Why do pancakes stick to the pan? Find out together!

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? There are many answers to this question. And in order for your pancakes to turn out to be tasty, thin and unusually tender, we will present some of the most probable reasons why the first products stand “lumpy". Of course, we will talk about how to eliminate this phenomenon and what needs to be done.

why do pancakes stick to the pan

Pancakes stick: what to do?

There are quite a few factors that contribute to the improper and tasteless frying of home crepes. This problem may be hidden in the test for dessert itself, and in the dishes, and in the way of frying, etc. In this regard, in order to get thin and tasty pancakes that will never stick to the dishes, it is necessary to exclude all existing and possible factors.

The right choice of dishes

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? The reason for this phenomenon may be improperly selected dishes. Indeed, for baking homemade dessert, it is recommended to take only a cast-iron or aluminum pan. Why? Everything is very simple. The fact is that on dishes made of the materials presented during frying, a barely noticeable film of fat is formed, which protects the products from their adhesion to the surface. That is why for quick cooking pancakes it is advisable to use only such pans.

Warm up the dishes correctly

Why do pancakes stick even to a cast-iron or aluminum pan? If you wash such dishes well with a brush, then its surface protective layer may disappear. To return the film, the pan is recommended to be red-hot (until a slight haze appears).

pancakes stick what to do

Proper kneading of dough

Why do pancakes stick to the pan even though aluminum or cast iron cookware was selected that was very hot? In this case, the dough itself may be the fault. It should be noted that most often thin pancakes stick to the pan , and not thick pancakes. This fact is due to the fact that for the first dessert we are trying to make a fairly liquid base. As a rule, such zeal is what causes pancakes to stick. In this case, add a little more flour to the dough.

By the way, pancakes can stick to the pan and as a result of a lack of an ingredient like eggs. After all, if you used one piece of this product per liter of milk or kefir, then this is clearly not enough. And this is due to the fact that chicken eggs act as a kind of fastening element for future pancakes. Moreover, with them, the products are much rouge and baked much faster.

If after all the described actions your pancakes still stick, try adding a few dessert spoons of vegetable oil to the base. It will make the dough “softer” and prevent it from sticking during frying.

why do pancakes stick

Fat use

What needs to be done to make delicious and fast pancakes? In order not to stick such products to the pan, it is desirable to grease its surface with vegetable oil. To do this, clean and dry dishes must be put on high heat, pour a couple of large tablespoons of fat and red-hot. After the smoke comes from the pan and oil, you can safely spread the dough.

It should be noted that it is highly recommended not to use cooking oil, butter or margarine for these purposes. Indeed, in such products water is contained, and with strong heating it will boil away, which will contribute not only to the sticking of your pancakes, but also to their burning.

Among other things, for the preparation of such a dessert is allowed to use a piece of lard. By the way, thanks to him, you can easily determine whether the dishes have warmed up well or not. So, if the salsa begins to sizzle and melt, then the pan is quite hot, and you should safely start baking.

Do not use new dishes!

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? The fact that you recently purchased brand new dishes and decided to use it to prepare delicious thin products can be blamed.

pancakes to not stick

This is a mistake, because such a pan is not sufficiently calcined to be used for baking. It is recommended to use new dishes for cooking other dishes, and only then for pancakes. Only in this way your dish will never stick.

To summarize

As you can see, there are quite a few factors that can contribute to an unsuccessful dessert. Excluding them all, you will definitely get very tender, thin and tasty pancakes.

It should also be noted that a hot pan must be lubricated with vegetable oil or lard only once - when baking the first product. The rest is recommended to be cooked exclusively on dry, hot dishes. But to make your pancakes juicy and mouth-watering, it is advisable to immediately lubricate them with cooking oil.

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