Temperature 38. What to do?

At least once in a lifetime, each of us has experienced high fever. It has long been known that it is not recommended to bring down temperatures up to 38 degrees. In this case, it is a means of combining our body with a disease, an infection. Many studies provide evidence that bacteria and infections in our bodies die much faster at high temperatures . But if the temperature is 38 and above, it is worth taking measures aimed at reducing it. This temperature is considered high enough to just close her eyes, and overall well-being at the same time leaves much to be desired.

If you feel a general malaise, a runny nose, cough, fever 38 have appeared, it is well known that you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disease and establish a diagnosis.

There can be a great many reasons for high temperature : infectious and viral diseases, allergic reactions, reactions to vaccinations, inflammatory processes in the body, severe illnesses, operations, overheating in the sun, teething in young children, etc.

The most common reason that a temperature of 38 or higher has appeared is, as a rule, infectious and viral diseases.

Doctors recommend bed rest for viral diseases. But at a frantic modern pace, few follow this rule, preferring to endure a cold β€œon their feet”, and alleviate unpleasant symptoms with symptomatic means. The danger of this approach to treatment is that often symptomatic cold preparations contain phenylephrine, a substance that increases blood pressure and makes the heart work for wear. In order to avoid the complications of the common cold, you need to choose drugs without such components. For example, "AntiGrippin" (better from "Natur-product") is a cold medicine without phenylephrine, which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of ARVI without provoking an increase in pressure and without harming the heart muscle.

Many doctors believe that the temperature 38 can not be brought down. It is recommended to start knocking it down at a temperature of 38.5 degrees and above. Others, even at 38 degrees, are advised to take measures to reduce it. Nevertheless, going to the doctor in a state where the temperature is 38 is not an easy thing. You can bring her down at least in order to feel a temporary improvement in well-being.

What to do at a temperature of 38 and above? For starters, you can take an antipyretic agent: aspirin, panadol, ibuprofen, the popular soluble powders "Teraflu", "Fervex" and other drugs.

Drugs that fight body temperature are available in the form of tablets, suppositories, soluble powders, in children also in the form of medicines, syrups. The fastest action is possessed by solutions, potions, syrups. Within half an hour after taking the temperature will drop. Candles have the slowest action. When applied, the temperature drops after an hour and a half. However, the effect lasts much longer than other drugs (about six hours), so it is best to use them at night. It should be noted that the use of candles is not a very convenient method. They dissolve much longer than other means, their effect depends on the degree of filling of the rectum.

You can take these medicines at regular intervals, but not more often than every 4 hours. At this time, you should drink as much fluid as possible. Infusion of linden, raspberries, tea with lemon and honey, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks, and just stewed fruit, juices are very useful at this time. By the way, at a high temperature, you can try to drink the following drink: add the juice of one lemon to a glass of hot water. It can also help lower body temperature.

If there is a need to reduce the temperature, you should know that wrapping yourself up in warm at this time is not advisable, quite the opposite - you should take measures aimed at cooling the body: undress, grind with a solution of alcohol or vinegar (the solution is prepared by mixing the ingredients in equal amounts). Rubbing should be carried out in the following order: arms, axillary zones, legs, back, abdomen and chest, excluding the heart), attach napkins or bottles with cold water moistened with cold water to the groin and under the armpits. If the temperature 38, or even higher, has risen in young children, it is advisable to rub them with warm water. The use of vinegar and alcohol for children is undesirable and fraught with burns.

The above recommendations are traditional when dealing with temperatures above 38 degrees.

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