Lipoma on the head and on other parts of the body

Lipoma is a benign mass that consists of accumulation of fat deposits in a certain place on the human body. Usually, because of the very constituent lipoma, people call it just a wen. It is visible to the naked eye - it is an elevation on the skin, which may be different in consistency, most often soft. The place of the lipoma is not changed in color - the skin has a healthy color, you can only notice the elevation.

It is located in any part of the human body . If there is a lipoma on the head, then this most often causes purely cosmetic discomfort and, as a rule, is disposed of in a medical institution. You can’t do this on your own, since the fact of the lipoma must be confirmed by the doctor so that it is not a malignant neoplasm, and secondly, any independent intervention threatens with further suppuration.

If there is more than one formation on the human body, then this phenomenon is called lipomatosis. In this case, lipoma may appear on the neck, lipoma on the leg, lipoma on the back. As a rule, multiple wen can position themselves symmetrically to each other.

The reasons for the appearance of wen are seen in the clogging of the sebaceous ducts, which cannot normally excrete waste products of the skin.

Lipomas are divided into several varieties, depending on which elements are involved in the process. If only fat deposits, then this is lipofibroma. It is soft to the touch and mobile. Fibrous tissue can also be part of the lipoma, then it is called fibrolipoma.

Lipoma on the head is most often found in men, and on the remaining parts of the body - in women. This is due to possible changes during puberty, when the sebaceous glands begin to produce fat more actively, thereby creating reserves on the face for the further growth of such formations. There are lipomas that are located on the internal organs and are not visible to the naked eye. Angiolipoma contains some of the blood vessels, and myolipoma contains muscle tissue.

Lipoma can vary in size - from a small, almost invisible pea, to a large bump that causes discomfort. Its peculiarity is that during a person’s life it can increase, and the reasons for this increase have not yet been established. Even if the human body as a whole is losing weight, then the lipoma can still add in size. And one more postulate - lipomas do not pass and do not resolve. Medicines, ointments or miracles against them also do not exist. Lipoma on the head, although it looks unaesthetic, however, many are afraid to remove it because of the possibility of leaving a scar in its place. It is important to mention here that the growth of lipoma threatens with further infringement of a certain area of ​​tissues in the diet, stagnation of blood and tissue necrosis ensue. In this case, the consequences will look much worse than after the removal of the formation at an early stage.

Previously, lipomas were removed in the only way - the surgical one, after which an unaesthetic hole often remains. Today, a lipoma on the head, namely on the face, is removed with a laser - it does not leave any scars on the skin, but the result after its removal is simply excellent. Laser removal ensures that formation does not occur at this point, so this is another additional plus.

If there is a lipoma on the neck, then it is also better to remove it with a laser so as not to leave a scar that cannot be covered with clothing. But a lipoma on the leg requires the consultation of a vascular surgeon (phlebologist), who will examine her for its interaction with the veins, and give the go-ahead for the operation. Laser lipoma removal is a bloodless method that is currently progressive in treating this disease.

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