Tehran 43: actors. The story of the film

In 1980, the film "Tehran-43" was released. The actors who starred in this film are N. Belokhvostikova, I. Kostolevsky, as well as the stars of French cinema. The leitmotif of the film is a song performed by Charles Aznavour, which later became famous. What events formed the basis of the picture? The story of the film is the topic of the article.

Tehran 43 actors

The motive of love has become central to the film. It is on this basis that the events about which the film "Tehran-43" narrates are based. Actors N. Belokhvostikova, I. Kostolevsky played the main roles, namely the Soviet intelligence agent and translator from the Persian language. The picture is still historical, that is, it tells of events that once occurred. Briefly retell the content of the film.


A meeting of the heads of the three states is being prepared in Tehran. However, on the instructions of the Nazi leadership, a group of terrorists infiltrated the city. It is headed by agent Sherner. The Soviet intelligence officer, whose role is played by Igor Kostolevsky, is obliged to ensure the security of the upcoming negotiations. However, a complex terrorist operation is not carried out. The organizers of the assassination Shermer and his assistant Max Richard manage to escape from retaliation.

Years pass. Interest in this event is renewed, because the film, which was considered lost, is in the hands of one of the characters in the film, namely Max Richard. The offender decides to auction this information medium. The hero of Kostolevsky, meanwhile, is not asleep. Soviet intelligence also appears at the auction. The end of this story is tragic. As a result of the assassination, Marie, the heroine played by Belokhvostikova, dies.

Success picture

The participation of French cinema stars aroused particular interest of Soviet viewers in this film. The film received a prize at the Moscow festival, as well as many other awards. She was positively received in France.

Tehran movie 43


Three international stars played in the movie Tehran-43. Actors Alain Delon, Kurd Jurgens, Claude Jade accepted the invitation of director Vladimir Naumov, which, as already mentioned, contributed to the growth of popularity among domestic viewers. Over one hundred million tickets have been sold.

It is worth saying that not only the participation of foreign stars is the success of the film "Tehran-43". Actors A. Dzhigarkhanyan and A. Filozov created images of villains extremely talented. Without the participation of these masters of acting, the film would probably soon lose its initial interest.

Actress Natalia Belokhvostikova

History of creation

Filming took place not in Tehran, but in one of the Moscow pavilions, also in some cities in Europe and the Soviet Union. What formed the basis of the film? Real events or fiction?

There is evidence that confirms that the Germans really intended to carry out a rather complicated operation in Tehran, the purpose of which was to eliminate the Big Three. But this enterprise was blocked by representatives of Soviet intelligence. Thus, it can be argued that the film "Tehran-43" is based on real events.

Most of the filming took place in the capital of Azerbaijan. The ancient buildings, which have external resemblances to Tehran buildings, served as a suitable background for the events described in the picture.

Actress Natalia Belokhvostikova played three roles in the film, namely: translator Marie, her daughter and mother. The picture contains episodes that convey the memories of the main character. The role of Marie at an early age in these scenes was played by the daughter of Belokhvostikova.

Alain Delon

Attracting the stars of French cinema seemed a difficult task from a commercial point of view. However, the directors managed to solve it. Alain Delon by that time had finished acting in one of the famous French films. He formed a significant break in work. And so he agreed to the role of inspector in Foch. Why did he decide to take part in the filming of the Soviet film? After all, the role of the employee of Interpol was quite small? Most likely, the French actor made this decision based on personal considerations. The news that Delon agreed to star in the Soviet film caused a stir in the French press.

Filming in France

Separate scenes were filmed in the homeland of Alain Delon. Some of them - even on the Champs Elysees. On the day of filming, heavy rains rained in the French capital. And so in the city center there were not many passers-by. But suddenly the weather changed. The rain stopped. Around Alain Delon instantly a crowd of fans formed. It was impossible to start work. Later, the actor told V. Naumov: β€œYou will have to change the location of the shoot ... Or the actor.”

Igor Kostolevsky

Love story

And, finally, a few words should be said about the main characters of the film. The film "Tehran-43" tells not only about important historical events. Central to it was a love story. Many foreign films on terrorism, violence and crime, this topic is missing. Such paintings have, as a rule, a brutal shade. Human life is a small sliver in them in the frightening struggle of the dark forces. The plot of the Soviet film is built differently. Under the onslaught of merciless to cruel events love dies. But she was ... The film "Tehran -43" still arouses the interest of viewers, because it contains not only an exciting plot, but also an insightful love story.

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