How to fry different and delicious pancakes

What Russian does not like pancakes? Yeast and fresh, wheat and buckwheat, thin and chubby, with butter or sour cream, stuffed or seasoned. Among such a variety, everyone will find a pancake to taste. Every housewife wants to know how to fry appetizing, fragrant and tender pancakes.

There are various technologies and recipes for making pancakes, and each time it is a new unique taste. Pancakes are baked from different flours - wheat, rye, buckwheat, wheat and buckwheat. From a different test - acidic, yeast-free, on water, milk, whey, kefir, sour cream and even beer. They are the size of a pan or small irregularly shaped. They are eaten with butter, sour cream, honey, jam, sauce, folding up a tube or folding a handkerchief. And how many options of filling can be thought up: vegetable, fruit, cottage cheese, meat, fish, mushroom, caviar, cheese, nut, chocolate, combined ...

Russian pancakes have a long history. Thanks to the experience of our ancestors, we know a lot of tricks on how to properly fry pancakes so that they turn out delicious and rosy.

It seems to be making pancakes very simple, but without knowing some of the subtleties, you can get a pancake lumpy. Each hostess will have her own little secrets, how to fry pancakes in milk and yogurt, how to get openwork and nostril pancakes, how best to cook this or that stuffing.

You need to start pancakes immediately before serving them. Because the most delicious pancakes are those that are only from the fire.

To make the dough more magnificent, a good housewife must sift the flour and do it right before baking.

Sugar and salt must be thoroughly mixed with milk or water until they are completely dissolved, and even better filtered through a sieve.

To prepare delicious pancakes, you need only fresh eggs, which you need to beat well before combining with the dough. In this case, the yolks and whites are whipped separately.

Another secret of real pancakes is the proper combination of flour and liquid. It is necessary to pour the liquid component into the flour, but in no case not vice versa.

Nevertheless, pancakes are tastier if you use not a mixer, but a wooden oar for stirring batter.

Oil improves the taste of pancakes. So that the dough does not turn out too dense, put it in the last place, after adding flour and kneading. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with its quantity - two or three tablespoons are enough.

Pancakes from yeast dough on water are more magnificent, but on milk - they are more delicious. The yeast test should be allowed to rise 2-3 times; if it is not good, the pancakes will be too dense and not very tasty, if it is fermented, it will be too sour.

For baking pancakes, it is recommended to keep a separate pan. Traditionally, this is a cast-iron black pan. Before frying pancakes, the pan is heated over high heat with salt, then thoroughly wiped with a dry, clean cloth. In the future, do not wash the pancake pan. For greasing, you can take half the onions or potatoes, dip them in vegetable oil and apply on a frying surface. In this case, the pan will not get a lot of oil and the pancakes will not be too greasy. A shaving brush can be made from rags or gauze.

For fresh pancakes, in which the filling is usually wrapped, a larger pan with a diameter is suitable. And for yeast, itโ€™s better to make dishes the size of a saucer. This is explained by the fact that the yeast dough is poured onto the pan without removing it from the fire, the dough spreads by itself, and with the correct consistency, its quantity (full ladle) occupies just such an area as a tea saucer.

There are some tricks to frying pancakes with yeast. If the dough is yeast, then you need to try to bake pancakes until it has fallen, and in no case stir the risen dough. Yeast pancakes need a slow fire to make the dough rise and grab.

The first pancake determines whether the dough is kneaded correctly. So, how to fry pancakes if the pancake does not turn over, but breaks? In this case, you need to add flour, but not to the whole dough, but to a small part of it, and only then combine with the whole dough. If the dough continues to break, then an egg should be added. Pancakes can tear if they are too thin. Pancakes mixed with kefir and yogurt are especially fragile. Pancakes are torn even if the pan is poorly heated or greased. If the dough is too thick, then it can be diluted, but not with milk, but with water - otherwise the pancakes will burn.

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