Acute respiratory infections are the leading ailments among the many causes of disability. It is important for the patient to choose an effective drug that improves immunity. Amizon is such a medicine. Instructions for use informs that the product belongs to antiviral drugs. It has excellent immunomodulatory properties. In addition, the drug is included in the group of interferon synthesis inducers.
a brief description of
The medicine โAmizonโ is positioning the instructions for use as a non-opioid analgesic containing iodine. The tool has an immunomodulatory, antipyretic, interferonogenic, anti-inflammatory effect. Manufacturers release the drug in tablet form. Each pill contains the active substance - amizon - in an amount of 0.25 g.
A special form of the drug has been developed for children. However, not all crumbs means suitable. The medicine "Amizon" for children from the "adult" differs in the concentration of the active component (one tablet contains 0.125 g).
Pharmacological properties
According to the instructions for use attached to the drug "Amizon", the medicine:
- perfectly relieves inflammation;
- lowers temperature;
- destroys viruses - a variety of pathogens in adults and children.
The tool helps to suppress pathogens of type A. As a result, the latter lose their ability to live, because they canโt join the target cells.
High analgesic properties put the drug on a par with the drug "Analgin". The activity of Amizon appears a little later, but the effect lasts longer.
A distinctive feature of the drug is low toxicity. The drug does not negatively affect blood and cerebral circulation. In addition, the drug "Amizon" does not cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
The drug has high antipyretic properties, several times superior to the effectiveness of most other medicines.
Often it is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory drug, since it effectively stabilizes the membrane, takes part in the energy metabolism that occurs in inflammatory foci.
Quite effective means "Amizon". Instructions for use indicate that the drug can weaken the inflammatory vascular processes.
In addition, it is an antioxidant, affecting the normalization of nucleotides and cyclic prostaglandins.
As noted above, the drug has immunomodulatory properties. It is an active inducer of endogenous interferon. It is known that the latter protects the body from pathogenic microflora.
The composition of the drug
The active component of an effective agent is Amizon (250 mg). Also, the medicine contains additional components:
- calcium stearate;
- low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone;
- potato starch.
Prescribe the drug "Amizon" (the instructions describe in detail the use of the drug) for the treatment, as well as the prevention of such ailments:
- flu and other viral respiratory diseases;
- measles, chickenpox, rubella, scarlet fever, mumps infection;
- pneumonia (bacterial and viral origin);
- Infectious mononucleosis;
- angina;
- cutaneous-articular erysipeloid;
- felinosis ("cat scratch").
The use of the drug is indicated for non-specific urgent prevention of mumps infection, scarlet fever, hepatitis (type A, E) and mixed infections.
This is not the only Amizon preparation. Therapeutic practice and reviews of this tool allow us to conclude that the drug produces a beneficial effect, entering into complex therapy for the following pathologies:
- meningitis;
- herpetic infection;
- viral meningoencephalitis;
- pain discomfort with intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, arthritis.
Dosage for adults
From a variety of ailments and pathologies, the Amizon drug can help. The instruction advises the following dosages:
- For the treatment of viral infections and influenza, it is recommended to use the drug for 5-7 days, 250-500 mg 2-4 times a day. For prevention - 3-5 days take 250 mg daily. Then 2-3 weeks, 1 time in 2-3 days, 250 mg each.
- Treatment of meningoencephalitis requires a 10-day intake of three times 250 mg.
- With the diagnoses of rubella, chickenpox, measles, 500 mg is prescribed three times a day.
- The fight against mumps infection involves taking the medicine 4 times 250 mg each. If the patient has a severe course of the disease, the dose increases to 500 mg and already 3 times a day. The course lasts 6-7 days.
- In case of infectious mononucleosis, it is recommended to take the medicine 3-4 times a day, 250 mg each. In severe cases, a โshockโ dose is prescribed - up to 2000 mg per day for the first 2-3 days.
- To combat fellinosis, 3-4 mg of 250 mg are prescribed. In severe form, the dose can be increased to 500 mg.
- The cutaneous-articular form of erisipeloid is a pathology in which 500 mg is applied three times a day. Such a reception lasts about 10-15 days.
- To eliminate pain syndromes, 250-500 mg of the drug is recommended. The drug is used 3-4 times a day.
Children's drug
Kids are much more difficult to tolerate ARVI, influenza than adults. The childโs body has not yet matured and is not ready for the fight against viruses. Children often develop complications. That is why it is important to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner, which helps protect the crumbs from colds.
But if the child is sick, it is important to choose effective remedies that can really treat the baby, and not just relieve symptoms.
