The drug "Monochinkwe": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Today, a lot of people turn to cardiologists with various heart pathologies. An incorrect lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, as well as constant stress and overwork, disable the human body. You will not surprise anyone with diseases such as chronic heart failure, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Each of these pathologies is extremely dangerous and capable of causing irreparable harm to health. That is why it is very important to contact a cardiologist in the presence of the first signs of the disease. There are a huge number of drugs that can maintain a normal state of the cardiovascular system. One of them is Monochinque.

Monochinkwe tablets

Instructions for use describe this tool as a medication that can dilate blood vessels. In this article, we will look at the instructions for using this tool, and also find out what patients and doctors think about it, how it can be replaced. Carefully read this information in order to protect yourself and arm yourself as much as possible.

A few words about the composition and form of release

"Monochinque" instructions for use describe as a medicament in the form of tablets or capsules intended for oral use. The main active ingredient of the drug is isosorbide-5-mononitrate. However, in addition to it, auxiliary components are also present in the composition. These include lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, talc, starch and cellulose. Auxiliary components are needed in order to give the medication the desired shape, as well as improve its absorption by the body.

Both tablets and capsules are packaged in blisters, each of which contains fifteen units. But the blisters, in turn, are packed in cardboard packaging, two pieces each.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine "Monochincke", the instructions for use of which are described in this article, mainly affects the venous vessels of a person. The tool promotes the expansion of veins and regulates the flow of oxygen into the myocardium. Also, the medicine is able to stimulate blood flow and actively distribute it in ischemic areas.

The tool significantly increases the body's endurance to physical activity, and also lowers blood pressure.

pill packaging

The drug is very fast, and most importantly, almost completely absorbed by the circulatory system. After thirty minutes, you can notice its maximum concentration in the blood. At the same time, the concentration of the active component in the red liquid is quite high and decreases very slowly. The drug is excreted from the body using the excretory system. The half-life is usually about five hours.

In what cases can I apply

Monochinkwe tablets are recommended for use in the presence of various pathologies of the cardiovascular system. So, most often this drug is prescribed by cardiologists to patients suffering from diseases such as:

  • angina pectoris, as well as preventive preventive measures in the presence of prerequisites for its development;
  • acute and chronic heart failure;
  • help in restoring the body after a heart attack;
  • decrease in pressure in the pulmonary circulation.

This drug belongs to the category of very serious, so in no case do not self-medicate. You can take such a drug only on the recommendation of your doctor.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Reviews and instructions for use for "Monochinkwe" confirm that the drug still has some contraindications for use, so use it with extreme caution. So, we will consider in what cases it is strictly forbidden to use the tool:

  • in the presence of hypersensitivity to any components that make up this pharmaceutical agent;
  • in no case should pregnant women and lactating women use it;
  • Also, the drug is contraindicated for use by the children's category of the population.

In some cases, doctors prescribe medication with extreme caution. Namely:

the cardiovascular system
  • in the presence of serious diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • with anemia or after experienced an acute heart attack;
  • in the presence of hypotension.

Is it possible to develop unwanted reactions

Reviews and instructions for use for "Monochinkwe" confirm that the drug has a really large number of side effects from all organs.

Many patients complained of deterioration of health on the part of the digestive and central nervous system. Consumers had abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and digestive problems. From the side of the central nervous system, the development of headaches, dizziness, a constant feeling of fatigue, and insomnia are not ruled out.

In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions in the form of rash, urticaria and swelling may begin to develop.

The tool is also able to affect the female hormonal system, causing hot flashes and painful menstruation.

In very rare cases, pressure indicators can significantly decrease, and the development of a severe form of heart failure is also possible.

The medicine "Monochinkwe": instructions for use

The tool is acceptable for admission only to the adult population. The dosage of the active substance that is part of the drug is too large for children. Doctors recommend starting to take the medicine with a small dosage, gradually increasing it. It is best to start taking the drug with 5-10 mg of the active substance twice a day. The drug should be taken after seven hours. For example, if the first time you took the medicine at nine in the morning, then the second dose should be done at four in the afternoon. If necessary, after a few days, the doctor may adjust the dosage. It is very important to monitor the condition of the patient. If his health indicators worsen, the drug will have to be canceled and other means selected.


The drug "Monochincke Retard" 50 mg is recommended for use once a day, as the product has a higher content of the active substance and also has a longer effect. If necessary, after a few days the doctor may adjust the dosage of this medicine. However, this should also be done gradually.

It is very important to swallow the drug whole, without biting or chewing it.

