due to carelessness of the patient.

  1. Complications caused by the action of doctors include probable blood poisoning, bleeding, and infection. This is due to the fact that the instruments used during the operation were poorly sanitized, the doctor was careless or inexperienced.
  2. The second type of complications most often occurs due to the fact that the patient did not follow the doctor’s instructions. This may be eating too cold food, for example, ice cream. As a result, healing slows down, the occurrence of bleeding is not excluded.

The consequences of tonsillectomy in children can be very serious.

As a result of overstrain of the vocal cords, bleeding can also open. This is due to the fact that between the glands and the vocal cords there is a relationship. Vocal cord tension will cause tension in recently healed tissues and blood vessels.

Reviews on the removal of tonsils in children

Reviews about this are abundant. This procedure is quite simple, but there is a chance of complications.

In some cases, removal of the tonsils cannot be avoided, but sometimes washing the gaps and disinfection allows you to do without surgery and save the affected tissue.

removal of adenoids and trimming tonsils in children

People in the reviews write that before agreeing to a tonsillectomy, it is necessary to consult with several specialists, perhaps one of them will offer effective therapy for inflammation, which will save the tonsils and do without removing them.

You should not try to treat tonsillitis through the use of alternative recipes, they are not able to replace traditional therapy, and if their use is not agreed with the doctor, then an aggravation of the situation is not excluded.

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