That is why Amizon is recommended for children. The instruction indicates that the drug provides effective treatment for babies and the prevention of colds. Under the influence of the drug, viruses lose their ability to adhere to cells. Thanks to this, the infection does not spread further and fades away.
For crumbs (from the age of 3), manufacturers have released Amizonchik syrup. This is an effective tool that protects babies from colds. In addition, it is easy to use.
Effects on the children's body
How can this tool protect a child from viruses? The drug stimulates the body's production of certain proteins - interferons. They protect the baby from the multiplication of various viruses.
After taking the pill, after 6 hours, the level of interferon increases almost 2.5 times. And after 12 hours, this figure increases 4 times. Of course, this will stop the virus.
It is recommended to use the Amizon medicine for the first symptoms of the disease (headache, runny nose, inflammation, fever). Then the recovery of the crumbs will come much faster.
And the antiviral drug Amizon will also protect against possible complications. Would an antibiotic not be more effective? This question is often asked by parents to pediatricians. It is not only unnecessary, but also contraindicated, since a disease of viral origin is not eliminated by the use of antibacterial drugs. Only antiviral agents should be used .
Dosages of the drug for children
It is extremely important to use Amizon medicine correctly. Instructions for use for children under 6 years of age are prohibited.
Be sure to consult a pediatrician before using this tool. The instruction of the drug gives the following dosages:
- With flu and other viral infections. For therapeutic purposes, children 6-12 years old are recommended to use 125 mg 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is 5-7 days. If the medicine is taken as a prophylactic, children 6-12 years old take 2-3 mg every other day for 2-3 weeks. Children 12-16 years old are recommended the same dosage regimen, but the dosage of the drug increases to 250 mg.
- In the case of rubella, measles, chicken pox, children are recommended to use 125 mg three times a day. Children 8-12 years old - one tablet four times a day. Children 13-14 years old consume 250 mg three times a day. Adolescents 14-16 years old should take 250 mg 4 times a day.
- To combat mumps infection, children 12-14 years old are recommended to use 250 mg 3-4 times a day for 6-7 days.
- Treatment of moderate infectious mononucleosis requires the use of the drug by children 6-12 years old three times a day, 125 mg. In case of severe illness during the first 2-3 days, the daily maximum dose for children of the above age is 1000 mg. As soon as the clinical effect is achieved, the amount of the drug is halved.
- With fellinosis, it is advisable for babies 6-9 years old to give 125 mg 3 times a day. Children 10-14 years old, the drug in the same dosage is recommended for use 4 times.
The drug should not be used for those individuals who are sensitive to iodine-containing agents. It is undesirable to use the medicine for pregnant women. Doctors advise especially to refrain from taking in the first trimester. Not suitable for lactating mothers.
Extremely cautiously, and only by the prescription of a doctor, a remedy is prescribed for people with thyroid disease. Especially if hyperthyroidism is diagnosed.
Do not forget that the drug contains lactose. Therefore, it may not be suitable for certain categories of people. Individuals with rare hereditary galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome should not take the medicine.
Side effects
Some people may experience unpleasant symptoms. Possible side effects can be classified as follows:
- Allergic manifestations. Urticaria, itching, skin rashes, angioedema.
- Digestive system. Bitterness, dry mouth, tongue turns yellow, swelling of the oral mucosa, hypersalivation, vomiting, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, pain, bloating.
- Respiratory system. Irritated throat, shortness of breath.
Sometimes, extremely rarely, dizziness, weakness, headache, and spasmodic blood pressure were observed.
Analogues of the drug
Various reasons may underlie the need to replace the tool with another. The question arises - does the Amizon preparation have analogues? And what?
Like any drug, this drug has analogues. But remember that the doctor must replace and prescribe the medicine. Self-medication does not always lead to the expected effect.
So, the main analogues of the drug "Amizon" are:
- "Enisamium iodide."
- Flavozide.
- "Mangoherpin."
- "Altabor".
- Engistol.
Consumer Opinions
Often the human body tolerates Amizon well. Reviews of people taking the drug strictly for the intended purpose and in the recommended dosage confirm this.
Some consumers still experience side effects on themselves. According to clinical studies, approximately 6% of people experience unpleasant effects. Often faced with bitterness, heartburn, slight swelling of the mucous membrane.
Analyzing the reviews available on the Amizon preparation, we can conclude that the medicine is indeed quite effective. Many patients, having used the medication once, no longer part with it. People confirm: if medication is started at the first symptoms of an oncoming illness, the disease can be stopped in a short time.