What will happen in case of an overdose

Monochinkwe tablets, the instructions for use of which are described on this resource, can lead to an overdose. Therefore, take the product very carefully, clearly guided by the recommendations of your treating cardiologist. If you take the drug in high dosages, this can lead to a significant decrease in blood pressure, as well as a violation of the heart rhythm, severe headaches, metabolic disorders in the body. With a significant overdose, a coma may occur. Patients with high blood sugar may experience hypoxia.

An overdose can significantly increase the manifestation of side effects of the drug. If, against the background of a course of treatment, you notice that your health condition is deteriorating, be sure to contact a medical institution. Perhaps this suggests that you have an overdose. In this case, be sure to contact a specialist for help. You will be offered symptomatic therapy.

Is it possible to combine the use of Monochinkwe tablets with driving a vehicle

In fact, the instruction for "Monochinqua" indicates that the use of this drug has an effect on the central nervous system. Against the background of the use of the medication, the patient may complain of weakness, as well as increased fatigue and drowsiness. Therefore, getting behind the wheel of a car, as well as controlling dangerous machinery, is strictly prohibited during the course of treatment.

Important notes

According to the instructions for use and reviews by cardiologists, "Monochinkwe" is not recommended for use in very serious and acute stages of myocardial infarction, as well as angina pectoris. During the treatment with these pills, it is very important to constantly monitor the heart rate, as well as blood pressure. If they worsen, the use of the drug is recommended to be urgently canceled. However, note that you can not abruptly stop using pills. This should be done very gradually, otherwise it can lead to worsening of symptoms.

heart ache

In order for the product to have a good therapeutic effect on the body, and also not lead to the occurrence of undesirable effects, it is very important to completely abandon the use of alcohol-containing drinks and medicines during the use of Monochinkwe tablets 40 mg (the instructions for use are indicated in this article) made on the basis of ethanol.

Is it possible to use by pregnant and lactating women

The drug is contraindicated for use by these categories of patients, as it can worsen the condition of a woman bearing a child, and can also have a negative effect on the baby.

The active components of the medication can pass into breast milk, so it is not allowed to use the product for lactating women. Only in some cases, doctors are allowed to do this, provided that the tool will have a much greater benefit for the mother than harm for the baby. In any case, it will be necessary to transfer the child to artificial feeding.

Also, the tool should not be used by the category of patients under the age of majority.

Features of purchase and storage

In any pharmacy you can buy the drug "Monochinkwe 40". Instructions for use with this tool will be included in each cardboard package. The tool can be bought only with a prescription from your doctor with a seal. This suggests that the use of tablets for self-medication is strictly prohibited.

heart beating

The shelf life of the medicine is five years from the date indicated on the cardboard packaging. In no case should you store the medicine for longer than indicated in the instructions. Keep the product away from light and moisture. Ideal for storage would be room temperature. Note: improper storage conditions will shorten the shelf life of the medication as much as possible.

Monochinque tablets: analogues

Instructions for use with this drug should be studied before using it. Many patients are interested in the question of whether there are substitutes for this medication. After all, Monochinkwe tablets can be taken far from in all cases. In fact, there are a large number of analogues that have a similar composition, and also have a similar effect on the body. However, you can only use them if your cardiologist wrote them to you.

visit doctor

So, most often doctors prescribe to their patients such analogues of the Monochinkwe preparation, as Pectrol, Monizol, Monosan, and many others. Once again, it is worth repeating that you can take them only on the recommendation of a doctor. After all, he will take into account the state of your health, as well as the individual characteristics of your body.

Reviews of patients and doctors

In fact, cardiologists quite often prescribe Monochinque Retard capsules to their patients. Instructions for use confirm that the tool is very effective. However, against the background of its use, side effects quite often occur.

Doctors are confident in the effectiveness of the drug, and therefore it is often prescribed in the presence of angina pectoris and after an experienced myocardial infarction. The tool really shows itself from the best side.

Patients confirm that the drug really does its job well. Within a few weeks after the start of use, the state of health improves significantly, while the level of endurance increases. The price of the medicine is also pleasing to patients. For one package you will have to pay only about one hundred seventy-two hundred rubles.


The health of the cardiovascular system is primarily dependent on lifestyle. So start changing it right now. Change your diet, go in for sports, and do not forget to take time to rest and relax. Only in this case, Monochinkwe tablets will give the best results. Do not forget that everything needs a comprehensive and competent approach, as well as the control of an experienced specialist. Start taking care of your health and you will notice how it takes care of you. Be healthy and take care of yourself.

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