The drug "Urorek." Instructions for use

The medicine "Urorek" refers to the clinical and pharmacological group of drugs used for disorders in urination due to benign type prostatic hyperplasia. The drug is included in the category of alpha1-blockers.

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The drug "Urorek" instruction recommends for benign prostatic hyperplasia .


No medication is prescribed for women and children (up to 18 years old). Contraindications include severe liver and kidney failure. Means "Urorek" instruction does not recommend for intolerance to components. Caution is exercised when prescribed to persons with moderate renal insufficiency.

Dosing method

medicine urek

The drug "Urorek" instruction recommends eight milligrams once a day. The medication is taken with food. It is advisable to drink the medicine at one time. Capsules should not be crushed or chewed. Washed down with water in the required volume. In moderate renal failure, the initial dose (in the first week) is four milligrams per day. With satisfactory tolerance of the Urorek agent, the instruction allows a dose increase of up to 8 mg.

Side effects

A medicine can provoke disorders in the central nervous system. In particular, dizziness and pain in the head may occur during treatment. The drug causes orthostatic type hypertension, nasal congestion and other respiratory disorders. Frequent adverse effects are dyspeptic reactions, diarrhea, dry mouth, and nausea.

urek instruction

The drug "Urorek." Instruction Additional Information

With an overdose, compensatory tachycardia, a decrease in pressure of a pronounced nature, are noted. In case of poisoning, ordinary measures are taken to eliminate it. In particular, gastric lavage, the use of osmotic laxative and activated charcoal are indicated. Recommended symptomatic treatment aimed at increasing the BCC, vasoconstrictor medications are prescribed. During therapy, renal function is monitored. Due to the intense binding of the drug to plasma proteins, dialysis is ineffective. If there are signs of orthostatic type hypotension (weakness or dizziness), the patient should lie down or sit down. In this position, the patient should remain until the symptoms disappear completely. Due to the fact that the tumor and benign hyperplasia in the prostate are similar in symptoms, before starting therapy, you need to undergo all the necessary diagnostic procedures to differentiate the diagnosis. Against the background of taking the drug, a decrease in the volume of produced seminal fluid may be observed. This can affect male fertility. After discontinuation of therapy, this effect disappears. Strengthening orthostatic hypotension can be noted with the combined use of the drug with antihypertensive drugs (diuretics, calcium antagonists, beta-blockers and others). The drug "Urorek", the price of which is up to 500 rubles, should be taken only after visiting a doctor.

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