When a child has a sore throat , treatment should be started when the first symptoms appear. However, it will depend on the nature of the disease. You should not try to prescribe pills yourself, because you can start the disease and achieve complications. Therefore, at the first suspicion that the child is sick, you should call a doctor at home.
Children's immunity, especially at an early age, is not yet able to fully and adequately respond when infections occur in the body. Diseases of the throat often occur along with high fever, runny nose and malaise. If it is not immediately cured, then the disease will become chronic, which will require a protracted treatment. Especially if the throat of a baby hurts, which can not yet say that it hurts. First of all, the diagnosis will be based on various changes in the body. This is the place of redness of the throat, the appearance of spots on the face, temperature and others. These signs are called indirect.
Often, when a child has a sore throat, treatment for parents becomes a real test. Indeed, in most cases, all drugs have a bitter taste, and not many children understand that you need to open your mouth and sit quietly. To do everything right, the treatment must take place in the form of a game. So the child will not resist when taking medication. Pediatricians, when prescribing treatment for young children, should pay attention to prescribe as little harmful drugs as possible. After all, children's liver is very sensitive to extraneous influence.
Of course, there are many recipes for our grandmothers who treated sore throats with herbs. But do not rely on their experience. Indeed, before the immunity in children was much stronger than now. Therefore, the baby should be treated only with drugs that the pediatrician will prescribe. When a child has a sore throat, the treatment will consist of using various sprays, rinses and tablets. Now on the pharmaceutical market there are a lot of drugs that are intended for children. But not everyone is suitable for infants. In fact, it is very difficult for infants to choose drugs that are tested for toxins that do not harm a small body.
In addition to general treatment, parents should know and observe a number of additional measures that will help on the way to the recovery of the baby. So, if a child has a sore throat, treatment should be coupled with maintaining a diet. All products that irritate the mucous membrane must be removed from the diet. These include salted and fried foods, very hard and hot foods. The best option will be food, which includes warm broths, milk porridges and light soups. During illness, the child should not try to feed him. Let him eat as much as he wants. The body's work should be aimed at eliminating the infection, and not at processing excessive amounts of food.
Another important point when a child has a sore throat is a heavy drink. It must be warm. It can be tea, milk, juices, jelly (not sour) and just liquid broths. Thanks to the fluid, the body is washed and excreted in the urine all harmful substances. This rule is especially important when the baby has a fever.
The doctor may prescribe an oral treatment with herbs or just drink broths. Herbs such as dogrose, chamomile, thyme and succession will not harm the body, but, on the contrary, will help in the fight against infection. Older children are advised to breathe above the steam bath. This procedure softens and cures the red throat well. Most importantly, during the treatment of the child, one must strictly adhere to the instructions of the doctor. This is the only way to cure your small, sick patient.