The medicine "L-carnitine" ("Levocarnitine")

"L-carnitine" ("Levocarnitine") - a drug for the normalization of fat and protein metabolism, the correction of metabolic processes. The tool is used to reduce body weight, reduce appetite, malnutrition, exhaustion, stunted growth, frequent and intense sports training, carnitine deficiency. "Levocarnitine" may also be present in complex therapy for cardiomyopathy, skin diseases, myocarditis and myocardial infarction.

"L-carnitine" is an oral solution, however, it also exists in the form of nutritious dry mixes, chewable tablets and injection.

Action and Properties

"Levocarnitine" is a naturally occurring substance and has much in common with vitamins B. It participates in the metabolism, transferring fatty acids from the cytoplasm through cell membranes to mitochondria. Further, these acids are oxidized with the formation of the required amount of metabolic energy. So, "L-carnitine" normalizes fat and protein metabolism and restores the alkaline reserve of blood, while inhibiting anaerobic glycolysis and the formation of keto acids. In addition, the drug reduces lactic acidosis, increases motor activity and contributes to the correct consumption of glycogen. "Levocarnitine" also acts as an anabolic and normalizes increased metabolism in hyperthyroidism, stimulates the production of gastric juice.

"L-carnitine": indications and method of use

The drug is prescribed for various diseases and conditions that are accompanied by a decrease in appetite, exhaustion and weight loss. Such diseases include neurogenic anohexia and physical exhaustion in mental illness, a chronic form of gastritis, pancreatitis, genetic and secondary carnitine deficiency. "L-carnitine" is also prescribed for convalescence after surgery and serious illnesses, as well as newborns with weak food reflexes, hypotension, and other problems. Sometimes the drug is prescribed with a mild form of thyrotoxicosis, in the complex treatment of skin diseases, with cardiomyopathy.

If we are talking about the method of administration and doses, it should be noted that the dosage should be taken very seriously. The method of application and the amount of "L-carnitine" directly depends on the dosage form of the drug and the age of the patient. Doses must be established individually, and they depend on the nosological form of the disease. The attending physician, prescribing the drug, is obliged to tell in detail about its intake, contraindications and possible side effects.

"L-carnitine": contraindications

The described drug is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, especially to the main active substance (in fact, "Levocarnitine"). Medication can be prescribed for pregnant women and nursing mothers, but this is done with extreme caution. In such cases, the dosage and administration of the drug depends on the specific clinical situation and may vary in different cases.

"L-carnitine": side effects

Side effects usually occur in cases of high doses of L-carnitine. Such effects include muscle weakness, pain in the epigastric region ( stomach and abdomen), dyspeptic reactions. Be careful: if there is any pain in the epigastric zone, the dose of L-carnitine should be reduced. Store the drug in a dark, protected place at moderate room temperature.

Despite the fact that Levocarnitine is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, it is better to use it after a specialist’s recommendation. In addition, the prescribed doses must be strictly observed in order to avoid overdose and the occurrence of adverse reactions.

Attention! This manual is intended to familiarize you with the drug. For more information, see the instruction sheet or your doctor.

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