The series "13 Reasons Why": reviews, plot, actors and roles

The series "13 Reasons Why?", Reviews of which are mostly positive, is based on the already cult novel of American writer D. Escher. His work bears the same name and was published in 2007. The plot turned out to be so interesting, exciting and attractive that only 10 years after the publication of the book a thirteen-series TV series was shot. And not in vain.

13 reasons why reviews

The plot of the series "13 reasons why?" and reviews of it, which speak for themselves, make it clear that this creation is made with high quality and worthy of attention. After all, not only film enthusiasts, but also professional critics rate it quite highly.

"13 reasons why?": Plot

The action of the series is almost completely consistent with the original source. The creators sought to bring their brainchild as close as possible to the dramatic literary work that Jay Asher created, "13 Reasons Why" - the painting, which received a lot of awards, became a real bestseller.

In the story, a young man named Clay Jenson finds a box in which he finds seven audio cassettes. It turns out that they were recorded by his classmate Hannah Baker, who committed suicide a few days earlier.

On tapes, the girl spoke about the reasons for her suicide, of which there are thirteen. Among them is the main character himself. To understand why Hannah decided to die, and find out what he is to blame for, he will have to listen to all 7 audio recordings. From them he learns all the terrible secrets of Hannah and his classmates.

A little bit about the series

The television version was produced by Netflix, a company specializing in multi-part film products. This TV channel has long established itself as a manufacturer of high-quality and top-level series.

In the series "13 Reasons Why," the plot of the literary source was fully disclosed in the first season, but the creators of the television version had already announced the extension of the project. The adaptation of the novel to the television series script was carried out by Brian York.

13 reasons why the plot

The first season began broadcasting in March 2017, and the second is scheduled for 2018. About who will work on the script for the second season is still unknown. Whether the author of the novel himself will have a hand in creating a sequel or not, is still silent. One thing is certain: the second season to be, and very soon.


Particular attention when creating the series was paid to the selection of the cast. By the way, this is one of the strengths of the project, since all the artists did very well with their tasks.

The main role, teenager Clay Jensen, was played by a young American actor Dylan Minnet. His talented game had a significant impact on the success of the entire series. After all, he managed to fulfill his role naturally, and with his charisma to attract increased attention.

In addition to Dylan, no less interesting and talented young actor Christian Navarro played in the series. He got the role of Tony Padilla, who was one of the few people who are well related to the girl who committed suicide. It is for this reason that Hannah honored Tony with the honor of preserving the tapes she had recorded.

The role of Hannah Baker herself was performed by the talented and promising Australian actress Katherine Langford. She very well fit into the image and managed to convey all the feelings and emotions of the heroine.

The cast of the minor plan

Further. In addition to the actors who play key roles in the TV series 13 Reasons Why, the actors playing minor characters are also well-chosen. They brilliantly cope with the tasks, demonstrating the high level of their skill.

No wonder one of the most outstanding positive qualities of the project is considered to be an acting game. Fans of the series just fell in love with the game of heroes.

christian navarro

Among the secondary cast, Alisha Boe, a Norwegian-American actress who specializes more in roles in various TV shows, can be distinguished. The girl is very talented. She played a pretty important role in the series "13 Reasons Why." In the story, Alisha plays Jessica Davis, who was a friend of Hannah.

You can also mention Miles Hazer, who bothered to play the role of Alex Stendell. Previously, he was also in good, friendly relations with the main character. Their acquaintance occurred in Monet, when Alex stared at Hannah and Jessica, and they noticed it.

Episodes of the series

At the moment, the series has only 13 episodes, the same number of reasons why Hannah committed suicide. This is symbolic, so the creators of the series decided to shoot exactly 13 episodes.

The series bear the names of the sides of the cassettes that Jensen is listening at some point. For example, the first episode is called “Cassette 1, Side A”. The names of all the other series are built on the same principle.

Each series was directed by different directors and screenwriters. So, the first and second episode was shot by film director Tom McCarthy, and Helen Shaver worked on the third and fourth. In addition to them, K.P. Alvarez, Gregg Araki, K. Franklin and Jessica U. also worked on the series.

Despite the fact that a rather large team of directors and scriptwriters worked on the series, this is not too striking. Stylistic features and the general atmosphere of the series are preserved in each episode.

Series Description

Each series of the project is filled with events and emotional experiences of the characters. The first episode immediately plunges the viewer into the thick of things. A high school student named Clay receives a tape with the notes of Hannah Baker, who recently committed suicide, and before her school and loved ones recovered from what happened, as attempts to unravel the mystery of her suicide begin.

In the second series, the viewer is shown the story of Hannah herself. About how she meets her best friends Jessica and Alex. Even then, the mother of the protagonist discovers the first alarming signs.

Katherine Langford

In all subsequent series, viewers are shown both the story of Hannah and her associates, and the phased unraveling of her mystery. The intrigue continues to heat up. The final episode almost completely coincides with the completion of the book of the same name, which served as the basis for the series.

