"Melaxen": reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Melaxen" is a medicine that is prescribed to people with violations of temporary adaptation.

The drug is made in tablet form for oral use. Tablets are packaged in blisters of twelve pieces. In total, one or two blisters are in the package. One tablet contains three milligrams of melatonin, which is the main active ingredient.

melaxen instructions for use

The properties

According to the instructions for use, Melaxen is considered a substitute for the biogenic amine melatonin and is an adaptogenic drug. The medication is derived from naturally occurring amino acids.

When using "Melaxen" in patients, the sleep and wakefulness regime is normalized. Night rest becomes deeper, the quality of sleep improves. Under the influence of the drug, the number of night awakenings decreases, lethargy, apathy, and weakness in the morning hours disappear.

The medication helps to quickly adapt the body to a sharp change in time zones, eliminates the severity of stressful situations. In addition, this drug activates the immune system and has an antioxidant effect on the body. Even with prolonged use, Melaxen is not addictive.

When administered orally, melatonin is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract quickly and in full. The substance easily penetrates the histohematological barriers, including the blood-brain barrier. The half-life is relatively short.

In which cases take the drug

melaxen when and how to take

"Melaxen" is indicated to patients as an adaptogenic medication when changing time zones. Also, the drug "Melaxen" is effective for various problems with falling asleep.

"Melaxen": contraindications

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions, since the drug is prohibited for patients to use in the following cases:

  1. Autoimmune diseases.
  2. Severe kidney damage.
  3. Malignant neoplasms of the blood.
  4. Lymphoma (a group of hematological diseases of the lymphatic tissue, characterized by an increase in lymph nodes or damage to various internal organs).
  5. Severe allergies in the history of such drugs.
  6. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  7. Epilepsy (one of the most common chronic neurological diseases of a person, manifested in the predisposition of the body to the sudden onset of convulsive attacks).
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Pregnancy and lactation.
melaxen analogues

How to take the medicine

According to the instructions for use with Melaxen, the dosage of the medication should be prescribed by the doctor after a specific study of the patient. As a rule, adults are prescribed half a tablet once a day before bedtime. If the pharmacological effect is not very pronounced, then it is allowed to increase the amount of the drug to one tablet.

To adapt when moving to another part of the world with a different time zone, two Melaxena tablets are recommended thirty minutes before bedtime. The duration of therapy should not be longer than five days. If necessary, to extend the course, this can only be done after consultation with a medical specialist.

melaxen and alcohol

Can pregnant women use the drug

Due to the lack of information about the intake and the lack of information regarding the safety of the effects of the medicine on the development of the unborn child, “Melaxen” is prohibited for expectant mothers. To help women fall asleep “in an interesting position,” the doctor can pick up substances of natural origin, herbal preparations, or other safe means.

The medication is contraindicated during lactation, because there is no information whether the drug can be excreted in milk, as this can affect the development of the baby. If necessary, a woman should stop lactation.

melaxen tablets

Adverse reactions

In general, the drug is well tolerated by people, subject to the recommendations of the doctor. In patients with increased sensitivity to substances included in the structure of the drug, some side effects from Melaxen may occur, for example:

  1. Drowsiness in the morning.
  2. Lethargy.
  3. Overwork.
  4. Migraine.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Vomiting.
  7. Loss of appetite.
  8. Violation of the stool.
  9. Skin rashes.
  10. Hives.
  11. Anaphylactic shock.

Usually, the signs are not dangerous and do not require stopping the medication, it is enough to reduce the dosage. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, therapy is stopped, and a person urgently needs to contact a medical specialist.


When using tablets "Melaxen" in large quantities, the patient has signs of poisoning, which are expressed in strengthening the above negative reactions.

In reviews of Melaxen, patients note that if symptoms of an overdose occur, a person needs to rinse his stomach and take enterosorbent.

Interaction with other medicines

"Melaxen" can not be combined with drugs that suppress the central nervous system, for example:

  • Tranquilizers.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Soothing.

In this situation, the likelihood of side effects increases significantly. If the patient is already using any medicine with a sedative effect, it is important to inform the doctor about this. Is it possible to combine Melaxen and alcohol? Doctors categorically forbid doing this.

