Pork with beans in tomato sauce: recipe

Lovers of meat with beans will certainly like pork and beans in tomato sauce, which is a completely independent dish that does not require any side dishes, hearty, mouth-watering and tender. Not dietary, of course. However, in the cold months, those who strictly observe their figure will not refuse it. And men who need good nutrition will definitely appreciate the efforts of their housewives.

pork with beans in tomato sauce

Preparing pork stewed with beans in tomato sauce, in a variety of ways. It should be noted that almost all recipes require a sufficiently long time for cooking. Especially if non-canned beans are used. However, the taste of all the options is so delicious that not a single chef is sorry for the time spent.

Pork with beans in tomato sauce: recipe

It can be considered basic, since there are not so many additional ingredients.

A glass of beans (preferably red) is soaked; beans should be kept in water for a long time, at least 4 hours, so this step is best done in the evening. In the morning, after changing the water, the beans are put to boil, it will take another couple of hours.

pork with beans in tomato sauce recipe

A pound of pork is cut medium-sized, three onions and two carrots are chopped as you prefer when cooking the fry. Vegetables are allowed to soften, meat is laid to them. It will be stewed for about a third of an hour, after which beans and a small jar of tomato paste are introduced into the pan. To get more sauce, you can pour a little bean broth. Pork with beans in tomato sauce simmer until cooked; shortly before being removed from the stove, a pair of garlic cloves squeezed by a press, chopped onion and dill are added to the pan. Before serving, the dish should be kept for five minutes under the lid, for distribution to the components of aromas.

beans and pork in tomato sauce

Quick option

If there is no time to cook beans, beans with pork in tomato sauce can be prepared from the finished product. You only need to buy a can of beans rolled up in a tomato. The meat in the amount of 600-700 grams is cut into small pieces and fried in vegetable oil until a beautiful blush. Then the onion, chopped with half rings, is introduced. The carrot straw is laid next. About five minutes, all the added components are fried with stirring, then a glass of drinking water is poured, the fire is screwed to the maximum, the pan is covered with a lid. Stew almost until done, then put the contents of the can in the pan, season with a little selected spices, add strips of bell pepper and stew the pork and beans in tomato sauce for another quarter hour. After turning off the fire, chopped garlic and herbs are added to the dish, taken to taste. The dish is infused for about 10 minutes and served on the table.

Pork with fresh tomatoes

For this recipe you will need a glass of unserved beans, a pound of tomatoes (per 800 grams of meat), carrots, bell peppers and a couple of onions. Beans are soaked and boiled, as described above. Pork is cut into long thin slices and fried. When the meat reaches a smooth golden crust, chopped onions with carrots are added to it. While they are lowered, the tomatoes are scald, get rid of the stalk and mashed with a blender, meat grinder or food processor. The mass pours into the pan; extinguishing continues until it darkens. At this stage, ready beans, straws, sweet pepper, salt and spices are added to the dish. If necessary, you can add a little boiling water: the liquid should cover all the pledged products. Pork with beans in tomato sauce is stewed under the lid for another half hour. Before removal, garlic and chopped fresh herbs are added.

stewed pork with beans in tomato sauce

Potato recipe

If life without your favorite tubers categorically does not please you, we suggest using this recipe.

One and a half kilos of pork is cut and fried along with three chopped onions. When the meat reaches the middle stage of readiness (that is, it is still tough, but almost no blood), potatoes, 6-7 pieces, cut into arbitrary slices, are poured into it. Immediately a third of a liter of broth is poured, preferably beef or chicken. At the same stage, the dish is salted and seasoned with spices. After 15 minutes, beans, chopped tomatoes (4 medium-sized copies) and squares of two bell peppers are added to the pan. After about seven minutes, chopped greens are poured into the container, the fire turns off, the lid closes. Five minutes of insisting, and you can start the meal.

pork with green beans in tomato sauce

Pork with green beans in tomato sauce

If you do not like traditional beans or are contraindicated to you, pay close attention to their fellow "fellow": tasty, healthy and not so long to cook.

A pound of fairly finely chopped pork is fried along with two chopped onions and diced two tomatoes. Upon reaching half readiness, pods (half a kilogram) are cut into the vessel, cut in half and peeled from the fibers. Ingredients are poured with hot water, salted and pepper; the pan is left on the stove for 15 minutes to extinguish.

During this time, a quarter kilogram of mushrooms (any) is peeled, cut and stewed in a separate frying pan until soft, with a spoonful of tomato paste, three tablespoons of sour cream, a slightly beaten egg and a teaspoon of flour. The contents of both dishes are combined, gently mixed, transferred to a baking dish, sprinkled with grated cheese and put in the oven until a crusty, eye-pleasing crust forms on top. When serving, pork with green beans in tomato sauce is cut in portions and sprinkled with herbs. Food lovers insist that cilantro and basil are especially appropriate in this dish.

For aesthetes

Any of the proposed recipes can be made in a pot. Preparatory work is carried out as described above; at the half-ready stage, the dish is laid out in ceramic refractory portioned containers, sprinkled with cheese or smeared with sour cream (mayonnaise if you like it more). The pots are cleaned in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Or until pork with beans in tomato sauce is covered with a delicious ruddy β€œlid”.

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