The analogue of "Holisal": a list of the best

Millions of various microorganisms, bacteria and viruses constantly live in the human oral cavity . However, this is quite normal. A properly functioning immune system in combination with hygiene measures can easily cope with them. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of excellent immunity today. And those who are not part of the lucky group are well aware of drugs such as Holisal (gel). Analogs are cheaper than the original, so they are often used to treat viral and bacterial infections of the oral mucosa. We will study these drugs in more detail.

Means "Holisal"

This medication is widely used in dentistry to treat such ailments as gingivitis, stomatitis, cheilitis, candidiasis, periodontitis and much more. Such a wide range of uses is due to the fact that the drug has a combined effect.

Analog cholisal

The main components of the drug are choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. The first has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effect, the second is active against fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Use "Cholisal" (gel), analogues of the drug with identical action can be for everyone. Exceptions include patients with individual intolerance to one or more components of the product. Under the supervision of a doctor, children need to use the medicine for up to a year, as well as for the fair sex during pregnancy and lactation.

Analogues of the drug

We consider separately each analog. Holisal today does not have completely identical compositions. Therefore, all substitutes for the drug are similar to it only in pharmacological properties. So, with gingivitis, patients can be assigned such analogues of “Cholisal”:

  • "Vokara."
  • "Dentamet."
  • Anti-Angin Formula.
  • "Metrogil Dent."
  • "Kamistad."
  • "Novosept Forte".
  • "Faringosept."
  • "Deoxinate" and others.
    Holisal Gel analogues

Despite the large list of medicines similar in pharmacological properties, one cannot independently prescribe an analogue. Holisal, as well as identical formulations, should be prescribed by a doctor. After all, the reaction of the body can be unpredictable, which will lead to a mass of negative consequences.

Means "Vokara"

This medication is widely known to the consumer as a homeopathic drug with a complex effect. It is prescribed for patients who suffer from stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, etc. The complex effect of the drug is due to the properties of its main components: laconic acid, belladonna, sage, snake venom and Hannemann soluble mercury. Apply it as part of complex therapy of the aforementioned ailments to patients from 12 years old. But for children who have not reached this age, as well as for mothers during lactation and pregnancy, the drug is not recommended.

Holisal price analogues

In addition to "Vokara", the drug "Kholisal" analogues are cheaper. But, unlike this medicine, they are based on synthetic substances that have a lot of contraindications.

Means "Dentamet"

This drug is widely used in dentistry to treat such ailments as gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc. Its combined effect is due to the presence of two main active ingredients. Metronidazole binds to DNA cells of pathogenic microorganisms and inhibits the synthesis of their nucleic acids. Chlorhexidine is a disinfectant. It is active against yeast, lipophilic viruses, dermatophytes and many other microorganisms.

Like the Cholisal preparation (gel), whose analogues are much cheaper, the Dentamet agent is often used in dental practice. It is prescribed to patients of different ages, however, children and pregnant women are recommended to use the medication with extreme caution.

The drug "Anti-Angin Formula"

It has one more effective analogue "Chrysal". This is the “Anti-Sore Throat Formula”. It can be prescribed for infectious and inflammatory ailments of the oral cavity and pharynx. The medication is in tablet form. It is based on three active ingredients: ascorbic acid, chlorhexidine and tetracaine. The first helps to reduce the permeability of small blood vessels, resulting in reduced swelling and inflammation, and is also a cofactor in tissue regeneration and collagen synthesis. Chlorhexidine has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. But the function of the last component, tetracaine, is local anesthesia of the affected area of ​​the mucosa.

Holisal analogues are cheaper

The tool "Anti-Angin Formula" is prescribed for adults and children from 5 years. But for women who bear babies, the use of the medicine must be abandoned.

The medicine "Metrogil Dent"

Many are forced to abandon the use of the drug "Cholisal" price. Analogs in this case, in particular, the Metrogil Dent tool, are an alternative. This medication is also available in the form of a gel and is widely used in dental practice for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis and others. It is based on chlorhexidine and metronidazole, which can cope with many pathogens.

Prescribe medication to patients from 6 years of age, provided that there is no individual intolerance to the main components. In isolated cases, the use of the drug can cause allergic reactions, manifested in the form of itching and urticaria, as well as headaches. If any of the side effects occur, you should immediately contact your doctor.

The drug "Kamistad"

It has another analogue "Holisal". You should definitely know about it - this is Kamistad gel. Such a combination agent has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The main components of the gel are tincture of field chamomile and lidocaine.

Holisal analogues are cheaper

Due to the fact that you can use the product even for babies from 3 months old, it is very famous among mothers. After all, teething in crumbs is a very painful process. And this drug can reduce pain and reduce inflammation.

The medicine "Novoscept Forte"

Like the Cholisal preparation, cheap analogues should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Indeed, many of them are intended for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory ailments of the oral cavity and pharynx only in adults. Any of these medicines has a significant list of contraindications. One of these drugs is Novoscept Forte, which is available in the form of lozenges.

This tool has a local analgesic, antifungal and bactericidal effect. Contraindications to taking the medication are children's age, lactation and pregnancy, acute liver or kidney failure, allergies, as well as a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes.

The drug "Faringosept"

This medicine does not need additional advertising, since it has a fairly high demand. This is explained by the fact that the drug is widely used both in dentistry and in ENT practice. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute forms of infectious and inflammatory ailments of the larynx and oral cavity, such as tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

Holisal gel analogues are cheaper

As for contraindications to taking the medicine, there are only two of them. The first is children's age up to 3 years, and the second is the individual intolerance of the components of the drug.

Which analog to choose?

Since many people are forced to abandon the use of the Holisal medication, the price will make analogues an appropriate solution to the problem. After all, a 10-gram tube in a pharmacy often costs more than 350 rubles. However, it is very difficult to choose such funds among the modern assortment, and it’s wrong. It is better to entrust this choice to a specialist who will correctly establish a diagnosis and select the most appropriate drug therapy for each patient. Only with the help of an experienced doctor can we avoid many negative consequences and quickly cope with the disease.

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