A medication can improve the pharmacological effect of beta-blockers, which can cause severe hypotension and loss of consciousness in humans. You can not take all of these funds at the same time, or you need to carefully monitor the patient's condition.

In the reviews of "Melaxen" and in the instructions, it is noted that tablets are not recommended to be combined with hormonal agents, as well as birth control capsules and hypoglycemic drugs.


When taking "Melaxen" by the representatives of the beautiful half who use birth control pills, you need to remember about the decrease in the effect of such contraceptives.

During therapy with the drug, additional measures of protection against unwanted pregnancy should be used. "Melaxen" is not addictive.

During therapy with the drug, the patient is not recommended to visit the solarium or to be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, as the risk of photosensitization increases during treatment.

Can I take Melaxen and alcohol at the same time? It is forbidden to drink strong drinks while taking any sedatives.

Since people become drowsy under the influence of Melaxen, during treatment with medication it is necessary to refrain from driving a car and controlling complex mechanisms.

Melaxen: analogues

The following drugs are considered substitutes for the pharmacological effect:

  1. "Melarithm".
  2. "Sonnovan."
  3. "Circadian".
  4. "Melarena."

Before replacing "Melaxen" with its analogue, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.


melaxen side effects

The medicine has an adaptogenic, sedative, hypnotic effect. Melarena is available in tablet form. The tablets are film-coated. Their color varies from milky to blue.

The drug "Melarena" does not cause addiction and addiction. The drug helps to adapt to a sharp change in time zones, as well as weather-sensitive patients. The drug is an analogue of Melaxen.

"Melarena" is considered an effective drug that normalizes sleep. But some people note that the medicine does not have a positive effect or its pharmacological effect is insufficient. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 400 rubles.


melaxen indications

It is an adaptogenic medicine that normalizes physiological sleep and biorhythms.

"Melarithm" promotes instant sleep, improves sleep quality, reduces the number and severity of night awakenings, helps to feel good after waking up in the morning. In addition, the drug affects the quality of dreams, making them more vivid. The active substance is melatonin. It helps to reduce stress and adapt the body with a sharp change in time zones.

"Melarithm" has the ability to reduce the secretion of gonadotropins and other hormones of the anterior pituitary gland:

  • Growth hormone.
  • Thyrotropin.
  • Corticotropin.

Feedback on the "Melarithm" is only positive. Patients note that the healing properties described in the instructions are fully true. The drug helps to quickly fall asleep, as well as adapt and restore biorhythms when changing climatic zones. The drug is often used by athletes to bring normal work and rest. It is released in drugstores without a prescription. The cost of the drug is 410 rubles.

melaxen contraindications


It is a sleeping pill. Release "Circadin" in the form of tablets of prolonged effect. They are biconvex rounded, milky. In total, one blister is in the package (twenty-one tablets).

Under physiological conditions, the secretion of the main hormone of the pineal gland increases after a small amount of time after nightfall, reaches its maximum concentration at about four in the morning and gradually decreases. It is assumed that the drug is involved in the regulation of cyclic fluctuations and perception of the night-day cycle. The active substance exhibits a powerful hypnotic effect and provides good sleep.

After oral administration in adults, the active component is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, in patients of retirement age, a fifty percent reduction in absorption is possible. The bioavailability of melatonin is fifteen percent.

There are relatively few drug responses. People who take the medication describe Circadin as an effective sedative with a mild effect. The cost of the drug is 800 rubles.

Storage conditions

Melaxen tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. The optimal storage temperature varies from ten to twenty-five degrees. Keep the drug out of the reach of children and the sun. Shelf life of the drug is forty-eight months. The average price of Melaksen is 600-700 rubles.


Many reviews of Melaxen have positive ratings. People note that the drug improves sleep, is well tolerated, does not cause dependence, is made in a convenient form. Additional advantages include the fact that the drug is dispensed without a prescription.

In the negative responses there are complaints about the lack of positive dynamics or the occurrence of negative phenomena.

The reviews of “Melaxen” indicate that it speeds up the process of falling asleep, improves the quality of sleep, eliminates awakenings at night, and the next day after use helps to improve mood and increase activity without leading to inhibition.

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