Interesting facts about the series

It is interesting that initially this project was conceived not as a serial television show, but as a full-length film. The main role in it was to be played then by the very young, but already very popular actress Selena Gomez.

She, along with her mother Mandy Tiffy, and part-time producer of the project, began working on it back in 2008, almost immediately after the publication of the novel "13 Reasons Why." Reviews of many moviegoers claim that thanks to the failed full-length picture, one of the best series in recent years was released. Who knows what would happen if the film were still shot. Perhaps the series would not have happened now, and this is a significant loss for the modern film industry.

The actress for the series was already searched with special care. Selena Gomez at this point was already too old to play a teenager. But she still participated in the creation of the project as an executive producer, as did her mother, who is the producer of the series.

Tom McCarthy (director of several episodes and one of the producers of the series) personally took an active part in the search for actors for the project. With Katherine Langford, he called up on Skype to chat with her personally and to understand whether she was suitable for this role. When the conversation was over, he announced to his colleagues that the “perfect Hannah” was found.

The series "13 Reasons Why": voice acting

The next moment. It is not surprising that the series sensationalized from the very first days of release wanted to be voiced by many Russian studios. Among the companies that presented their version of voice acting to the audience, one can distinguish: Lostfilm ("Lostfilm"), Newstudio ("Newstudio"), Baibako TV ("Baibako"), Ideafilm ("Idiafilm") and others.

jay esher 13 reasons why

Each studio has its own version of voice acting and translation, so each viewer chooses which version to watch. Of course, the semantic component of the series is saved in any version.

Interesting facts about the crew

Director Tom McCarthy is not the first time to reveal complex and serious problems in film projects. For example, he worked on the film "In the Spotlight", for which, incidentally, received an Oscar.

Actor Christian Navarro, performing one of the key roles, has quite a few cinematic works on his account, only 12, including the series itself. Despite his 25 years, he was not able to gain great fame. At the same time, many of his colleagues in the project also gained popularity thanks to the series "13 reasons why." According to the majority of fans of the picture, Christian did an excellent job with the role.


Everyone who liked this multi-part film zealously follows the news about him. After all, “13 Reasons Why” is a series that has already won the hearts of millions of fans today. Therefore, each new event or statement associated with it causes heated discussion in a fan environment.

Of course, most people are interested in news regarding the second season, which has already been officially announced. No specifics yet. It is only known that the show runner of the project is Brian Yorker.

13 reasons why actors

Relatively recently, information appeared that in the new season several new actors will join the series. The names of some of them are already known.

Season 2 release date

Despite the fact that practically nothing is known about the continuation of the picture, some information is still available. For example, it has already been stated that already in 2018, most likely in the spring, viewers will be able to enjoy the second season of the series "13 reasons why." Release date has not yet been announced. But it is supposed to broadcast approximately in the same month (March) as the first season.

The plot of season 2 is not yet completely ready, but the creators noted that the events will occur after the suicide of Hannah. More attention will be paid to the heroes who were involved in her suicide. Here their spiritual drama and the process of returning to normal life will be revealed.

Contribution to Contemporary Cinema

Of course, it is too early to talk about the genius of this cinematic project or its invaluable contribution to the modern industry of series. But it is safe to say that this is a very strong and powerful work. That is why many people loved the serial film "13 Reasons Why." Feedback from admirers of this project clearly demonstrates this. After all, the vast majority of them are positive.

13 reasons why the series

Around the same good opinion about the project and professional critics, who largely share the opinion of moviegoers. Basically, everyone notes an excellent caste of actors, good directing and, of course, a brilliant script. Of course, the plot, based on the novel by Jay Asher "13 Reasons Why," which is deservedly considered one of the best American writers of our time, could not be bad.

However, to competently and harmoniously adapt a literary work to the requirements and realities of modern cinema, this is also not an easy task. Here I have to say a big thank you to the screenwriters of the series who managed to do this as well as possible. The series was not only worse than the literary source, but, perhaps, even better. In any case, both works have their own charisma and a special, eye-catching style.

In any case, we can safely say now that this television series had a significant impact on culture and society, especially youth, and in the future it has every chance to become a real classic of the genre. Now, the main thing is that subsequent seasons should be done at the same high level.


The television series "13 Reasons Why", whose actors and the entire crew worked very well on its creation, is among the best television projects of recent years. This is noted by its creators, and the public, and statistics.

Many viewers liked this TV creation so much that even ardent fans of the literary work did not resist the fact of the extension by the creators of the project, despite the fact that the plot of the entire novel by Escher was outlined in the first season.

However, the creators of the picture assumed great responsibility, because having decided to continue what was based on the book, while not having a continuation from its author, they risk running into serious trouble. If they don’t manage to shoot something as high-quality and decent as the first season, then a wave of criticism will cover them. Not only from the fans of the series, but also from the fans of the book written by Jay Asher - “13 Reasons Why” (novel).

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