Mazurka dance: origin and description

mazurka dance
Mazurka dance appeared in Poland. There it is called a little differently. It is called "Mazur." This dance is very fast and energetic. His homeland is Mazovia, where a people lives, calling themselves Masuria. This dance quickly gained universal recognition and became the most popular in the country. Everyone knows the composer Chopin. Mazurka is his work. However, one should not think that he had it alone - there were many of them. He addressed them all his life.

Oberek borrowings, dance size

Throughout its existence, the Mazurka underwent some transformations and modifications. Today it is difficult to say what the dance was originally. One can only speculate. Many experts in Polish dance claim that all kinds of figures, as well as steps, migrated to the mazurka from the introduction to the so-called oberek. This is a pair run around the house or a solemnly laid table. Mazurka dance size - 3/4. This is necessary to know to everyone who is interested in it.

Mazurka improvement

The nature of the figures and steps, and the composition of the mazurka itself, over time, became more intricate. The Poles constantly made some changes to the dance, improved and enriched it. After a while, the artists and teachers worked on the mazurka and carried it to the masses. She really fascinated many. Polish Mazurka dance is able to truly turn your head. It is no exaggeration to say that he is beautiful.

Mazurka dance size

Folk option

This dance is very common today in Poland. And he does not at all look like an outwardly bright and complicated noble Mazurka. Folk dance includes many diverse figures, as well as movements. It allows you to admire the calm position of the performers, dynamic and easy running, "stuffed cabbage", tapping, "kshesanami". Also, dancers make very elegant movements with their hands. It looks impressive. Mazurka dance makes you forget about everything and temporarily take to the fairy-tale world. Enjoying it, you will not want it to ever end.

Chopin Mazurka

Ballroom variety

The ballroom variety of mazurka includes style, rhythm, as well as figures taken from a gentry dance. It is notable for more elegant movements, the absence of deliberately bouncing steps and ease. But the latter, one might say, breathes life into the mazurka. The gentry dance is characterized by thoughtful and elegant movements, it shows a clear aristocracy. It is not surprising that he enjoyed such popularity at balls in Poland. Mazurka dance was liked by absolutely everyone. It is difficult to remember another direction, which would have the same huge number of fans.

polish dance mazurka

Mazurka Description

The Polish ball was a fabulous, amazing spectacle, especially when at the final stage of the general circle the attention of the observers (without the interference created by other dancers who clash in some European countries, thereby spoiling the whole impression) was attracted by one magnificent couple running out to the center. How beautiful are the various movements of the mazurka! Stepping forward with some timidity, the girl sways like a bird about to take off; sliding her foot for a long time, she, as if on skates, cuts the surface of the mirror floor; then, with the nimbleness of the child, he suddenly runs forward. The Mazurka dance transforms her, to everyone she seems a fairytale princess. Her movements are graceful and elegant, it seems that her wings are behind her. Her pupils become wide, and, like a goddess of hunting, she with a proudly raised head and swaying chest smoothly dissects the air like a boat, subjugating space to herself. After a while, the girl starts to glide playfully again, draws attention to the observers, smiles at her acquaintances, stretches her turned arms to her partner. And again, the pair rushes with incredible speed from one corner of the room to another. The girl rushes forward, flies, glides; tiredness blushes her face, ignites her eyes, makes her move slower; soon tired and out of breath, she falls into the arms of her partner, who picks her up and lifts her up for a few seconds before completing the fiery mazurka. The observers, of course, are delighted, their faces shine with joy. Today, such balls are held extremely rarely, but Mazurka still has many admirers who love to dance and energize others with energy and fun.

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