Chronic cholecystitis during pregnancy: the main causes and features of treatment

Recently, pregnant women have often found a disease such as cholecystitis. It was during this period that the fair sex faced an exacerbation of its chronic form. This is due to a number of changes in the body that have a direct effect on the biliary system. Painful sensations may occur, and many women perceive them as a threat to the life of the unborn baby. About 30% of patients in whom cholecystitis occurs in acute form turn to specialists. Such troubles are explained by the growth of the uterus and the compression of organs located in the abdominal cavity. As a result, stagnation of bile begins, and stones appear in the ducts. Approximately 95% of women are faced with this particular cause of inflammation.

pregnancy cholecystitis treatment


Cholecystitis during pregnancy can occur in any trimester, and sometimes it happens just before childbirth. The disease develops in the presence of several favorable factors. For example:

  • dieting or eating too much;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • weakened state of the immune system;
  • penetration of an infectious agent (hepatitis and so on) into the body;
  • significant nervous tension or severe stressful situations.

Of course, among women awaiting the appearance of the baby, these factors are found immediately in the aggregate. That is why cholecystitis during pregnancy cannot be called a rare disease. In most cases, the first symptoms make themselves felt with the onset of the third trimester. It was during this period that expectant mothers are faced with severe nausea and bouts of vomiting. As soon as at least one unusual sensation appears, it is best to immediately tell the attending physician about this and timely identify the problem.

cholecystitis during pregnancy


If we talk about the course of cholecystitis in a chronic form, then at certain periods there is a sharp exacerbation of the disease. The main symptom of cholecystitis during pregnancy in a chronic form is pain. If the disease is chronic, then the pain is manifested in a moderate form. Quite often after eating, patients complain of heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right side. Usually this symptomatology makes itself felt after eating fried and fatty foods.

Pericholecystitis is characterized by constant pain, and they become stronger when bending or changing position. In most cases, they appear in the lumbar region, shoulder blades and shoulder. Many patients suffer from nausea, burping air, and the presence of a bitter aftertaste in the oral cavity. There are cases when, during an exacerbation of the disease, an increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​is noted. If the figure becomes higher and chills begin, then this indicates empyema of the gallbladder. All of these symptoms indicate a chronic form of cholecystitis, but in some patients the symptoms are completely different.

If we talk about pregnant women, they associate the manifestation of pain with the movement of the fetus. This is especially common in the middle of the second trimester.

pregnancy cholecystitis symptoms


During pregnancy, every woman undergoes an appropriate examination to identify possible diseases in the early stages. Doctors need to detect a problem such as cholecystitis as soon as possible. If this pathology was identified, then specialists can not prescribe a course of antibiotics or surgery until the baby appears. Typically, such treatment methods are used as a last resort. That is why women should be responsible for their health and undergo all prescribed examinations.

With cholecystitis, pregnant women do not have a pronounced pain syndrome. True, the problem manifests itself every time you eat forbidden foods. It's about spicy, fried and spicy. The diagnostic procedure consists of several main stages:

  1. First of all, the doctor visually examines the patient and palpates the abdomen.
  2. Then, directions for urine, feces and blood tests are issued.
  3. For final confirmation or refutation, the specialist sends the woman for an ultrasound examination.

Only in the aggregate all the answers received will help to see the full picture of the course of the disease.

chronic cholecystitis during pregnancy


If we talk about the principle of treatment of cholecystitis during pregnancy, then it is no different from the methods for ordinary patients. To begin with, compliance with dietary table No. 5 is prescribed, but expectant mothers can not be particularly limited. The main thing is that the diet has the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is necessary to abandon spices, salted and fried foods. This applies to refractory fat and smoked meats. Eating is recommended in small portions, but 5-6 times a day.

If a pregnant woman has hypomotor dyskinesia of the gallbladder, then she will have to eat foods that will provoke organ contractions. We are talking about a broth of fish or not very fatty meat, as well as sour cream, cream and soft-boiled eggs. Do not give up cottage cheese and cod, because they are rich in lipotropic substances.

Drug treatment

With a sharp exacerbation of cholecystitis during pregnancy or the appearance of edema, the use of Essentuki and Slavyanovskaya mineral water is allowed. An hour before meals, you need to drink 200 ml, but only necessarily in a warm form. You can continue this course for up to 3 weeks. With the onset of the third trimester, it is better to refrain from mineral water, since it contributes to the occurrence of puffiness. Each pregnant woman with cholecystitis is prescribed a course of choleretic drugs. Most often, xylitol or sorbitol is preferred, and from them a 10% solution is first made. It should be drunk half an hour before each meal. Their main property is associated with relaxation, therefore, pregnant women will benefit in this regard.

diet for cholecystitis during pregnancy

Alternative treatment

It is best to give preference to medicines that can be done at home. For this, vegetable raw materials are usually used. For example, stigmas of corn, peppermint, dog rose, dill and immortelle sand. These ingredients are poured into a glass of boiled water and carefully filtered. You need to take the third part of the glass half an hour before meals.

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman has to keep a special record of all the liquid that has been drunk. That is why in these months it is recommended to choose Flamin tablets, consisting of an extract of a sandy immortelle. Take 1-2 pieces, it is better shortly before meals. If a decoction of herbs is prescribed to remove bile, then this will positively affect diuresis. After all, such components are considered diuretic.

If desired and without contraindications, probing or tubing can be performed using 40 ml of vegetable oil. Corn and olive are perfect. This procedure is also carried out using Barbara salt, and only 1 dessert spoon should be put on a glass of liquid. Do not forget about mineral water, but it should be at room temperature. The last option is suitable only for those women who do not have edema. Tubage is performed in the morning, before meals. First, the prepared remedy is drunk, then the expectant mother lays on her right side and remains in this position for several hours. If acute pain is felt in the right part, then it is allowed to drink a No-Shpa or Baralgin tablet.


If a woman during the period of bearing a child has cholecystitis or an exacerbation of this disease occurs, then it is important for her to follow a balanced diet for cholecystitis (during pregnancy, the disease often worsens). It is thanks to this that the body can receive the necessary components. Quite often, specialists are faced with situations when the patient takes certain foods and this provokes an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, you should either completely exclude them from the diet, or replace them with others.

exacerbation of cholecystitis during pregnancy

Dairy and meat

When drawing up the correct diet, the doctor takes into account the tolerance of dairy products. It is also important for a woman not to forget about meat, fish and various cereals. Of particular importance are the methods of processing products. It is best to eat boiled dishes or steamed. For patients with cholecystitis, this will be of particular benefit.

Vegetables and fruits

Quite often, women from this category have a number of unpleasant sensations immediately after eating vegetables and fruits. In this case, it is recommended to abandon products that have coarse fiber. For example, this is beets and some fruits that are best used to get fresh juices.

pregnancy with cholecystitis reviews

Every pregnant woman is advised to include a large amount of vegetables, fruits and dairy products in her daily diet. True, now experts advise to adhere to reasonable boundaries and limit the amount of use. It has already been established that while waiting for the baby, you should not focus exclusively on vegetables or fruits.

If we talk about the total calorie intake during the day in women suffering from cholecystitis, then this figure should not be less than 2500 kcal. This applies to the first three months of pregnancy. The rest of the time, about calories, you should consult with specialists who monitor the condition of the woman.

In general, reviews of cholecystitis during pregnancy indicate that the disease is treated for a long time. Having introduced her into the stage of remission with the help of medications and diet, the expectant mother will not feel any discomfort.

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